Ridiculous traditional medicine

Ridiculous traditional medicine

Raw meat against warts, brick for pain in the ear and antlers for the treatment of colds – these and other fail-safe recipes are offered to us by traditional medicine. WDay.ru presents to your attention the most unusual and funny recipes of healers.

Remember what recommendations Baba Yaga gave to the hero in The Tale of Fedot the Archer?

Try bunny droppings! He is vigorous, he will understand. And where is more curative than honey, Although honey is not to the taste.

Although it tastes cool, And sometimes they die from it, But which ones survive – They live to old age!

But rabbit droppings are childish compared to some of the far more bizarre treatments found in the annals of traditional medicine. We present some of them, but we warn you: this article is in no way a guide to action. Attention! If you decide to apply the experience of healers in everyday life, the editorial staff of WDay.ru does not bear any responsibility for the consequences.

1. Brick for ear pain

Heat the brick, wrap it in a cloth, place it on the sore ear, and hold it for two hours. What to do with the hand “dried up” after that is not reported. But in case the brick was not found, there is another recipe.

Take a linen cloth, saturate it with liquid wax, roll it up with a funnel, insert the narrow end into the patient’s ear, and set the wide end on fire. When the bundle burns out almost to the end, knock the remainder out of your ear with a slight movement of your hand.

I would like to add that not only the accuracy of the strike is important here, but also the ability to run quickly. It will come in handy when the patient wishes to express his gratitude.

2. Money from myopia

If you want to save a person from vision problems, know that the treatment is carried out in several stages. During the first, show the patient from the far end of the room an object and promise to give it back if he sees it.

And after he cannot do this, wave a bundle of thousandth bills in front of his nose, showing what he has lost – the therapeutic effect directly depends on the thickness of the bundle. Most likely, the patient’s vision will dramatically improve during the next session. If only after a course of such therapy, myopia does not degenerate into hyperopia.

The shell is not only a nice souvenir, but also a source of vitality!

3. Shells for immunity

Take the shells, both souvenirs you brought from the sea and shells from mussels will do – you can have a very good snack with the latter beforehand. Take a hammer and crush the “clam house” as small as possible, then grind in a coffee grinder to a powder state (the coffee grinder stopped working? We know nothing. As you remember, we initially disclaimed any responsibility for the consequences of the experiments).

Put the resulting powder in a saucepan and fill it with three liters of water, boil for thirty minutes, then stand for three days – do you feel the magic of numbers? Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and drink on an empty stomach every morning. They promise that immunity from such a “compote” will soar to unprecedented heights.

4. Chinese drugs

The mere prospect of using some of the drugs popular in China will help you to forget about ailments in the shortest possible time. For example, the excrement of flying squirrels is used to cleanse the blood, bear bile helps against fever and liver diseases, antler is an excellent remedy for colds (but it’s not very clear what exactly needs to be done with it – gnaw or put it on the head?), And an extract from chicken blood acts as a sedative.

Before putting into practice the experience of healers, think about the consequences

5. Night drinking from parasites

At three o’clock in the morning, when all the organs are resting, you need to wake up and drink 40 grams of cognac. And after 5 minutes, when you feel the alcohol spilling over your body, take a full tablespoon of castor oil.

They say that “drunken” parasites lose their ability to firmly adhere to the walls of the intestine and in the morning easily leave the body, not without the help of castor oil.

6. Rejuvenation with turpentine

Some healers are sure that the surest way to rejuvenate is turpentine baths. They also help with joint diseases. True, this method is suitable only for the most desperate people, because it is almost impossible to wash yourself and the bath from the turpentine.

7. Meat for warts

If you get warts, it doesn’t matter. When the moon is waning, take a piece of any raw meat, attach it to the wart, secure with a plaster and leave it overnight. Bury the meat in dry ground in the morning. Repeat this simple procedure three times, the wart will turn black and fall off. True, your man, who watched you sleep with a piece of raw beef in an embrace for three nights in a row, may also “fall away” with her.

But Dr. Malakhov suggests doing urine enemas and rinsing the nasopharynx with fresh urine to combat warts. However, in this way, Gennady Petrovich treats everything, even bad breath – in this case, you need to rinse your mouth with fresh urine for several minutes 2-3 times a day. We have no doubt that after that, the smell from the mouth will improve significantly!

It is better not to experiment with copper sulfate.

8. Copper for all diseases

Many people believe that copper helps with almost any disease. If you can’t choose what exactly to treat you for, stock up on copper coins, lie down on the bed, and put the coins on your chest.

Lie there until you feel better. If you still did not manage to wait for the effect, you yourself are to blame – it means that you simply did not have enough perseverance.

9. Vinegar for migraines

Headache? Take a large, always white handkerchief (look, don’t get confused, red or purple can ruin the whole thing), soak it in apple cider vinegar and wrap your head tightly in the manner of a wounded soldier. Stay in this role for 15 minutes, then change the shawl to a woolen scarf – imagine that you are still the same fighter, only suddenly froze. Should help!

10. Black pepper for weight loss

Before bed, take two black peppercorns and swallow them with water. Repeat this ritual every night, and the extra pounds will soon leave you. They say this way you can

lose weight by 3 kilograms in a week

! And this – without adhering to any diet and in the absence of physical activity!

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