
Lettuce is considered one of the first green salads in agriculture. Its conscious cultivation lasts for about two thousand years and is wildly popular not only among agronomists, but also among ordinary citizens. Varieties of lettuce differ in leaf size, density, structure, taste, and response to high temperatures. They have one thing in common – the need for careful and careful handling. If the salad is not properly torn/cut/rinsed/dry/stored, it will instantly wither.

One of the most popular types of lettuce is romaine. This is a product with a bright and memorable bitterness, which is a relative rarity among salads. Romaine is added to salad mixes, stewed like cabbage, fried in a pan, added to soups and main dishes. What is an ingredient and what might be of interest to a modern consumer?

General product characteristics

Lettuce (Lactūca sātiva) is an annual herbaceous plant from the genus Lettuce, the Astrov family.

Brief etymological note. The genus name comes from the Latin word “lac”, which means “milk”. How are lettuce and milk related? The plant contains milky juice, which is noticeable when the stem or leaves are damaged. From the analogy of juice with traditional milk, the name “lettuce” arose. Valid names for lettuce are kos, roman, romano.

Biological Description

There are two types of sowing letuk: sheet and head. Leaf lettuce does not form a head, and leaves of the head form a shoot of different density. Romain does not belong to the second or the first type, but occupies an intermediate position. The leaves of romen form a dense rosette, but as they approach the top they begin to branch out and become similar to an open flower.

Rosette – a specific arrangement of leaves, in which they are so close to each other that it gives the impression of their integrity.

First, the plant develops a rosette of massive basal leaves, and only after them the stem is formed. It is full, strongly branched, flowering. The average height of the stem can vary from 60 to 120 centimeters. Sheets are painted in a special palette of yellow-green tones, red forms much less often. Romain leaves are large, slightly corrugated, whole. They branch out from the massive runaway and, when required, are easily separated from the base. Sheets have to literally tear off from the head for further use in gastronomic purposes.

Romaine is a cold-resistant plant. Lettuce easily withstands temperatures from -3 to -5°C. The vegetable prefers an abundance of moisture and sunlight – under such conditions, one should expect the fastest germination and a rich harvest.

Useful Properties

Romaine is known for its minimal nutritional value of just 17 kcal/100 grams of raw lettuce. At the same time, the product contains an impressive set of nutrients – vitamins A, K and group B, nutrients – calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc. The food ingredient not only promotes rapid satiety, but also stimulates the production of vital hormones, strengthens the bone / muscle system, helps fight depression and harmonizes men’s health.

The benefits of food are in:

  • protection of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of water-salt balance / blood pressure / hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • reduction of salt deposits;
  • promote easy natural weight loss;
  • saturating the body with beneficial vitamins, micro and macro elements;
  • acceleration of the digestive and metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a feeling of lightness after eating leafy food.

Detoxification of the body

All leafy greens are a source of vital vitamins and minerals. Among them are folic and ascorbic acids, calcium, potassium, copper, iron and others. These nutrients are responsible for detoxification. What does it mean? In the process of life, toxins accumulate in our body, and efficiency and productivity decrease. A person needs periodic reboots to update the operation of all systems and continue to enjoy life. Such a reboot is a detox. The gastrointestinal tract restarts, metabolic processes become more frequent, and the body feels the desired lightness and harmony. Moreover, leafy greens regulate the concentration of cortisol, a hormone that is released during stress and depression. Romain, literally, is able to radically change the mood and well-being. Additional benefits of consuming leafy greens include reduced sugar cravings and improved blood flow to the brain.

Fiber saturation

Fiber is the coarse part of the plant that our body cannot digest and assimilate. It is the indigestibility of the component that determines its benefits. There are only two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. Romaine concentrates insoluble fiber. It promotes the rapid and efficient movement of food through the esophagus. The component frees the body from toxins, toxins and contributes to the normalization of stool. The substance is found in most green vegetables and bran. Soluble fiber is concentrated in legumes, fruits, nuts, and seeds. After entering the body, it turns into a dense gel that envelops the mucous walls of the organs. This gel prevents a number of diseases: diabetes mellitus, heart / vascular pathologies, obesity, cancer. Also, the substances act as a top dressing for the “good” bacteria of the human microbiome.

The daily rate of fiber for an adult healthy person ranges from 30 to 50 grams.

What else is useful component:

  1. Monitoring blood glucose. Fiber slows down the process of splitting food. The more gradually food enters the bloodstream, the lower the risk of sudden surges in glucose.
  2. Reducing the level of “harmful” cholesterol, which is a kind of prevention of heart disease.
  3. Normalization of the chair.
  4. Long-term feeling of satiety, thus avoiding overeating.
  5. Gradual cleansing of the skin “from the inside.” Cellulose stabilizes the body’s microflora and, thereby, helps the skin to shine.
  6. Reducing the risk of bowel cancer and breast cancer. The component affects not only the internal microflora, but also the hormonal background. Moreover, fiber is involved in the vital chemical processes of the body.

Chemical composition

Energy value (per 100 grams of raw vegetable)
Caloric value17 kCal
Proteins1,23 g
Fats0,3 g
Carbohydrates1,19 g
Alimentary fiber2,1 g
Water94,61 g
Alcohol0 g
Cholesterol0 g
Ash0,58 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of raw vegetables)
Retinol (A)8,71
Beta Carotene (A)5,226
Tocopherol (E)0,13
Fillohinon (K)0,1025
Ascorbic acid (C)4
Thiamine (B1)0,07
Riboflavin (B2)0,07
Choline (B4)9,9
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,14
Pyridoxine (B6)0,07
Folic acid (B9)0,136
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,48
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw vegetable)
Potassium (K)247
Calcium (Ca)33
Magnesium (Mg)14
Sodium (Na)8
Phosphorus (P)30
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)0,97
Manganese (Mn)0,16
Copper (Cu)0,05
Selenium (Se)0,004
Zinc (Zn)0,23

Use of the ingredient in cooking

That crisp romance is ideal for making Caesar salad.

Romaine is often used in all kinds of dishes – from soups to regular salad mixes. The product has a delicate nutty flavor and a subtle bitterness, which distinguishes it from other leafy greens. The component is best combined with sauces based on cream, yogurt or garlic. Richly spiced romaine is a real gastronomic pleasure and a kind of explosion for the taste buds. Romaine can be used to prepare vitamin refreshing smoothies, first courses, juices, meat / fish dishes.

After heat treatment, romen is almost impossible to distinguish from asparagus.

The main nuance of preparation is thorough washing. The surface of romaine leaves has small grooves that dirt can clog into. Feeling the dust crumbs on your teeth is not the most pleasant feeling, so rinse the sheet thoroughly before serving.

Features of growing lettuce at home

Salad is considered to be an absolute record holder in the rate of ripening among other vegetable crops. The cultivation of romance in the post-Soviet space began relatively recently. The plant differs from other types of lettuce in such parameters:

  • a short growing season, which averages 63-68 days and allows you to grow Romain at any time of the year;
  • long shelf life – up to 28 days in the vegetable chamber of a conventional refrigerator;
  • possibility of growing in a seedless way;
  • resistance to bolting, diseases and pests;
  • possibility of collecting two harvests from one crop;
  • special taste palette and high-quality chemical composition;
  • the possibility of absolute mechanization of the process of growing romen.

The disadvantages and difficulties of cultivating a plant include the exactingness of soil and air moisture. The root system is located in the upper soil layer, so the quality of the crop and the direct growth of lettuce depend on the moisture index. Lack of moisture also affects the taste – it becomes excessively rancid and unfit for consumption. In general, growing romaine does not require much effort, and the technology itself is no different from planting a regular plant.

Rules for the purchase and storage of the product

The main and quite obvious rule is that the salad should be fresh. Carefully inspect the vegetable for tears, damage, slime, dark dirty spots or putrid areas. If you find at least one of the listed items on romaine, choose another head of cabbage.

Give preference to compact and strong vegetables with a symmetrical shape. The head should not be too hard. Excessive bitterness is concentrated in a dense head of cabbage and leaves – it is impossible to eat such a salad without wrinkling once.

The place of purchase (supermarket / market) does not matter. It is better that the product is labeled “organic”. This will save the consumer from worrying about the possible presence of harmful chemicals. The best way to determine the quality of a salad is your sense of smell. Romaine should exude a summery juicy aroma that cannot be confused with anything else.

It is best to buy Romain in small buckets filled with liquid. This is a kind of guarantee of quality and taste of the product.

Romain easily carries transportation, so storage does not require much effort. Before putting lettuce leaves in the fridge, rinse and dry them thoroughly. For storage, select the warmest place in the refrigerator. Excessively low temperature may contribute to the rapid withering and change the taste palette. Shelf life is about 4 weeks.

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