Roman Trakhtenberg: biography, interesting facts

😉 Hello everyone! Everyone treats this person differently, but, most importantly, no one is indifferent. The article “Roman Trakhtenberg: biography and cause of death” is about the life of a TV presenter, radio host, actor, showman, and writer.

Friends, how I miss Trachtenberg! You understand this when you get used to a person, and then he suddenly leaves life.

Imagine, for almost a year, every day I listened to Roman on the Mayak radio in the Trakhty-Barakhty Show with co-host Elena Batinova. I enjoyed his naturalness, optimism, resourcefulness, humor, positivity, originality.

Roman Trakhtenberg and his history

Roman Lvovich Gorbunov (Trakhtenberg is a creative pseudonym). Born September 28, 1968 (zodiac sign – Libra). Date of death: November 20, 2009 (41 years old). Father – Lev Glebovich Gorbunov, mother – Tatyana Lvovna, dentist. Wife: Vera Moroz. Children: Sergey, Lev-David.

Roman Trakhtenberg: biography, interesting facts

He was a very cheerful, bright and talented person. Each broadcast with his participation was a holiday for the soul! Remember, his greeting: “Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and sirichs, boys and girls – hello!”

Last broadcast

I remember very well this last program on November 20, 2009 … Trakhtenberg became ill during the broadcast on Mayak radio. Doctors were called for the host, but they could not save him – he died in an ambulance. At home that evening I sobbed. My virtual friend has passed away! The Lighthouse faded noticeably without Trakhtenberg.

According to the forensic experts, the detected heart anomaly could have been the reason (at the request of the director of the film, he needed to lose weight within six months, and Roman lost as much as 1,5 kg in just 32 months).

Talent to make people laugh

Roman was born in Leningrad, in an intelligent Jewish family. The real name is Gorbunov. Roman’s parents divorced when he was about a year old, and subsequently he used the surname of his stepfather Trakhtenberg as a creative pseudonym.

In the second grade he entered the ballet school, where he studied for two years. Then he sang in the children’s choir of the Leningrad radio and television, along the way he studied at the theater of youth creativity. After ten years, he entered the Leningrad University at the Faculty of Philology, but dropped out of his studies and joined the army.

After the army, he did not return to Leningrad State University, and in 1987 he entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya at the faculty of directing theatrical forms of leisure. Candidate of Cultural Sciences.

In 2000-2004 – the host of the author’s program on “Europe Plus”, in 2003-2006 – the host of the author’s programs “Money Doesn’t Smell”, “Next” on “Muz-TV”, since 2005 – the host of the author’s program on “Russian Radio ”.

In addition, from 2003 to 2008 – owned “Trachtenberg – cafe”, where he arranged his own shows. Since 2008, he has hosted the Trakhty-Barakhty Show with Elena Batinova on Mayak radio.

Roma did not hide that he loves money. In general, he was a good businessman. In his youth, he was one of the first in the country to start working as a “shuttle”. And successfully. But he dropped everything at the peak of material success, because he thought: for some reason he came into this world?

For some reason, God awarded him such a strange talent – to make people laugh. He understood that the stage would never give as much money as the business, and yet he went to the artists. Can we say that he lived for money?

Roman Lvovich was buried on November 24, 2009 according to the Jewish ritual in the Jewish section of the cemetery in memory of the victims of January XNUMX in St. Petersburg.

He starred in films:

“Generation P” (2009), “Traffic cops” (TV series, 2008), “The path of the male” (TV series, 2008), “Guest performer” (2007), “Somersault house” (2007), “Three on top” (TV series, 2006 ), “Happy Together” (TV series, 2006), “Fight without rules” (2005), “Game without rules” (2004), “Lines of fate” (2003), “Russian special forces” (2003).


Trachtenberg was the author of numerous thematic collections of anecdotes, and also wrote three books (“The Way of the Male”, “Do you want to become a star?”, “Tourist”).

“The Way of the Male” is a shrill male revelation. Calmly, without hysterics and any tediousness. Yes, that’s right. A man and a woman should always play by the rules, be able to honestly place chess pieces, and not hit their partner on the head with a chessboard.

Otherwise, a game without rules starts and for many it ends too badly. I am amazed by the author’s lovingness, as well as his touching attitude towards his wife.

The book is written competently, without any husk and empty demagoguery. Any episode is described clearly, concisely and a certain conclusion is drawn, without unnecessary details.

“The path of the male”:

  • “The most interesting things in a man’s life happen in the intervals between when he left work and when he came home.”
  • “Loyalty is what a woman is given gifts for. You are sure that this is your woman, that she will remove anyone and will not sell. She is devoted to you, and nothing is pity for that. “

At the end of the book, I want to punch the author in the head and just because he took it and left … Why did you do that? Poor Roma …

Roman Trakhtenberg: biography (video)

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