Ricin – toxic properties of ricin
Ricin - toxic properties of ricinRicin – toxic properties of ricin

Ricin is widely known as a strong, deadly poison. What is ricin anyway? The easiest way to describe this substance is as a protein obtained from a plant resembling a dandelion. It is the castor seeds that pose the greatest threat after possible consumption, because it is in them that the highest concentration of the poisonous substance is hidden. Consuming even a few grains in a short time can lead to the destruction of key internal organs, which ultimately results in quick death. What are the toxic properties of ricin? What are the symptoms of poisoning? Is it possible to prevent the effects of ingesting this toxin in a timely manner?

Ricin – what is it and where can you find it?

Ricin, known as poison, is a toxic protein found in the seeds, stem and leaves of the castor bean plant. Its largest amounts are obtained from castor seed waste. A well-known product obtained from castor is castor oil, which is obtained by squeezing cold-pressed oil from castor bean seeds and then boiling it, which reduces the toxic properties of the toxin. Castor oils and various extracts are used both in cosmetology and medicine.

How can you get poisoned by ricin?

Since ricin is commonly identified as a poison, the question remains, how can undesirable amounts of it enter the body and cause it to stop functioning? Such poisoning can occur as a result of unknowingly eating contaminated food, during inhalation, during which poisoned vapors are inhaled, and as a result of injecting this substance into the body. The smallest amounts of ricin in the body lead to irreversible damage, with a lethal dose of 0,5 mg. How is it possible that such trace amounts of this substance resulted in such a dramatic development of the situation? Well, the action of ricin is based on inhibiting the functioning of ribosomes – places where proteins are produced, which are the basic building blocks of the human body. The inhibition of protein production leads to damage to the protective function of the cell membrane. DNA is damaged and the cell is finally removed from the body. In the human body, this results in inflammatory changes causing ulceration and hemorrhages in the digestive system, necrosis of the renal tubules, dangerous decrease in glucose levels, chronic pneumonia, and ulcerative changes in the respiratory tract.

Ricin poisoning – poison in the home

Symptoms of ricin poisoning appear almost immediately after getting unwanted amounts of this substance into the body. Fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, dehydration, lack of urine, dilated pupils, hallucinations will be inevitable. To a large extent, the symptoms that appear as a result of ricin poisoning can take different forms, depending on the route by which they enter the body. In the case of the intramuscular route, muscle pain and lymphadenopathy occur. It looks a bit different when ricin enters the body through food. Bloody diarrhea and ulcers appear in the digestive system, the liver enlarges. If this harmful substance penetrates the respiratory tract, symptoms of allergies or pulmonary edema will inevitably occur.

Can you be cured of ricin poisoning?

Since ricin poisoning causes such severe havoc in the body, the question arises whether it is a condition that can be cured. And unfortunately, medicine does not give a positive answer in this case. No effective remedy for this poisoning has been invented so far. Attempts are made to do this using the dialysis method, which does not bring the expected effect. Therefore, with ricin poisoning, the only action that is taken is to keep the patient under constant observation, to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation and to try to treat the failure of the internal organs.

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