
Rye beer comes from Bavaria, enjoys very moderate popularity. Belongs to the category of wheat beer, since pure rye is practically unsuitable for the production of a foamy drink, at least 30% of wheat malt is necessarily present in the grist.

Roggenbier has a recognizable rich taste and dense body, rye notes, fruity esters are felt in the aroma, hops are manifested by tones of herbs, flowers and spices. Bread profile dominates on the palate, light malt sweetness can be felt in the background, balanced by hop bitterness. Dry finish, bitter aftertaste.

The color of the style is always reddish to varying degrees of intensity, the beer is not transparent, it forms a rich and dense foam in the glass.

The drink leaves a creamy sensation in the mouth, thanks to the high carbonation it tingles the tongue. Roggenbier is made on the basis of rye and wheat malt with minor additions of other varieties (at the discretion of the manufacturer), Saaz hops.

It is closest to Dunkelweizen in taste and other characteristics, but can be more hoppy and less yeasty.


Strength: 4.5-6.0%.

Density: initial 1.046-1.056, final 1.010-1.014.

Bitterness Index: 10-20 IBU.

Color: 14-19 SRM.

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