Rizamat grape: variety
Rizamat grapes are distinguished by a rich harvest and taste of fruits. However, among gardeners there is an opinion about the capriciousness of the variety. In fact, even a beginner can cope with a plant, if he takes into account the rules of planting and care when growing.
Description of the grape variety “Rizamat”
“Rizamat” refers to table varieties. Low resistance to frost. Vigorous grape shoots with rounded leaves. Flowers are capable of self-pollination. The middle bunches are cylindrical in shape. The berries are large, plum-colored. They have a pleasant harmonious taste. Despite the thin skin, they tolerate transportation well. May be attacked by wasps.
Rizamat grapes can withstand frosts down to -15 ° C
The main digital characteristics include:
- bunch weight – 800 g;
- berry weight – 15 g;
- sugar content – 20%;
- yield – 25 t / ha.
The ripening period is 140 days. During ripening, the fruits accumulate sugar well. In a period of excessive humidity, they can crack. Berries are used both fresh and for the preparation of raisins.
Rizamat can be planted as a standard in spring and autumn in a sunny, windless place. A distance of 2,5 meters must be maintained between seedlings. This grape does not tolerate being close to other varieties, so root the seedlings no closer than 6 meters from them. Half a month before the procedure, you should dig up the future place for the hole.
When landing, follow the following algorithm:
- Prepare a hole 0,8 meters deep.
- Place a gravel and sand drainage layer on the bottom.
- Add some fertile soil.
- Install the support.
- Immerse the seedling in the hole so that part of the root collar remains outside.
- Fill the hole with soil.
After the procedure, each bush should be watered abundantly.
In order for the berries not to taste bitter, it is necessary to regularly moisturize the plant. Watering should be carried out during the flowering period, at the beginning of the ripening of the crop and before sheltering for the winter. But this must be done carefully to prevent cracking of the berries.
To increase the resistance of grapes to weather conditions, it is necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely manner. Mineral and organic compounds are suitable for feeding.
Pruning must be done before bud break and after leaf fall. During the procedure, it is important to remove frozen and diseased branches.
If you decide to plant the Rizamat grape variety on your plot, be sure to use the above recommendations. It is not difficult to follow them, but the result in the quality of a high yield will delight you for many years.