Romanesco cabbage is an exotic vegetable in domestic gardens. It fascinates with its unique shape and amazes with useful properties. In today’s article, we will talk about the taste of a vegetable, and also describe the process of growing it on a personal plot.
The History of Romanesco Cabbage
Italy is the birthplace of Romanesco cabbage. Historians claim that this vegetable was grown even in the Roman Empire. Basically, Romanesco is a hybrid form of broccoli and cauliflower.

The plant has a fractal shape. As for the description, outwardly it looks like a flower from a fairy tale or an extinct mollusk. Some scientists are inclined to believe that a certain genetic code is embedded in cabbage.
Romanesco is also known as Romanesco broccoli and coral cabbage.
Botanical description and characteristics of the vegetable
The cabbage we are considering is an annual, belongs to the Cruciferous family. The size of the vegetable depends on the care and soil. In special cases, the height of the plant reaches a meter, and the inflorescences weigh about 500 g. You can also eat small inflorescences, the width of which does not exceed 10 cm.
Composition and calorie content
This variety contains a large amount of vitamins A and C. Romanesco is also rich in zinc, fiber and antioxidants. The vegetable can be consumed by women who are watching their figure, since 100 g of cabbage contains only 25 kcal.
Useful Properties
Romanesco has a beneficial effect on taste buds, thins the blood, strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels. The composition of the plant includes isocyanates, which prevent the occurrence of tumors.
The vegetable is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Thus, constipation, hemorrhoids and dyspeptic disorders can be avoided. The plant normalizes the microflora in the intestines, and also prevents fermentation and decay. Regular consumption of vegetables reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
Hazardous properties and possible harm
Despite the fact that Romanesco does not cause allergies, cabbage causes the following concerns:
- bloating and dyspepsia;
- enhances the processes of gas formation;
- should not be used by people with cardiological ailments and thyroid diseases;
- digestive problems.
Video “Romanesco cabbage – a dietary vegetable”
This video talks about the features and useful properties of the culture.
Common varieties
This Italian vegetable loves warmth, so it grows in European countries with a temperate climate. In Our Country, it became known only at the end of the last century. Cabbage takes root well in the central and southern parts of the country.
Planting romanesco cabbage
This plant is incredibly capricious, so the slightest mistake in cultivation can nullify all efforts.
Preparation of seedlings
Due to the climatic features of the regions, it is necessary to grow Romanesco cabbage in seedlings. In the southern part of the country, it can be planted directly into the ground.
The variety does not grow well in soil with high acidity. You can prepare such soil by adding wood ash.
In order for the seedlings to grow up by the time they are planted in the soil, the seeds must be sown two months before this moment. Prepare a small box of soil. Two seeds are sown in one hole, and the distance between them should be more than 3 cm. It is important to observe a distance of 4 cm between rows.
After sowing the seeds, place the box in a warm, well-lit area. When the first shoots appear, the temperature regime can be reduced to 10 ° C.

Planting seedlings in the ground
You can plant seedlings in open ground after the air temperature outside rises to 12 ° C. The beds are prepared in advance – fertilizers, manure or compost are placed in them. The site must be dug up so that spores of diseases and harmful insects freeze out in winter. You can plant seedlings in areas where potatoes, onions, and cucumbers used to grow.
First, prepare the holes, the distance between which should be 50 cm. The distance between the rows should be greater so that you can walk freely. The soil is watered with boiling water or a solution of manganese. Seedlings should be placed in the ground carefully so as not to harm the roots. The ground around the seedlings is watered so that the roots adhere to the soil.
Further care of the culture
Culture care is standard. It needs to be watered vigorously to prevent the soil from drying out. Be sure to loosen the soil after each watering and removing weeds. The plant needs to be fertilized regularly. If you prefer organic, go for chicken manure or mullein. From mineral fertilizers, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride are suitable. Top dressing should be carried out three times during the entire growth cycle.
This variety suffers from the same pests and ailments as ordinary cabbage. Monitor the condition of the plant in order to detect trouble in time.
If you plant plants such as dill or mint between the rows of cabbage, you can forget about pests, as the smell of these plants repels them.
Author’s advice
Harvesting and storage of crops
Full maturation of the plant occurs in September. The fruit is small when compared with the parameters of the whole plant. The heads are cut in the morning until the sun heats them up. Do not overexpose the fruit, as the plant may rot or dry out.

Store vegetables in the refrigerator. But do not forget that they quickly lose color and usefulness, and then begin to rot. Therefore, it is advisable to eat cabbage immediately after harvest. If you want to keep the fruits for a long time, put them in the freezer. On sale, such a vegetable can be purchased fresh, frozen or canned.
The use of vegetables in cooking
You can cook this vegetable according to the same recipes that are applicable for broccoli. This is due to the similar consumer properties of varieties. Romanesco is fried, canned, baked and boiled. Compared to broccoli, this variety has a delicate, creamy flavor, and its texture is softer.
As you can see, this useful vegetable can be grown on your site. Do not forget about its whimsicality and devote enough time to caring for cabbage to enjoy its original taste.