Robert Kiyosaki: biography of a famous businessman

😉 Greetings to new and regular readers of the site! In the article “Robert Kiyosaki: Biography of a Famous Businessman” – about the ups and downs on the path to global success of the American businessman.

The author of a number of books is now known far beyond the borders of the country. He actively conducts workshops to teach people how to succeed in business.

Biography of Robert Kiyosaki

He was born in 1947 on April 8 (zodiac sign – Aries), in Hawaii, the island of Hilo, his Japanese ancestors once emigrated here.

Love for books apparently was laid in him from an early age. His father had a Ph.D., worked in the government of the state of Hawaii. Thanks to his connections, the father made sure that his son was educated at the best school in the city.

The environment and communication were appropriate, the boy from childhood was surrounded by rich, self-sufficient and successful people.

After graduating from school, the young man decided to move to New York, picking up the Merchant Marine Academy there for study. His training was completed in 1969 and he finds a job by choosing a merchant ship.

Having traveled a lot around the world, the young man decides to enter the Marine Corps in the United States. Robert had big ambitions, a desire to change something in this world for the better. Even if not in everything, but at least in a small part of it, they encouraged him to take this step.


His career has many interesting facts. While serving in the Marine Corps, he was sent to Vietnam. At this time, military operations are taking place there, the service was not easy – a pilot on a combat helicopter. For good service and loyalty to his country, a young man receives an award for courage.

The Vietnam War was still in full swing, and Kiyosaki had already received a dismissal, which gave him the opportunity to return to his homeland.

In 1974, he took a job as a sales agent for Xerox. Having gained experience, Robert, after 3 years, opened his own enterprise – he decides to start producing nylon wallets.

Nowadays, when many years of work and experience are behind, a businessman understands how many mistakes he made as a young entrepreneur. Therefore, many years later, he wrote a book in support of aspiring businessmen and helping to avoid many mistakes.

Unfortunately, my first own business was not as successful as I would like, but it was an experience and it is invaluable. After gaining some knowledge, realizing his mistakes, Kiyosaki begins the production of licensed T-shirts for rockers.

The new direction was more successful at first, but with the fading of public interest in rock, the business began to fade.

In the end, Kiyosaki survived bankruptcy and home loss. Now an experienced businessman in his print media teaches millions of people how to avoid financial risks, how to protect their business and make wise investments that will help increase their capital, not lose it.

Starting a new business

Failures followed one after another, but this was a necessary period in life. As a result of all that he had experienced, Kiyosaki drew conclusions and understood the reason for his failures. This gave him the idea to open his own advisory center. There he will give advice to the same people who have failed in business.

At the age of 47, he wrote and published his first book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. The unique book was expected to be a great success.

People lacked such knowledge and teachings. The book is based on two models of upbringing, which he endured from childhood. The first was from his family, the second from his friend’s family. In the book, the main idea is to give the child the education of a successful person.

This should be started from childhood. The book became a bestseller, later he will write 26 more popular books, including a book co-authored with Donald Trump.

In 1994 he decides to leave the business. The millionaire could afford to lead any lifestyle. But he did not leave the stock markets. The game continues on them, as well as investments in real estate.

All over the world he has many students. They conduct their seminars teaching people how to do business the right way.

Personal life

Robert Kiyosaki: biography of a famous businessman

Robert Kiyosaki with his wife Kim

In 1984, Robert got married. His wife Kim was also in business and ran it quite successfully. She became not only his partner in life, but also a wonderful assistant in economic activities.

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