Risk factors for hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a disease caused by a virus, so you must have been exposed to it to develop the disease. So let’s discuss the modes of transmission of the virus.
The virus is found in greatest concentration in the blood of an infected person, but is also found in semen and saliva. It can remain viable in the environment for 7 days, on objects with no visible traces of blood. People with chronic hepatitis are the main source of new infections.
The main sources are:
- Unprotected sex;
- Sharing needles and syringes by drug users;
- Accidental injections by nursing staff with a needle contaminated with the blood of a patient with hepatitis B;
- Mother-to-child transmission during childbirth;
- Cohabitation with an infected person;
- Sharing of toothbrushes and razors;
- Weeping lesions of the skin;
- Contaminated surfaces;
- Blood transfusions are now a very rare cause of hepatitis B. The risk is estimated to be about 1 in 63;
- Hemodialysis treatment;
- All surgical procedures with non-sterile equipment;
- In certain cases of medical, surgical or dental intervention in developing countries where hygiene and sterilization conditions are less favorable;
- L’acupuncture ;
- Shaving at a barber.