General description
Romanesco broccoli (Italian romanesco – roman cabbage) – is the result of breeding experiments on crossing cauliflower and broccoli. The plant is an annual, thermophilic, requires alkaline feeding and moderate watering. Only the head of cabbage is used for food, which consists of light green inflorescences in the form of a fractal spiral.
Moreover, each bud, consists of similar buds, forming a spiral. Romanesco broccoli is a dietary and easily digestible product. According to the preserved historical documents, Romanesco broccoli was first cultivated in the territories near Rome in the 16th century. It gained worldwide popularity only after the 90s. 20 Art.
Maturation, collection and storage of Romanesco
The vegetable ripens by the beginning of autumn. Compared to the size of the entire plant, the fruit is quite small. It is best to cut off the finished heads in the morning, while the sun has not warmed up the plant. It is also not recommended to overexpose the fruits on the root – this can lead to decay or dry out of the inflorescences.
Romanesco broccoli, after collecting and storing in the refrigerator, quickly loses its nutrients and begins to deteriorate. However, when deep frozen, cabbage remains full of vitamins for a year. In retail sales, Romanesco cabbage can be found fresh and canned.
Calorie content

Romanesco Low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 25 kcal. The consumption of this broccoli does not cause obesity. Nutritional value per 100 grams: Proteins, 0.4 g Fats, 2.9 g Carbohydrates, 6.5 g Ash, 0.9 g Water, 89 g Calorie content, 25 kcal
Composition and presence of nutrients
This type of cabbage is rich in vitamins (C, K, A), trace elements (zinc), fiber, carotenoids and antioxidants. The introduction of this type of broccoli into the diet helps to restore the sensitivity of taste buds and get rid of the metallic taste. Thanks to vitamins, Romanesco broccoli improves the elasticity of blood vessels, makes them stronger, and also thinns the blood.
The isocyanates present in the composition help fight cancer and other neoplasms. Fiber of Romanesco broccoli improves the motility of the large intestine, allowing you to get rid of the symptoms of malfunctioning: constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. Also in the intestine, the composition of the beneficial microflora is normalized, the processes of fermentation and decay are stopped.
Eating Romanesco broccoli reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by removing excess cholesterol, toxins and toxins. In cooking, Romanesco broccoli is very close to broccoli in its consumer properties. It is fried, boiled, baked, used in salads and in sauces, and is cooked in many parts of the world to recipes similar to broccoli. D
The main difference between Romanesco broccoli and broccoli or cauliflower is its creamy nutty taste without bitterness, the texture is also more delicate.
Useful properties of Romanesco broccoli

Romanesco broccoli, due to its vitamin composition, is an ideal beauty product. Low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. All this contributes to the natural cleansing of the body, makes the skin glowing, and the hair – thick and strong. The mineral composition of Romanesco is also impressive – iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium.
The vegetable contains rare minerals – fluoride and selenium and can be recommended to anyone who wants to maintain healthy teeth, the integrity of tooth enamel. Selenium is able to protect our body from tumors, promotes the absorption of dietary antioxidants. It is part of the cartilage tissue and is important for joint health. Influences hormonal balance, promotes the work of skeletal and smooth muscles. Romanesco, like other sources of folic acid, is recommended when planning pregnancy and, if tolerated normally, for nutrition during gestation.
Growing Romanesco broccoli

The plant is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, therefore, in extreme conditions for it, it may not tie its heads. Cabbage may not form an inflorescence even if the sowing time is wrong. As practice shows, the tying of the heads occurs during a period with a not very high temperature (up to 18 ° C). Therefore, the seeds of the later varieties of cauliflower must be sown in such a way that the formation of the inflorescence occurs, for example, in September, when the nights are already getting cold. Of course, the head will form much more slowly, but it will grow larger. Romanesco broccoli may not tie heads if you do not observe the correct temperature regime, soil moisture when growing seedlings.
Romanesco and Brussels sprouts appetizer with mustard oil and capers

- Garlic 2 cloves
- Sea salt to taste
- Butter 6 tablespoons
- Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons
- Capers ¼ glass
- Lemon 1 piece
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Marjoram 3 tablespoons
- Brussels sprouts 450 g
- Cauliflower 230 g
- Romanesco broccoli 230 g
- In a mortar, grind the garlic with a little salt to a paste. Transfer to a bowl and combine with softened butter, mustard, capers, lemon zest and marjoram. Pepper to taste.
- Cut the bottom off the cabbage heads and, depending on the size, cut in half or 4 pieces.
- In a large saucepan, bring salted water to a boil. Add the Brussels sprouts and cook for 3 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and cook until tender for another 5 minutes. Drain and shake off excess liquid.
- Transfer to mustard oil, salt and pepper and mix well.