Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever – How Does It Get Infected? Symptoms and treatment of spotted fever

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Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a tick disease that occurs primarily in the United States. It is rarely found in Poland. The pathogenic microorganism responsible for the disease is Rickettsia ricketsii, which is transmitted by wood, canine and other ticks. The incubation period is from a few days to two weeks.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever – characteristics

Rocky Mountain spotted fever belongs to rickettsiae, or acute fever caused by rickettsiae, which are species of bacteria. Most often, fever is recorded in dogs (including humans) and is transmitted by ticks. The bacteria that causes the Spotty fever is Rickettsia rickettsiiwhich, as a result of a tick bite, enters the endothelial cells as well as venous and arterial vessels, destroying them. The prevalence of spotted fever has been observed in the United States (since the 20s). It is most common in the states of Oklahoma, North Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee and Akansas. The German Shepherd and Springer Spaniels are the most susceptible to the disease. The course of the fever can be fatal.

Classification of acute febrile diseases depending on epidemiology and etiology:

  1. rash disease,
  2. spotted fever, i.e. Mediterranean fever, Rocky Mountain fever, North Asian fever, typhoid and scrub fever, Rickettsial pox.

How does Rocky Mountain spotted fever come about?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is carried by ticks of the species Dermacentor. A tick bite, and thus infection, occurs throughout the year, although the season of illness falls in the spring-summer period (the highest peak in June and July). However, the occurrence differs in individual regions of the country, due to the prevailing climate and strain vectors. For example, in Arizona, the highest incidence is recorded between April and October. People who often come into contact with dogs or live near wooded areas or areas with tall grass are also at risk of contracting the disease.

Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, headaches and muscle aches. Between the 3rd and 5th day of the disease, it appears in most people skin rashas pale red spots associated with a haemorrhagic reaction. The rash begins around the wrists and ankles and spreads to the trunk and limbs within a few hours. The rash is non-itchy and occurs in 90% of patients. In addition, it is observed in infected people stomach painwhich may be similar to appendicitis pain and lack of appetite i nausea and vomiting.

Diagnostyka i leczenie gorączki plamistej Gór Skalistych

W rozpoznaniu choroby istotne znaczenie ma rozmowa z pacjentem oraz badania laboratoryjne. Zazwyczaj wykonuje się:

  1. PCR test, allows you to find the DNA of rickettsia,
  2. immunofluorescence test, ELISA, Western blot – serological test looking for specific antibodies,
  3. cell culture.

The treatment involves antibiotic therapy, during which patients take doxycillin, chloramphenicol or ciprofloxacin. It should be implemented within five days of the onset of symptoms.

How can I prevent Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

The following actions are important in prevention.

1. Systematic use of preparations that protect against ticks. They are available as drops, spray or liquid. It is worth asking the opinion of a veterinarian in this matter, who will best advise what agent is suitable for our pet and how it should be used.

2. Carefully inspect the pet’s fur to remove ticks. If you can – remove the tick yourself, remembering to do it correctly. It is contraindicated to lubricate the tick’s injection sites with butter and pour water over it, as this may cause the insect to inject its own infected blood into the animal’s body. Ticks should be removed using a special tweezer by twisting it counterclockwise.

3. Avoiding tick locations.

4. Before the planned walk to the forest it is important to put on clothes with long sleeves and legs.

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