- Muscle group: Quadriceps
- Additional muscles: Abductor, Adductor, Thighs, Calves, Buttocks
- Type of exercise: Cardio
- Equipment: Other
- Level of difficulty: Medium

The skating — technique exercises:
- The roller skating is a pleasant activity, which helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase muscular endurance. Also beneficial for the development of balance and coordination. To start a long training is necessary to work out the basics – turns and braking. Don’t forget to use helmet to protect against injury during a fall.
- You can ride at an average pace for 30 minutes, or increasing your cardio, doing a five-minute jog, rolling two minutes with a maximum speed of relaxing in unhurried pace the remaining three minutes. A person weighing 70 kg will lose 175 calories during a 30-minute workout at a slow pace.
exercises for the legs exercises for quadriceps
- Muscle group: Quadriceps
- Additional muscles: Abductor, Adductor, Thighs, Calves, Buttocks
- Type of exercise: Cardio
- Equipment: Other
- Level of difficulty: Medium