Roasted Tomato Recipes

Tomatoes are everyone’s favorite vegetables that are cooked both fresh and cooked. Often tomatoes are rolled up for the winter. But few people know how to cook fried tomatoes for the winter. Nevertheless, it is a unique snack both in taste and in appearance. It will delight lovers of delicacy and housewives who invent a unique preparation every year.

Roasted Tomato Recipes

Rules for preserving fried tomatoes for the winter

In order for fried tomatoes to turn out to be truly tasty, it is necessary to follow the canning technology. But first you need to pick up the ingredients and prepare for the process. So you can get the most beautiful and tasty result.

First of all, we select the main component. It can be any variety, but the fruits should be strong and not very large. Smaller ones lend themselves better to conservation and are completely fried. Before conservation, the crop must be sorted out so that crumpled fruits do not get into the jar, as well as spoiled or with signs of rot. Ideally, the Cream variety is suitable.

Tomatoes should be sufficiently mature, but at the same time not overripe. Otherwise, the result will be an unpleasant-looking mass.

When frying tomatoes, refined oil is used for the workpiece, since various harmful components are formed in unrefined during frying.

Banks that are used for conservation should be washed and sterilized well. Pay special attention to covers. They also need to be sterilized.

Step by step recipe for fried tomatoes with garlic

For a classic recipe using garlic, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 9% vinegar – 60 ml;
  • how much water and oil is needed.

From this amount you get a liter of conservation. Accordingly, for a three-liter jar, all components are tripled.

Roasted Tomato Recipes

The step by step recipe looks like this:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Peel and chop the garlic.
  3. Prepare banks. They must be sterilized and dry.
  4. Take a frying pan, pour oil and put on fire.
  5. Fry the fruits until a slight browning appears on the barrels. In this case, it is necessary to constantly turn the tomatoes.
  6. From the skillet, transfer the tomatoes directly to the jar.
  7. Sprinkle garlic between layers of tomato.
  8. Pour sugar, salt and vinegar into a jar.
  9. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes in a jar.
  10. Water should reach to the very edges.
  11. Roll up the workpiece, turn over and wrap.

You can store both at room temperature and in a cool room like a cellar or basement. In this case, the shelf life will be longer.

The easiest recipe for fried tomatoes for the winter

To prepare the simplest recipe, it is enough to take oil, tomatoes, and salt. This is the basis of the recipe, but in any case, you will need to add either a small amount of vinegar or a little more salt. Otherwise, the tomatoes will not be able to survive. The ingredients are:

  • tomatoes – how much will fit in a jar;
  • oil for frying;
  • salt.

It is necessary to put all the fried tomatoes in a sterilized jar. Add salt and pour boiling water. Roll up immediately and wrap as much as possible. The slower the jars cool down, the better they will keep.

Fried tomatoes for the winter with herbs and garlic

To prepare a fragrant preparation, various greens can be added as ingredients. Here is one of the most common recipes. As components you need to take:

  • 800 g small tomatoes;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • garlic – 4 tooth;
  • several sprigs of thyme, basil, and mint or a mixture of dry herbs;
  • salt.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Wash and dry tomatoes.
  2. Peel the garlic.
  3. Fill the pan with oil.
  4. Put the tomatoes in the pan and fry for 15 minutes.
  5. Shake the pan while frying so that the tomatoes turn over.
  6. Cut the garlic into slices.
  7. Add the herbs to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes.
  8. Add garlic and cook for another 10 minutes.
  9. Close the lid and turn off the fire.
  10. Arrange the tomatoes along with the oil and all the juice from the pan in jars.
  11. Keep refrigerated.

Roasted Tomato Recipes

This is the most flavorful recipe ever. Not all herbs can be added, but the amount of herbs can be adjusted to your liking.

Roasted Tomatoes Recipe Without Vinegar

For those who do not recognize preservation with vinegar, there is a special recipe without this product. Components:

  • red tomatoes – 800 g;
  • 80 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 g each of basil, thyme and mint;
  • salt to taste.

Prepared in exactly the same way as the previous recipe. Due to the long heat treatment and the presence of herbs, the recipe turns out to be a good preparation even in the absence of vinegar. But it is recommended to store such a product in the refrigerator or in the cellar. If the temperature is right in a dark pantry or on a balcony, then roasted tomatoes will survive there just fine.

Canned fried tomatoes for the winter

For canned tomatoes, you will need to prepare a marinade. For a liter of water, you need to take three tablespoons of 3% vinegar and the same amount of sugar. The ingredients for the recipe are classic: tomatoes, a few cloves of garlic, vegetable oil for frying and a little salt. Herbs can be added to taste of the hostess.

Roast the tomatoes on each side for about 5 minutes. When the fruits are ready, they must be placed in a jar as tightly as possible. We shift everything with garlic. Then pour the finished product with marinade, which is made from vinegar, water and sugar. The marinade should be boiling water. After the jars are filled with marinade to the very top, they should be immediately rolled up and turned over, wrapped in a blanket.

Rules for storing fried tomatoes

Fried tomatoes are a complete preparation for the winter. Therefore, with proper storage, they can not deteriorate for two years. But for this you need to follow some rules:

  1. The temperature should not exceed +18 °C.
  2. The room should be darkened, since direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the safety of canned food in glass jars.
  3. Humidity cannot exceed 80%.

Among other things, you should pay attention to the quality of seaming. If the lid is eventually closed loosely, and the tightness is broken, then fermentation processes can begin at any time. If there is no cellar or basement, then a refrigerator is also perfect, or rather, its lower shelves. If during preparation the jars and lids were sterile, and the tightness was not broken, then in the refrigerator, as in the cellar, the workpiece will calmly survive the winter and even several.


Ripe tomatoes are a full-fledged storehouse of vitamins. The taste and aroma of tomato blanks is diverse, depending on what exactly the hostess wants to get. Roasted tomatoes can be cooked with or without vinegar. For lovers of amazing aroma, there is a recipe with herbs. Preparation is not difficult, and storage is also carried out in the cellar or cellar, where all preservation is stored. You can add garlic, which will give the necessary sharpness to the workpiece.

Harvesting tomatoes: dried, fried, frozen

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