Roasted green beans are the perfect side dish. Video

Roasted green beans are the perfect side dish. Video

Green beans are a favorite on the tables of those who prefer a healthy lifestyle. It is tasty and low in calories. Dishes from young beans are tender, regardless of which recipe the hostess chooses, whether she decides to fry or boil the beans. Fried green beans are very popular in China, but here they can also be served as a side dish for meat or fish. But vegetarian dishes made from beans are especially valuable. After all, it contains a large amount of protein.

Fried Green Beans: Chinese Food Recipe

Young beans are best for this recipe. Before preparing it, be sure to trim the rough ends. Experienced chefs advise soaking the pods in cold water for 30 minutes to make the dish juicier.

You will need:

– 1 kg of young beans; – 2-3 cloves of garlic;

– salt to taste; – olive oil.

Season with salt and bring to a boil. In the meantime, chop the green beans, put them in the water and bring them to a boil again. Cook, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes, until tender. Then rinse with cool water and dry.

Heat oil in a skillet, chop the garlic and fry. It should be slightly brownish. Then remove the garlic from the pan, add the beans, add a little salt and fry for 3-5 minutes. The tasty dish is ready and can be served hot or cold.

Beans fried with onions and peppers

It is a kind of fried vegetable with a pungent sweet-pungent flavor.

You will need:

– 500-600 g of young green beans; – 1 head of onion; – salt to taste; – ground black pepper; – 1 tsp. sweet red paprika – 2-3 red bell peppers – 1 green pepper – 1-2 cloves of garlic – olive oil.

Heat the oil in a skillet to completely cover the surface. Place chopped asparagus beans. Salt immediately, add finely chopped onion, coarsely chopped peppers, red and green, paprika.

Cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add garlic and pepper, wait 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

For this dish, you can take those mushrooms that you like. Someone likes champignons, someone likes white or aspen mushrooms, chanterelles. Either way, they all go well with young green beans.

– 800 g of asparagus beans; – 200 g of mushrooms; – 2 medium onions; – 2 tbsp. l. butter; – salt, pepper to taste.

Green beans are especially valuable because they are a rich source of protein. It makes up about a third of this vegetable and is well absorbed by the body.

Boil the beans in lightly salted water, but not until tender, for 5 minutes. Then finely chop the onions, prepared and thoroughly washed mushrooms. If you decide to use champignons or chanterelles, you do not need to boil them first, it is better to boil others a little before frying.

First fry the onion in butter, then add the mushrooms and fry everything together for another 3-5 minutes. Add the boiled beans and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Now the dish is ready, you can serve it.

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