Robotics in food delivery

The way to reach the consumer is about to take a giant step forward with home delivery of restaurant food.

The world’s leading online food delivery company, the Danish Just Eat, A pilot project is about to start in the city of London to deliver food to customers’ homes by distributing it with robots.

The test will be carried out in the center of the city of London where the orders will be delivered by the self-piloted robots of the Starship company, capable of reaching the door of the customer’s house.

The Estonian startup, Starship Technologies has reached a collaboration agreement with Just Eat, so that food deliveries can be made autonomously and within a maximum period of 30 minutes.

As a result of the tests and trials that have been carried out for months on the streets of London, Berlin, Tallinn and Estonia, with some success, the real staging of a service that requires effectiveness and above all speed appears now.

Just Eat has agreed with Starship to deploy a fleet of 6 robot delivery men, who are capable of crossing the road by themselves, dodging obstacles and trying to reach their destination.

The idea of ​​the company does not go at the moment in the line of the replacement of the delivery personnel but of an improvement in the efficiency and on of support in the peak hours of service, when the restaurants are overflowing with orders.

A food delivery robot at home

The robots measure approximately 60 cm and weigh less than 20 kg, and are equipped with 6 traction wheels, antennas and 360º cameras.

They are not 100% autonomous, as they are constantly monitored by the Starship team from the Tallinn and London offices and, in the event that they encounter an obstacle on the road such as a trash can on the ground, a vehicle on the pavement. or any object on it, can be redirected remotely.

The question arises as to who will receive it and if it will be the real recipient, but everything has already been developed and the robots can only be unlocked and thus be able to open their container, through an access code, which customers will receive along with the order in the terminal with which they made it.

The efficiency in the service is completed with the communication of the delivery in the previous moments, when the robot is two minutes from the destination point, it will send the Smartphone from the user a first notification that it is on its way, and in a second moment when it reaches the exact address, it will make the second arrival communication.

Will we see him soon on the streets of Spanish cities? …

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