Robert Leszczyński died as a result of the metabolic syndrome

On April 1, the famous music journalist Robert Leszczyński died. Yesterday the man’s cause of death was finally confirmed. It was a metabolic syndrome developed from diabetes.

Metabolic syndrome is a set of factors that either contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes or occur simultaneously with the disease. The course is usually characterized by abdominal obesity, a decrease in “good” HDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, arterial hypertension and glycemia. These disturbances affect the functioning of the entire body and alter the rate at which natural metabolic processes take place. Sometimes, as in the case of Robert Leszczyński, it can lead to a tragedy.

The journalist had to suffer from undiagnosed diabetes for years. His death was a great shock to the family, which did not expect that Leszczyński might be seriously ill. That is why it is so important to learn to recognize the first symptoms of this disease.

38 amputated limbs a day due to a diabetes complication should give food for thought. Unfortunately, a huge number of Poles have never tested their sugar levels in their lives. This is a huge mistake, because in addition to the metabolic syndrome, diabetes can cause kidney failure, blindness, diabetic foot and coma. The risk of stroke and heart attack increases significantly in patients. Meanwhile, early diagnosed and well-treated diabetes rarely causes complications.

Diabetes symptoms

One of the factors that should prompt us to see a doctor is polyuria. We are talking about it when the amount of urinated in a day exceeds three liters. As a consequence, the body is not properly hydrated. There is visible dryness of the skin and mucous membranes and a great thirst.

Know the symptoms of diabetes

Due to the lack of insulin in the body (type 1 diabetes) or the lack of tissue sensitivity to this hormone (type 2 diabetes), the so-called “hunger in abundance” occurs. Although the patient eats normally, he still feels unsatisfied. Fatigue and drowsiness appear.

However, it is worth remembering that such a set of symptoms usually appears in type 1 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, these symptoms may be much milder or may not appear at all. That is why it is so important to check your blood glucose from time to time. Especially if you are at risk.

Both types of diabetes are associated with gene inheritance. So if there is a diabetic in your family, you should absolutely be examined.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus

It is very important to react dynamically to blood sugar levels, so the patient should get a blood glucose meter and check it regularly.

Therapy relies heavily on lifestyle changes. A proper diet containing products with a low glycemic index and exercise is necessary. People with type 2 diabetes need to lose weight as this helps to make the tissue more sensitive to insulin.

In the case of people with type 1 diabetes, insulin preparations play the most important role in the treatment. In some cases, other pharmacological preparations are also used.

Diabetes is a disease that requires discipline and self-control from the person struggling with it. Sometimes, minor neglect can lead to serious, irreversible changes.

Diabetes complications

Diabetic foot is the most characteristic complication of diabetes. It appears in up to 10 percent. sick. This is evidenced by the number of daily amputations – in our country as many as 38 such procedures are carried out per day. Initially, there is a tingling sensation or sensation disturbance. Later, the skin on the foot becomes dry and starts to peel off. Subsequently, non-healing ulcers develop. The immediate cause of the development of a diabetic foot is its hypoxia due to damage to the blood vessels.

Damaged blood vessels can also cause diabetic retinopathy, which is the most common cause of blindness. Hypoxia of the eye causes permanent damage to the retina. That is why visual disturbances may indicate advanced, undiagnosed diabetes.

Another serious complication of diabetes is nephropathy. Kidney damage is particularly dangerous because it does not give any symptoms for a long time. That is why it is so important that patients undergo tests in this respect at least once a year. If the disease can be detected at an early stage, it can be treated with medication. Late diagnosis results in dialysis. Sometimes a transplant is necessary.

Due to the fact that diabetes damages blood vessels, it significantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Diabetics are much more likely to develop heart attacks and strokes.

Finally, one of the most dangerous complications of diabetes is ketoacidosis. It is a condition in which, due to a lack of insulin, the body breaks down fats and secretes ketone bodies. Abdominal pain, drowsiness and rapid breathing appear. Shock and coma may occur. It is a directly life-threatening condition.

Text: AG

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