Right or left hemisphere? This quiz will tell you how your brain works

We know that the hemispheres of our brain specialize in a variety of tasks. Simply put, it can be said that the right hemisphere is more responsible for emotions and intuition, while the left hemisphere is more rational. Check how your brain works, do you tend to “think with the left or the right hemisphere”? Our quiz is absolutely not a diagnosis, but will keep you entertained. Also, remember that there are no right or wrong answers here.

Before you start, we still need to clear up an important point. It is not about the complete domination of one hemisphere of the brain over the other – science has not confirmed that any particular ability or trait “resides” in one area of ​​the brain. There are just places where they are stronger.

Nevertheless, it is believed that the left hemisphere is most often responsible for logical, rational, analytical thinking, language skills, seeing details or memory for numbers and words, are interested in mathematics. People who use the right hemisphere more effectively are usually more creative, they have an artistic flair, are guided by intuition and faith, have a rich imagination, emotions are important to them.

Let us not forget, however, that our emotions, mood, behavior, etc. are the result of cooperation between the hemispheres. The phrase that someone is “left hemisphere” or “right hemisphere” is a simplification, but we will use them for the purposes of the quiz.

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1. Clasp your hands together a few times. Does the right thumb stay up or down?

On top
At the bottom
One time upstairs, one time downstairs

2. When you look at this photo, your main focus is:

Photo: Shutterstock
The view, the composition
The feelings it evokes in you
The girl’s clothes and mood

3. How do you use gestures when talking to someone face to face

I gesticulate intensely
I am very frugal in gesturing
If I know someone better, I allow myself more freedom in gesturing

4. You just met a new person. Most of all you will remember her:

First Name

5. Which of the following subjects did you find more interesting in school?

About us

6. What draws your attention the most here?

Photo: Shutterstock
There are two hummingbirds in the photo
Birds vary in color
Birds are beautiful but so tiny

7. Which of the following sports do you prefer?

Team activities
Individual sports
It does not matter to me

8. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Usually not
I remember them very often
Sometimes I remember a dream

9. When you look at this picture, you think:

Photo: Shutterstock
“Beautiful composition”
«Like a snail shell»

10. You have a difficult problem to solve. What are you doing?

I’m looking for the advice of a loved one
I analyze the facts
I visualize the most likely scenarios

11. When telling a friend a movie you saw in the cinema, you usually focus on:

The plot
The impression he made on you
Heroes’ stories

12. In your decision-making, you are more driven by:

Premonition and emotions
Estimating possible gains and losses
Experience of yourself or others

13. Look at the photo. What attracts you the most:

Photo: Shutterstock
Pink and blue meringues
Great idea for a cake
The imperfections of the cake (you are already thinking how to improve it, you are looking for ideas on the internet)

14. Which ear do you put on the phone?

Sometimes right, sometimes left
Your score: You are more “left hemispheric”
It is believed that the left hemisphere is more responsible for analytical skills, rational and logical thinking, perception of details, memory for numbers, dominance of the right part of the body. You must remember, however, that there are no complex cognitive functions represented by only one hemisphere, rather we are talking about “their unequal representation”, and the end result is based on cooperation between them.
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Your score: You are more “right hemisphere”
It is believed that the right hemisphere is more responsible for creativity, imagination, intuition, abstract thinking, emotional response, seeing similarities and controlling the left part of the body. However, you must remember that there are no complex cognitive functions represented by only one hemisphere, we are talking rather of “their unequal representation”, and the end result is therefore based on the cooperation between them.
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Your score: Perfect cooperation
Sometimes you give priority to intuition and emotions (right hemisphere of the brain), other times you focus on the cold analysis of facts (left hemisphere). Remember, however, this is a simplification. However, it can be said that your brain hemispheres work together perfectly or otherwise: communication and interaction between them are strong.
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