
Demanding the fulfillment of certain social roles, presenting certain expectations, some people control others.

By changing the role, we change the personality and manage the behavior

By changing our own and someone else’s personal role, we change the entire motivational situation as a whole.

You are talented, you can do it. Please connect your computer!

Everything, the guy goes and works. What drove him to this? The flattering role of the TALENTED. Obviously, this is a local specification of a more general formula: «You are a real man, you can do it!» According to the situation, real men can and should take out the trash, go to the store, wash the dishes, conclude a profitable contract, accomplish a feat, etc. And those who remember this remind those who know it in time. To make them all do it. See →

Pygmalion effect

20% of students randomly selected from 18 different grades were described to teachers as having unusually high potential for academic achievement. Elementary students who had high teacher expectations found significant gains in overall IQs and reasoning IQs compared to other students in their school. See →

The distribution of social roles in animals

Rats never all swim together in search of food, they have a rigid distribution of roles: two exploited swimmers, two exploiters who did not swim, one independent swimmer and one non-swimming scapegoat. This separation occurs all the time, in any rat and in any group size. See →

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