risk group for coronavirus
A year ago, it was believed that coronavirus infection is most dangerous for the elderly and people with chronic pathologies, but new strains have made their own adjustments to the statistics. Today, young and healthy people are getting sick more and more often.

We have been familiar with the new SARS-CoV-2 virus since December 2019, and during this time, scientists have been continuously studying it, determining all new properties. Especially frightening is the appearance of more aggressive mutations in the virus – the British strain, then the Indian one, and now they are already talking about Delta-plus. In this regard, the infectivity and behavior in the host organism changes. Previously, the risk groups included mainly the elderly, but today the situation has changed – young people who do not have chronic diseases end up in hospitals and intensive care units. Vaccinations can protect the population, but experts and practitioners identify risk groups for which coronavirus infection is most dangerous1.

Age and coronavirus infection

Children suffer the disease more easily than adults, and older people over 60 years of age face a severe and complicated course of coronavirus infection more often. This is due to the fact that age-related involution of immunity occurs, antibodies are no longer synthesized so actively and quickly, the strength of the immune response to the introduction of the virus is not so powerful. In addition, many have diabetes, heart problems, pressure, respiratory pathologies, liver or kidney damage, which only increases the risks.2.

Overweight, obesity and covid

According to statistics, in people who are overweight or obese, coronavirus infection can be more severe. The risk of being in intensive care is more than 2 times higher, and if BMI exceeds 40, then 6 times higher, even without taking into account comorbidities. This is due to the fact that excess weight impairs ventilation of the lungs, and the circulatory system also suffers.3.

hypertension and covid

An increase in pressure over 130/80 mm Hg. considered hypertension and increases the risk of complications from the disease. Circulation is closely related to the work of the lungs, so people who have an overloaded heart due to high pressure also suffer from breathing problems. So, according to available data, up to 27% of patients who underwent resuscitation and mechanical ventilation had hypertension, and the age of the risk group among them is less than the generally accepted age by about 10 years (from 50-55 years)4.

Respiratory pathologies and coronavirus

Respiratory problems invariably affect the course of an infectious disease. For patients with COPD, asthma, bronchitis and frequent pneumonia, even SARS are dangerous. Therefore, with a coronavirus infection, they are especially at risk, because the virus hits exactly the lung tissue.5.

diabetes and coronavirus

High plasma glucose concentrations increase the risk of adverse outcomes with COVID-19. According to studies, up to 37% of patients with a fatal outcome suffered from some type of diabetes mellitus. Infection provokes ketoacidosis, decompensation of the disease, complicates the treatment process6.

smoking and covid

If at the beginning of the pandemic there were sensational statements that smokers were less likely to get covid, then later this information was refuted. Today it has been proven that smokers suffer from severe forms of the disease due to serious damage to the lung tissue. They have a higher chance of complications and hospitalization, even in relatively healthy young people.7.

Pathologies of the kidneys, liver and COVID-19

Lesions of the liver and kidneys, as the main organs of excretion of metabolic products, negatively affect the course of the infection. In addition, these organs also suffer from the drug load, which also worsens the prognosis.

Vascular diseases and blood pathologies

Coronavirus increases the risk of vascular thrombosis if they are affected by atherosclerosis, therefore, therapy for thrombotic complications is now included in treatment protocols.

Oncology and covid

Patients suffering from cancer are at risk of complications. This is especially dangerous in malignant pathologies and after treatment, which sharply weakens the immune system.

Pregnant women and covid

Although not much data has yet been collected regarding the impact of coronavirus infection on expectant mothers, pregnant women have always been considered a high-risk group for the adverse course of infections. Such diseases are especially dangerous in the first trimester and before childbirth.

Popular questions to the expert

We discussed with an expert, general practitioner Vladimir Sibirsky, issues related to vaccination of risk groups and possible contraindications to it.

Is it acceptable to vaccinate risk groups?

Given the fact that the coronavirus “hit” the vulnerable segments of the population, it is the risk groups that need vaccination first of all.

What vaccinations are recommended for risk groups?

In the choice of a coronavirus vaccine for patients at risk, there is no difference and preference with ordinary healthy people. They use all the vaccines that are allowed today (taking into account the data specified in the instructions).

How to protect patients from infection if vaccination is not allowed?

If for any reason (medical withdrawal, exacerbation of chronic pathology, lack of a vaccine, etc.) it is impossible to vaccinate, patients from risk groups should use masks to protect themselves, observe social distance, follow hygiene rules (washing hands), avoid places a large crowd of people. In addition, in such cases, vaccination of relatives living with the patient or visiting him often is recommended to protect patients.

Can people with cancer be vaccinated?

Yes, after agreeing with the oncologist, people with these diseases can be vaccinated.

Is it possible to be vaccinated during an exacerbation of a chronic disease?

It depends on the specific situation and the underlying disease. In such cases, consultation with the attending physician is necessary to resolve the issue of vaccination.


  1. INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR THE PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF THE NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION (COVID-19) https://static-0.minzdrav.gov.ru/system/attachments/attaches/000/055/735/original/BMP_COVID-19.pdf
  2. Tkacheva O. N., Kotovskaya Yu. V., Aleksanyan L. A., Milto A. S., Naumov A. V., Strazhesko I. D., Vorobieva N. M., Dudinskaya E. N., Malaya I P., Krylov K. Yu., Tyukhmenev E. A., Rozanov A. V., Ostapenko V. S., Manevich T. M., Shchedrina A. Yu., Semenov F. A., Mkhitaryan E. A ., Khovasova N. O., Eruslanova E. A., Kotovskaya N. V., Sharashkina N. V. New SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in elderly and senile patients: features of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Agreed position of experts of the Russian association of gerontologists and geriatricians // KVTiP. 2020. №3. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/novaya-koronavirusnaya-infektsiya-sars-cov-2-u-patsientov-pozhilogo-i-starcheskogo-vozrasta-osobennosti-profilaktiki-diagnostiki-i
  3. Demidova Tatyana Yulyevna, Volkova Ekaterina Igorevna, Gritskevich Elena Yurievna OBESITY AND COVID-19: A FATAL RELATIONSHIP // Infectious Diseases: News. Opinions. Education. 2020. No. S3 (34). https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ozhirenie-i-covid-19-fatalnaya-svyaz
  4. Korostovtseva L. S., Rotar O. P., Konradi A. O. Covid-19: what are the risks of patients with arterial hypertension? // AG. 2020. №2. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/covid-19-kakovy-riski-patsientov-s-arterialnoy-gipertenziey
  5. About risk groups for severe COVID-19. Rospotrebnadzor. http://04.rospotrebnadzor.ru/index.php/epid-department/org/13429-17102020.html
  6. Belikina D.V., Malysheva E.S., Petrov A.V., Nekrasova T.A., Nekaeva E.S., Lavrova A.E., Zarubina D.G., Atduev K.A., Magomedova D. .M., Strongin L.G. COVID-19 in concomitant diabetes mellitus: features of the clinical course, metabolism, inflammatory and coagulation disorders. technol. honey.. 2020. №5. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/covid-19-pri-soputstvuyuschem-saharnom-diabete-osobennosti-klinicheskogo-techeniya-metabolizma-vospalitelnyh-i-koagulyatsionnyh
  7. Gambaryan M. G., Drapkina O. M. Tobacco smoking and COVID-19: an old enemy in a new guise. Review of current scientific literature // KVTiP. 2020. №3. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kurenie-tabaka-i-covid-19-staryy-vrag-v-novom-oblichii-obzor-tekuschey-nauchnoy-literatury

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