
Ricotta cheese is a traditional Italian cheese, although ricotta can’t really be called a cheese. The fact is that it is not made from whole milk, but from whey, which remains after the production of other types of cheese, such as mozzarella. Ricotta can be made from cow’s or sheep’s milk whey, but varieties made from goat or buffalo whey are less common. Often there is a mixture of 2 types of milk or even more.

Due to the lactose present in the composition, ricotta is sweet in taste, and its fat content varies significantly from the map variety. For example, in cow’s milk cheese, about 8% fat, and in sheep’s milk, 23% fat. Ricotta is quite high in calories; 100 grams of cheese contains 174 calories. Ricotta is mainly produced in Italy, and it is the cheese produced there that is considered the real and most delicious, although in fact it is very actively made in many other countries.

History of Ricotta

Literally, the word “ricotta” means “re-cooked.” It is believed that it was first produced on the outskirts of Rome as a cheap way to create delicious cheese. To this day, in some countries they use a ricotta recipe that was used many years ago to create cheese: for this they take milk, heat it, add a little seawater to it and heat it again until the milk is separated into whey and cottage cheese. The resulting mixture is poured into the basket so that all the whey leaves, and the cheese remains in the basket, which takes a salty taste from the sea water, which mixes with the natural sweetness of the cheese due to the lactose contained in it.

In the modern method, not only milk, but also whey can be used for ricotta. It is also good for making ricotta at home. The milk or whey is brought to a boil, then acid, usually citric or vinegar, is added thereto and heated until clots form on the surface of the milk. After this, the mixture is poured into a basket with a tight weave, waiting until all the whey is gone, and the curd flakes are pressed together and turn into cheese.

Ricotta composition

Cheese contains a fairly large concentration of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for humans. In particular, it contains vitamin E, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system and significantly improves the condition of the body as a whole. Vitamin A contained in it is responsible for the renewal of skin cells, immunity, and B vitamins support the nervous system and stimulate its recovery. But the most important beneficial substance in ricotta is calcium, which is vital for the normal condition of nails, hair and bones.

Ricotta composition
Carbohydrates3 g
Proteins11,2 g
Fats13 g
Caloric value174 kCal
Water71,7 g
Ash1 g
Saccharides0,27 g
Saturated fatty acids8,3 g
Cholesterol51 mg
Na – sodium84 mg
Fe – iron0,38 g
S – selenium14,5 μg
P – phosphorus158 mg
Ca – calcium207 mg
K is potassium105 mg
Zn – zinc1,16 mg
Mg – manganese0,006 mg
Mg – magnesium11 mg
Cu – copper21 μg
B2 (riboflavin)0,19 mg
K (phylloquinone)1,1 μg
B5 (pantothenic acid)0,213 mg
A (retinol equivalent)120 μg
E (alpha tocopherol)0,11 mg
B4 (choline)17,5 mg
PP (Niacin Equivalent)0,104 mg
B1 (thiamine)0,013 mg
B9 (folic acid)12 μg
B12 (cyanocobalamin)0,34 μg
B6 (pyridoxine)0,043 mg
Beta-carotene0,033 mg

Ricotta is perfect for any diets, both for those who want to lose weight, and for those who are limited in the choice of dishes for medical reasons. This was made possible due to the fact that ricotta contains a minimum percentage of fat, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful substances. Compared to classic cheese, it has much less fat and calories. Only 100 grams of the product contains the daily protein requirement needed by the human body. Protein is necessary because it acts as a building material for the whole body. Selenium contained in ricotta stimulates regeneration, improves the condition and functioning of muscles, and has a beneficial effect on hormones and enzyme production.

Ricotta is very well absorbed due to the fact that it, unlike other cheeses made on the basis of milk, contains albumin. These are proteins that are among the simplest, they are soluble in water. They are found in whey, unlike milk. The same substances are also found in egg white, in some plants and in human blood. It is this factor that ensures the ease of digestion of ricotta, including because the very same albumin in our blood occupies 55% of its plasma. This means that in the absence of categorical contraindications to the use of whey-based products, you can safely eat ricotta regularly, and it will only bring you benefits.

How to choose and store

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product, regardless of where you buy it. Look also at the color of the cheese: it should be pure white. If you have the opportunity to buy cheese not at the supermarket by weight, ask the seller for the opportunity to try it. The taste of the cheese should be very tender and soft, if it is hard and you feel that it is too sour, this means that such cheese is spoiled. Remember that ricotta cannot be stored for long. Even in industrial vacuum packaging, fresh cheese is stored for no more than 3 days. It is for this reason that they often sell a hard variety that stays fresh for up to 14 days.

Use in cooking

Most often, ricotta is used to create desserts, for this it is well beaten and used to create airy desserts or grease cakes. This cheese is very popular for creating salted pies, especially its salted varieties. It is indispensable in the preparation of certain types of lasagna. In Italy, ricotta is generally very widely used, including for traditional Easter baking.

Ricotta cheese is divided into several varieties:

  • fresh ricotta, or Ricotta Fresca;
  • Ricotta Forte, a sour-flavored ricotta most often used for sandwiches, just spreading on bread. For its production, whey based on sheep’s milk is used; it is kept in earthenware until it acquires a characteristic sour taste;
  • cheese based on goat’s milk, smoked – Ricotta Affumicata;
  • Ricotta Romana – a variety with a firm and salty taste, obtained through a long aging of the product;
  • Ricotta al Forno is a cheese that is cooked at a certain temperature, various components are often added to it to give it a certain taste, this particular type of cheese can be chocolate, lemon, and so on.

Despite the fact that ricotta cheese is considered quite original, in fact, in many European countries they use the same technology as in Italy. Using whey left after the production of any other types of cheese, delicious diet cheese is also made in France, Spain, Greece and Romania, and this is only a small part of the list of countries that uses it. Each country has its own special technology for creating an analogue of ricotta, so we can safely say that each of these cheeses is unique.

Who benefits from ricotta cheese

Ricotta is strongly recommended to include children and adolescents in the diet, since the substances contained in it are necessary for the full formation of the body as a whole, especially the skeleton and nervous system. For the same reason, it is advisable to use it for pregnant and lactating women, since it is involved in the development of the fetus and replenishes the necessary nutrients for the woman.

Ricotta will help restore strength after serious physical exertion, so it is recommended for athletes and people whose activities are associated with physical labor. It is very useful for baby food, including because it has low fat content and the maximum amount of nutrients. For the same reason, it is recommended to be used by people who recover after a long illness or surgery. Unsalted cheese helps people with hypertension, obesity and diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Ricotta cheese is useful for almost everyone, the main thing is to know the measure and use it every day no more than 200 g.


Like any other dairy product, ricotta is contraindicated for people who have individual intolerance to milk protein.

With excessive use of ricotta, the saturated fats contained in it can lead to a sharp jump in blood cholesterol, which will lead to its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. For the same reason, it is necessary to observe the measure of ricotta consumption for people who have poor patency of blood vessels.

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