Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

Potatoes appeared in Our Country thanks to Peter the Great and since then have been the most popular product. Vegetable growers try to select the most productive varieties for planting in the plots. It is not so easy to do this today, since the variety of the potato tribe is growing every day thanks to the hard work of breeders.

Among the most popular varieties are Rocco potatoes, which will be discussed.

A bit of history

Dutch breeders created the Rocco potato variety. Due to its unique properties, it quickly gained popularity. Today, the vegetable has been grown in many countries of the world for more than two decades.

The s planted Rocco potatoes for the first time in 2002. Currently, it is grown not only in household plots. Engaged in potatoes on an industrial scale, as in this photo. The reason is that the variety has a high yield, it is quickly sold out on the market: approximately 95% of all potatoes grown by farmers.

Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

botanical properties

When choosing a variety, gardeners take into account the characteristics of the vegetable, it is desirable that potatoes:

  • matured quickly;
  • did not get sick;
  • gave a good harvest;
  • stored with minimal waste.

Rocco potatoes, according to the description of the variety, the photo of the finished product and the reviews of vegetable growers, fully meet the requirements:

  1. The tubers are pinkish-red, oval, smooth (as in the photo below), the flesh is soft cream. The color does not change after cooking.

    Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

  2. Potatoes weighing up to 125 grams, more than 10 pieces in a bush. The total weight of one bush is about 1 kg 500 g. If you look at a large scale, then up to 400 centners can be removed per hectare.
  3. Plantings can be distinguished from other varieties by erect bushes, large juicy green leaves and red or purple inflorescences.

    Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

Attention! Sometimes inflorescences are not formed at all, but the yield of Rocco potatoes does not suffer from this.


Breeders have been working on the vegetable for many years, achieving unique properties. As a result, potatoes of the Rocco variety were obtained, which are not afraid of many diseases of their relatives. Vegetables do not get sick:

  • potato cancer;
  • golden potato nematode;
  • wrinkled and striped mosaic;
  • striped mosaic;
  • virus Y;
  • Leaves practically do not curl.

Scientists managed to reduce late blight of tubers, but leaf blight could not be completely defeated.

A photo describing the variety is increasingly appearing not only on websites, but also in user correspondence, in their reviews of Rocco potatoes. There is nothing to be surprised here, because this vegetable has many other advantages:

  1. Mid-season potatoes ripen 3 months after germination.
  2. Landings provide site owners with a rich harvest.
  3. High starch: 15-30%.
  4. Excellent taste, judging by the reviews of vegetable growers.
  5. Able to withstand fluctuations in temperature and soil moisture. Therefore, potatoes of this variety can be grown in any climatic regions of Our Country and Europe.

Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation


Not only the high yield of varietal potatoes attracts s. The variety received great popularity for its amazing taste. Rocco potatoes are used by housewives to prepare various dishes.

Important! Potatoes do not boil soft, do not lose their shape, do not change color, remain white inside.

It is widely used on an industrial scale in food enterprises to produce chips, french fries. The reason is the high starch content.

Peculiarities of growing

Growing potatoes is available even to beginner gardeners. There are no particular difficulties in doing so. Although there are some points that are worth paying attention to.

Before planting, the tubers are taken out into the open air in containers so that it warms up, the eyes hatch. They will be strong, as in the photo.

Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

Then the potatoes are treated with Bordeaux liquid or a solution of potassium permanganate. This is a preventive measure against fungal diseases. Furnace ash is added to a minimum in each hole during planting. It is necessary to increase the starch content of the tuber.

Advice! Some gardeners throw 2-3 peas: the plant will be provided with nitrogen.

A varietal vegetable responds well to soddy, loamy or sandy soil. To increase the yield, it is necessary to add black soil before plowing.

Warning! On acidic and dense soils, the yield is sharply reduced, the formed tubers can be deformed.

The Rocco potato variety is demanding on moisture, therefore, in a dry summer, when growing a vegetable, it is necessary to ensure regular watering, at least 3-4 times a week.

To get a rich harvest of root crops, you need to fertilize using saltpeter or organic fertilizers for this. Potash supplements will help preserve the harvested potatoes.

Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

Instead of ready-made fertilizers, green manure plants can be used, such as:

  • lupine;
  • mustard;
  • clover.

They are planted before planting potatoes. When the plants grow up, the field is plowed along with natural fertilizer. And there is no chemistry in the garden, and the potatoes receive the necessary top dressing.

After the bush grows by 15 centimeters, it needs to be spudded for the first time. Hilling is necessary for the development of stolons, on which potatoes develop. You need to re-spud the potatoes in about a week.

Advice! The higher the ridge of the earth, the more ovaries will form, therefore, the Rocco variety will give a rich harvest.
Planting potatoes. Tips from Andrey Tumanov // FORUMHOUSE

How to save the harvest without loss

Rocco potatoes: characteristics, cultivation

Potato Rocco, judging by the descriptions of the variety and the reviews of potato growers, is an unpretentious plant that adapts well to any environmental conditions.

And how are things going with the safety of grown root crops:

  1. If appropriate temperature conditions are created in the storage, a certain air humidity is maintained, then the safety of potatoes approaches 100%.
  2. For storage, you can use wooden boxes with slots or nylon nets.
  3. Tubers practically do not suffer even when transported over long distances.

Reviews of those who grew the Rocco variety

Vladimir, 63 years old, Kostroma city
Potatoes came to me from a neighbor in the country. At first there were only 5 pieces. Before that, I had different varieties. What attracted the new plant was the fact that for 10 years it has not lost its varietal qualities, always a rich harvest.
Elena, 29 years old, Samara region
I tried my sister’s amazingly delicious mashed potatoes. I took a few tubers from her. I will try to plant it in my garden.
Ekaterina, 43 years old, Novosibirsk region.
I saw an unusual potato last year in a neighbor’s garden. Struck straight straight bushes with wavy leaves. I was even more surprised by the harvest from each bush. A neighbor gave 10 potatoes, put them in the cellar. I’ll plant in the spring.
Sofia, 34 years old city ​​of Sevastopol
I have not been gardening for so long, but for five years now Rocco potatoes have dominated my plot. The seeds are always mine. I want to say that the tubers are not too big. But it’s convenient. A high yield due to the large number of potatoes in the bush.

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