Often our green pets are exposed to various fungal diseases. To prevent unpleasant consequences, gardeners resort to the help of fungicides. One of the effective means is considered “Ridomil Gold”.
Description of the preparation
The tool has won the trust of many gardeners and flower growers. Its use immediately after the discovery of traces of the disease almost 100% guarantees successful treatment.

Video “How to distinguish the original “Ridomil Gold” from a fake”
In this video, the expert will tell you how to distinguish the original “Ridomil Gold” from a fake.
Purpose and forms of release
“Ridomil Gold” is effective in the fight against the following diseases:
- late blight;
- downy mildew;
- downy mildew;
- Alternariosis.
It should be borne in mind that the drug does not affect the pathogens of oidium.
The active ingredients of the drug are metalaxyl and mancozeb. They protect the vegetative part of the culture from pathogenic bacteria. The tool has a positive effect on the root system and fruits of the plant.
The fungicide is available in granular or powder format. They are produced in packs of 25 and 50 g, as well as 1 and 5 kg.
Mechanism of action
The product contains in its composition active substances that penetrate into the tissues of the plant, destroying pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the fungicide forms a kind of shell that prevents the pest from entering the surface of the plant. The composition of the product minimizes the likelihood of adaptation of the fungus to the components of the fungicide.
Indications for use
The agent should be used in case of alternariosis and late blight of tomatoes and potatoes, mildew of grapes, peronosporosis of cucumbers and onions.
The fungicide is used both in summer cottages and on agricultural land.

Advantages and disadvantages of fungicide
The main advantages of the drug are:
- Efficiency at any stage of infection.
- Double protection. The components of the preparation protect the plant both from the outside and from the inside.
- Rapid and uniform distribution throughout plant tissues. Within half an hour, the agent penetrates even into untreated areas of the culture.
- Prolonged effect. The fungicide retains its protective properties for two weeks, even with rainy weather.
- Comparative security. The agent has II degree of toxicity, which is considered relatively safe for humans and animals. In addition, the powder and granules dissolve very quickly, so the risk of inhalation of the drug components is reduced to zero.
There are also some disadvantages:
- Toxicity. Even a minor toxicity class requires compliance with certain safety measures.
- Package. Removing the product from the package is a rather problematic task, because there is a risk of spilling the drug.
- Consumption. Fungicide is spent uneconomically.
- Incompatibility. The drug is combined with a few drugs.
Application for the protection of various crops
Instructions for use of the product differ depending on the crop being processed.
Spraying grapes
Grapes are processed with an interval of 2 weeks. To prepare a working solution, 25 g of the powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. For 1 sq. m plot consumes 125 ml of funds. The last treatment is carried out 13 days after the flowering period.
The first signs of the action of the drug are already noticeable on the 20th day.
Potato and tomato processing
The treatment is carried out at the beginning of the period of active growth of the plant. The interval between treatments is 14 days. The results will be visible after the first treatment. For spraying potatoes, a 0,5% solution is used.
There are about 1 liters of working solution per 400 ha of tomatoes. The first procedure is carried out during the growing season.
It is better to spray tomatoes in warm weather, when pathogenic bacteria are activated. For the complete destruction of pests, 3-4 treatments are required.
Author’s advice
Spraying cucumbers and onions
Cucumbers and onions require 3 treatments during the season. The interval between treatments is 10 days. In case of too frequent spraying, the vegetative part of the crop may wither.
Can it be used to treat indoor plants
“Ridomil Gold” is used to protect indoor flowers. In this case, it is important to carry out spraying until the moment when the buds begin to tie. The working solution is prepared from 25 g of the product and 1 liter of water. The interval between sprayings is 2 weeks.
Rules for the use of fungicide
As we have already noted, “Ridomil Gold” belongs to the second class of toxicity. This means that the use of the drug requires strict adherence to safety measures. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious chemical poisoning.
Personal Safety Measures
The basic precautions when working with a fungicide include:
- Use of protective clothing that would cover all areas of the skin. In addition, it is important to wear a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves.
- Do not allow the product to be near water bodies, as well as food and medicine.
- Prepare the solution in a container specially designated for this purpose.
- After handling, wash your hands and face thoroughly.
- If the chemical comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, wash the affected area under running water and consult a doctor.
Shelf life and storage features
Packed with powder or granules, the shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. You can store the fungicide at a temperature of -10 to +30 ° C in a dark, dry place. It is important to remember that the pesticide must be out of the reach of children and pets.
Analogues and compatibility with other chemicals
The following drugs are considered the best analogues of “Ridomil Gold”:
- “Quadris”;
- “Profit Gold”;
- “Metaxil”;
- Previkur Energy.
The fungicide is compatible with many neutral pesticides. Before mixing the drug with any other agent, it is important to conduct a compatibility test. This should be done on a small area of the plant. If no signs of a chemical conflict are found, the drugs can be combined. The main symptom that the funds are incompatible is a change in the color of the culture tissues.

Reviews of summer residents
The effectiveness of the fungicide is evidenced by the reviews of gardeners who use the product in their summer cottages.
“Ridomil Gold” is familiar for a long time. As soon as I notice traces of rust or spotting on my plants, I immediately prepare the solution and process it. If the stage of infection is initial, then one spraying is enough. The tool is good, works quite quickly. But you have to be careful as it is toxic.”
“For as long as I can remember, we have always had a vineyard. The father just loves him. Everything would be fine if it were not for the diseases that happen several times a season. Previously, they bothered with folk methods of struggle, and then they heard about the drug “Ridomil Gold”. We’ve been using them for several years now. Satisfied, the fungicide quickly and effectively saves the vine from a host of diseases.”
Obviously, the remedy is very effective in the case of many fungal diseases. However, before using a strong fungicide, you should carefully study the instructions. A frivolous attitude to such drugs is fraught with serious chemical poisoning. Compliance with safety standards and the correct ratio of the components of the working solution is a guarantee of the health of green pets.