They most likely will not protect you from the virus, but they will definitely force you to stay away from you.
In the conditions of a shortage of medical masks, they began to be made from everything that was at hand: from gauze, from old T-shirts, from bras, even life hacks for making masks from socks appeared, although you probably would not want to breathe in them. And an artist named Yurari from Iceland undertook to knit creative masks just in order not to lose her creative fervor: like everyone else, she is in quarantine, does not work.
“Knitting helps me stay sane,” she told BoredPanda.
The need to constantly wear a mask inspired the artist in a magical way: she decided to turn masks into art objects. The mouth became the center of each knitted composition every time – this is quite logical. The masks looked very strange, maybe even frightening, but they gained incredible popularity. Now, it seems, the artist is right to create her own brand for the production of knitted masks.
“I tried to knit a lot, but not for the face. I never thought that masks would become so wildly popular, ”she wonders.
Of course, such masks will not protect against coronavirus. They have no practical meaning at all. This is just an excuse to smile once again in the difficult times in which we have to live.
“It’s like a joke told through knitting. There is no wisdom in this, just an attempt to please people a little, ”explains the girl.
However, the artist’s masks still serve a good purpose: her photos are used to draw attention to the need to wear masks in order to avoid coronavirus infection. And if these pictures convince at least someone not to neglect the means of protection, then Yurari did not work in vain.
Well, we have collected the funniest of her creations – leaf through the photo gallery.