Today you shine and have fun, but tomorrow you can’t force yourself to get out of bed? At one moment you are insanely happy, but in a second you suffer unimaginably? If you are familiar with mood swings from “I will succeed” to “I am a dull nothing” – this is them, emotional swings. And don’t ride them. Psychologist Varvara Goenka talks about how to take emotions under control.
Realizing that your mood changes too often and too abruptly, do not rush to scatter the term “bipolar”. The diagnosis of “bipolar disorder”, which is characterized by alternating stages of mania and depression, is a serious disease that requires long-term medical treatment. While the emotional swing is a state that people with a healthy psyche can experience, moreover, at different periods of life.
Of course, it would be useful to check the hormonal background and health in general in order to exclude the physiological causes of what is happening. But we are usually able to handle the heat of emotions and bring ourselves to a stable state without anyone’s help – if we choose the right strategy.
What strategies don’t work?
Suppress emotions
To deal with “negative” emotions – apathy, sadness, anger – we often choose methods of suppression and avoidance. That is, we do not allow ourselves to worry, saying something like: “What did the nurse dissolve? Someone is even worse now, in Africa there are children starving.” And then we force ourselves to get up and start doing something “useful”.
But the realization that someone is worse than us, if it helps, then for a very short time. In addition, this argument is weak: the internal state is not influenced by the objective conditions of life, but by our interpretations and thought patterns.
So, a malnourished child from a poor state can be much happier in some ways than we, the victims of civilization. And the level of depression among the population is highest in developed countries.
In addition, by avoiding emotions, we do not make them weaker, but stronger. We allow them to accumulate, so at some point there is an “explosion”.
switch attention
Another common way is to distract yourself by switching to something pleasant. This skill has been perfected in our society. The entertainment industry beckons: do not be sad, go to a restaurant, cinema, bar or shopping; buy a car, travel, surf the internet. Many people spend their whole lives like this – moving from one entertainment to another, interrupting work only in order to earn money for a new cycle.
What’s wrong with travel and restaurants? Nothing, if you do not use them as anesthesia, as an opportunity not to be alone with yourself. Distraction is a drug that we are increasingly dependent on, accelerating our run in the wheel of consumption and accelerating our psyche to the limit.
Get lost in emotions
Also, you should not “hang” in emotions: surrender to apathy in order to lie down, listen to sad music and cry, endlessly poking around in yourself. The more we ignore our deeds, the sooner they accumulate and weigh on us. This makes us feel more and more worthless, and the spiral of suffering twists even more.
Most often, losing strategies go together, hand in hand. We feel bad – and we go to have fun. And then we lie down and feel worse than ever, because the supply of endorphins has dried up, and things have not been done. You have to shout at yourself: “Pull yourself together, rag,” and start working. Then we again try to distract ourselves from feeling sad, tired and anxious. And so on the rise.
How to deal with emotions the right way?
Emotions are not an annoying hindrance, not a mistake of evolution. Each of them expresses some kind of need and encourages us to act. For example, the function of anger is to motivate us to break through obstacles to the goal. Therefore, instead of ignoring emotions and dismissing them, they should be listened to.
What is this emotion trying to tell me? Maybe I’m not happy with the job, but I’m so afraid to leave that I prefer not to even allow this thought? As a result, I show aggression towards my family.” Such reflections require well-developed reflection – if you cannot get to the bottom of the reasons on your own, you can resort to the help of a psychologist.
The second stage is action. If emotions signal some unmet needs, you will have to take concrete steps to satisfy them. Everything else will only have a temporary effect. If it is impossible to change the circumstances now, then you need to work on accepting the situation in order to see it from a different, less negative side.
Emotions need to be lived, but you can not allow yourself to drown in them. This is an art, the balance in which is achieved through awareness – and it can be trained.
The main thing is not to demand too much from yourself.
When you begin to perceive emotions as one of the contents of consciousness – as thoughts, feelings, physical sensations – you cease to identify yourself with them. Realize that you and your emotions are not the same thing.
You understand and acknowledge your sadness without suppressing or avoiding it. Not trying to get rid of her. You just leave the emotion alone, as it does not prevent you from living and doing your own thing. In this case, she has no control over you. If you determine where this sadness comes from and what it is trying to tell you, then it does not make sense for it to linger in your mind at all.
Emotions exist in our body on the verge of physiology and psychology. Therefore, in addition to psychological mechanisms – pronunciation and “allowing to be”, emotions should be lived at the physical level. Cry over a movie or a sad song. Jump, run, play sports. Do breathing exercises. And all this on a regular basis to complete the stress response each day.
To stabilize the condition, you need to normalize sleep patterns, add movement and healthy eating to your life. Massage, aromatherapy, contact with nature can also help.
In a shaky state, many of these tips are difficult to follow on your own. Then relatives and psychologists will help you. The main thing is not to demand too much from yourself. You must admit that you are not in the best condition now, and try to change it step by step.
About the Developer
Varvara Goenka — psychologist, author of transformational programs, restaurateur. Her