Rochefort grapes

Rochefort grapes were bred in 2002 by E.G. Pavlovsky. This variety was obtained in a complex way: pollination of Muscat Talisman with pollen from Cardinal grapes. Although Rochefort is a new variety, its unpretentiousness and taste contribute to its spread in Our Country.

Characteristics of a variety

A detailed description of the Rochefort variety is as follows:

  • cone-shaped bunch;
  • bunch weight from 0,5 to 1 kg;
  • oval shape of the fruit;
  • berry size 2,6×2,8 cm;
  • weight of berries from 10 to 13 g;
  • fruit color from reddish to black;
  • frost resistance down to -21°C.
Important! The color of the grapes depends on the degree of ripeness. Overripe berries are black in color.

You can evaluate the external characteristics of the Rochefort variety from the photo:

Rochefort grapes

The grape vine reaches 135 cm. The ripening of the berries occurs along the entire length of the vine. Clusters and fruits are quite large.

The fruits of Rochefort grapes have the following indicators:

  • sugar content 14-18%;
  • acidity 4-7%.

Due to such indicators, the Rochefort variety is considered a reference in winemaking. Fruits differ in harmonious taste and aroma of a nutmeg. The pulp is quite fleshy, the skin is dense and crispy. Ripe black bunches can be left on the vine, with time their taste only improves.

Productivity of the variety

Rochefort is an early ripening variety, its growing season lasts 110-120 days. Grapes begin to bloom in early summer, so the bush is not subject to spring cold snaps.

Rochefort grapes

Rochefort grapes have average yield characteristics. From one bush harvested from 4 to 6 kg of grapes. With proper care and favorable weather conditions, this figure can reach 10 kg. The variety is self-pollinating, which has a positive effect on productivity.

Planting and care

You can get a high yield of Rochefort grapes if you follow the rules for planting and caring for the bushes. Grapes are planted in sunny places, a hole is prepared under the bush. Further care includes watering, mulching, vineyard pruning, treatment for diseases and pests.

Rules of landing

Grapes are not particularly picky about the composition of the soil. However, on sandy soil and in the absence of top dressing, the number of shoots is reduced. The height of the plant also decreases.

Rochefort grapes

Rochefort grapes prefer sunny areas; when planted next to buildings, they choose the south or south-west side. Grapes require protection from the wind, so there should be no drafts at the landing site.

Advice! Under the vineyard, the depth of groundwater should be 2 m.

Autumn planting takes place in mid-October. In order for the plant to endure the winter cold, it needs additional shelter.

In spring, when warming, you can plant seedlings saved from autumn. Cuttings can be grafted onto dormant rootstocks. If the Rochefort seedling has already released green shoots, then it is planted only when the soil is finally warmed up and a stable temperature is set.

Rochefort grapes

A few weeks before planting Rochefort seedlings, a hole is formed 80 cm deep. A layer of fertile soil and 2 buckets of organic fertilizer are poured onto the bottom, which are again covered with earth.

A grape seedling is carefully placed in the soil, covered with earth and a support is placed. Then you need to water the plant with warm water. This method of planting is very effective for the Rochefort variety, as the seedlings take root quickly.

Watering and mulching

Grapes require abundant watering during the growing season and the appearance of the ovary. After planting, a hole is formed in the soil with a depth of up to 25 cm and a diameter of 30 cm. At first, it is recommended to irrigate within it.

Advice! For one bush of the Rochefort variety, 5 liters of water are required.

Rochefort grapes

Immediately after planting, the grapes are watered every week. After a month, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. In dry climates, more frequent watering is allowed. In August, the grapes are also not watered, which improves fruit ripening.

The grapes experience the greatest need for watering when buds open, after flowering is completed and during the period of active fruit ripening. During flowering, Rochefort does not need to be watered to avoid shedding of inflorescences.

Mulching helps to retain moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth. Straw or sawdust is used as mulch. Mulching will be beneficial in the southern regions, while in other climates the root system will be more likely to cool.

Grapes pruning

Rochefort pruning is done in autumn and spring. The maximum load on the bush is 35 buds.

Rochefort grapes

Up to 6-8 eyes are left on each shoot. In autumn, the grapes are pruned until the first frost, after which they cover it for the winter.

In spring, work is carried out with warming up to + 5 ° C, until sap flow begins. Shoots that have frozen out during the winter are subject to removal.

Disease protection

The Rochefort grape variety is characterized by medium resistance to fungal diseases. One of the most common lesions that covers the bush is powdery mildew. Its fungus penetrates the leaf plate of the grape and feeds on the juice of its cells.

Important! Powdery mildew is determined by dry bloom on the leaves.

The disease spreads rapidly and covers inflorescences and stems. Therefore, measures must be taken immediately to combat powdery mildew.

Rochefort grapes

Spores of the disease actively develop at high humidity. As a result, grapes lose fruits, inflorescences and leaves. When affected during the fruiting period, the berries crack and rot.

An effective remedy for powdery mildew is sulfur, the compounds of which destroy the fungus. Spraying of Rochefort grapes is carried out in the morning or evening every 20 days.

To get rid of the disease, 10 g of sulfur are diluted per 100 liters of water. For the purpose of prevention, a composition is prepared on the basis of 30 g of this substance.

Advice! Any treatment with chemicals is prohibited during the ripening period of the bunch.

For preventive purposes, grapes are treated with fungicides (Ridomil, Vectra, copper and iron vitriol, Bordeaux liquid). Purchased funds are diluted with water strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Rochefort grapes

Protection against pests

The variety Rochefort is distinguished by its susceptibility to phylloxera. This is a small insect that feeds on the roots, leaves and shoots of plants. The size of phylloxera larvae is 0,5 mm, the adult reaches 1 mm.

When the air warms up to +1°C, the phylloxera life cycle begins, which lasts until late autumn. As a result, the root system of grapes suffers, which leads to the death of the bush.

You can identify the pest by the presence of tubercles and other formations on the roots. The infected vineyard is not subject to treatment and is completely destroyed. For the next 10 years, it is forbidden to plant grapes in its place.

Therefore, when growing Rochefort grapes, increased attention is paid to preventive measures.

Advice! Before planting, purchased seedlings are soaked for 4 hours in Regent’s solution.

Rochefort grapes

Parsley can be planted between rows of Rochefort grapes. According to the observations of growers, this plant repels phylloxera.

For prevention, grapes are sprayed with fungicides after the appearance of 3 leaves on the shoots. You can use the means of Aktara, On the spot, Confidor and others.

Reviews of gardeners

Olga, 56 years old, Kuban
Rochefort is a favorite in our family: it gives a stable large harvest, hangs for a long time, while maintaining its appearance and taste. I bought it after the positive reviews of my neighbors, because I wanted to know its characteristics in more detail. Another plus is that wasps do not damage it. There were also no problems with Rochefort’s diseases. I carry out the treatment four times: with a closed bud, shoot growth, before and after flowering.
Anna, 35 years old, Krasnodar Territory
I have been growing Rochefort for several years and have never regretted my choice. The variety gives a stable harvest, no peas were observed. It takes about 110 days to mature. The weight of bunches is more than 1 kg. The weight of the berries reaches 20 g, the pulp is dense, with a nutmeg flavor. Berries are stored for a long time and have a good appearance.
Ivan, 67 years old, Volgograd
Rochefort on the site is distinguished by a beautiful bunch and color of berries. The fruits resemble a little plum, have a bumpy surface. Grapes are very sweet and contain a lot of sugar. The weight of the bunches is about 800 g. I shoot at the beginning of August, at this time the rest of the grapes are still ripening. I perform two preventive treatments for diseases, so I don’t observe any signs of mildew.


Rochefort grapes

The Rochefort variety is distinguished by its excellent taste, unpretentiousness and average yield. With quality care, you can increase the fruiting of the bush. Be sure to treat the vineyard from diseases and pests.

You can learn about the features of the Rochefort variety from the video:

Grapes Rochefort

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