Rkatsiteli – Georgian dry white wine

Rkatsiteli (translated from Georgian as “red vine”) is a white grape variety used to make the wine of the same name, as well as in blends.


Rkatsiteli grapes are mainly distributed in Georgia and belong to the oldest varieties – the first samples of wine found in shards of clay vessels date back to the XNUMXrd millennium BC.

The variety was incredibly popular in the Soviet Union, literally everything was made on its basis, from table wines to fortified liquors and cognacs.

The sweet dessert wine Rkatsiteli is produced in Kakheti, attempts have been made to create high-quality sparkling wine, but due to the too high natural level of sugar in the berries (19-23%), these experiments were not crowned with significant success.


In addition to Georgia, the variety is cultivated in Eastern Europe (Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine). Rkatsiteli vines are found in the vineyards of Australia, in the eastern United States, in China (where the variety is known as Baiyu).

Characteristics of Rkatsiteli grapes

The bunch of Rkatsiteli consists of small round golden-yellow berries filled with juice and as if glowing from the inside. Ripening takes about 5 months, while the yield depends on weather conditions: the same vine in a good year can produce almost twice as many grapes as in a bad one.

The variety is well resistant to phylloxera, which literally mowed down European vineyards at the turn of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, but is susceptible to other diseases, spider mites and other pests easily settle on the fruits. In arid regions, Rkatsiteli vineyards require additional watering.

Best of all, this grape ripens at an altitude of 400-700 meters above sea level in loamy or sandy loamy areas.

Rkatsiteli – Georgian dry white wine

Wine characteristics

Berries are highly acidic, which can make the wine too tart. The Rkatsiteli try to harvest as late as possible so that the maximum concentration of sugar accumulates in the fruits, if possible – not earlier than mid-October.

The best samples of the finished dry white wine Rkatsiteli are distinguished by their freshness, balanced bouquet with citrus, floral and spicy notes, nuances of green apple and white peach. Some sommeliers compare these wines to Italian Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay from the Petit Chablis appellation.

Rkatsiteli – Georgian dry white wine

Technology features

On the territory of Kakheti, Rkatsiteli wine is produced using the famous Kakhetian method. First, the berries are crushed under pressure, along with seeds, leaves and twigs that accidentally fell, then the pulp is fermented for several months in earthenware kvevri jugs buried in the ground. After about six months, the wine is filtered and aged for at least another year in oak barrels or steel vats.

In other regions, Rkatsiteli is made according to the classical European method – the berries are separated from twigs and seeds and fermented immediately in barrels or tanks.

The variety is also used for the production of orange wine – during maceration, the skin is not removed immediately, as a result of which the drink acquires an orange color, a more complex structure and a tannic flavor.

Rkatsiteli – Georgian dry white wine
Qvevri – underground vessels for wine fermentation

In Georgia itself, you can find Rkatsiteli wines for every taste:

  • single-sort (of the same name Rkatsiteli, “Alazani Valley”, Tibaani);
  • blends (Cinandali, Tbilisi, etc.).

Reasons for the popularity of the variety

  1. Excellent frost resistance, allowing the berries to ripen even in the second half of autumn (the crop does not die even with frosts down to -30 degrees).
  2. High acidity that persists during the hottest summer.
  3. Versatility: the variety is suitable for the manufacture of almost any grape alcohol.

How to drink Rkatsiteli wine

Like any white wine, Rkatsiteli is chilled to 3-10 degrees before serving (dry ones should be cold, sweet ones can be “warmer”).

Rkatsiteli wine makes good gastronomic pairs with Georgian labda potato pancakes, light salads, grilled fish, vegetables, spiced rice, smoked eggplant.

Rkatsiteli – Georgian dry white wine
Rkatsiteli wine goes even with khachapuri

Famous stamps of Rkatsiteli

Популярные бренды: Pheasant’s Tears, Dr. Konstantin Frank, Orgo, Cricova Vin de Colectie Gratiesti, Chateau Mukhrani, Askaneli Brothers и др.

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