Rocco potatoes: variety description, characteristics
Late-ripening potatoes “Rocco” are unpretentious to soil and weather conditions, do not require special care. Therefore, summer residents fell in love with this hybrid and are often planted on their plots.
“Rocco”: description of the potato variety
Full maturation of tubers occurs in 120-150 days. They have an even oval shape, each fruit weighs about 150 g. During harvest, the bush gives an average of 12 tubers.
Rocco potatoes are good for making fries
When growing this potato, you need to know some of its features:
- the fruits have a thin pink peel, delicate beige flesh;
- straight potato bush, up to 50 cm high;
- flowers are purple. Sometimes there is no flowering at all throughout the entire ripening period, but this does not affect the formation of tubers;
- gives a bountiful harvest, withstands both dry and rainy weather;
- tolerates transportation well. In a prepared room it can be stored for up to 5 months.
It is widely used in cooking, available in markets and in hypermarkets. Has a pleasant delicate taste.
Characteristics of the “Rocco” variety: features of growing potatoes
The plant will repay with a plentiful and high-quality harvest if you create good conditions for it:
- sandy, sod or loamy soil is ideal for this variety. It is good if it is mixed with humus;
- the acidity of the soil should be neutral. To improve the quality of the crop, organic and mineral fertilizers can be applied;
- watering is carried out 2 times a week. In a dry, hot period, we moisten the soil every other day;
- this potato is resistant to most diseases (nematodes, cancer, Y viruses, wrinkled mosaic), except for late blight. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to carry out prophylaxis with special means;
- before planting, it is also advisable to treat the seeds with a solution of copper sulfate or another solution for the prevention of diseases. Some plants are able to reduce the spread of weeds in the garden beds, such as mustard, clover and lupine. The latter can also protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.
To improve the photosynthesis of plants, we add organic fertilizers and saltpeter to the soil. This will allow them to develop better, including in the formation of tubers.
Rocco is a table variety that is used both in home cooking and on an industrial scale. It does not fall apart and does not darken during heat treatment. One of its areas of application is chips and fries.