Roman Milovanov: “Let’s talk about animals”

There are at least XNUMX “concentration camp” trucks on the world’s roads today. We created them, humans. Inside the machines are frightened, alive and innocent creatures. These trucks are going to the slaughterhouses. Slaughterhouses.   An abattoir is a slaughterhouse for livestock. Do you really think there is a “humane slaughter”? Every year we slaughter fifty billion land animals and ninety billion aquatic animals without mercy. And this is not for the sake of health, survival or self-defense. Let’s talk about the forgotten victims of this world – animals. And also about the oldest addiction of people – meat. “Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you.” But animals are “other” too! There is one thing that should be common to all of us. This is Peace. Genuine compassion and peace with our neighbors on the planet. A conversation on this topic is in Roman Milovanov’s video message “Meat. The whole truth to survive.” 

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