Robots and biosensors: the most demanded technologies in medicine

The HSE Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) has identified the 10 most popular digital technologies in medicine. Let’s talk about them in more detail

What’s going on

  • Biosensors, which are built into fitness bracelets and smart watches, have become the most demanded technology. They are needed to constantly monitor the condition of a patient with chronic diseases. Devices can also send information from sensors to doctors and call an ambulance.
  • mHealth applications also help to monitor the physical condition of a person. They track physical activity, sleep, count steps and calories.
  • Another popular technology is telemedicine. It has reduced the burden and cost of health care, and increased the availability of medical care in remote areas of our country.
  • Other technologies are brain-computer interfaces and assistive products. They are needed to restore the lost functions of the body. With the help of these technologies, neuro-controlled prostheses are created that allow you to move your limbs. For example, exoskeletons.
  • Next comes the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), which brings devices and sensors together into an ecosystem. This not only contributes to the treatment of patients, but also to the control of the work of medical institutions.
  • Robotic surgeons are also in demand, although they have been in use for more than 20 years. Robots increase the accuracy of surgical interventions, reduce the risk of injury during surgery and reduce the recovery time for patients.
  • The rating also includes technologies such as electronic document management, a customer decision support system and medical image analysis.

What does it mean

Digital technologies are helping to ensure continuous monitoring and long-term care for patients with chronic diseases. In addition, IT solutions have helped medical institutions cope with a number of challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In June 2022, the Skolkovo Health Development Center found out what problems the medical business faces during crises and how it solves them. The study presents both technological and financial, managerial and other barriers.

The most common are payment difficulties, problems with software and financial assets, risk management, reduced financing for compulsory health insurance and VHI, disruptions in supply chains and the search for new channels to attract customers. Experts suggest that the development of digital technologies and their active implementation will help solve these and other industry challenges.


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