Ricin – a poison stronger than cyanide. What are the symptoms of ricin poisoning?

Ricin is a toxic protein produced from castor bean. Castor seeds are processed worldwide to produce castor oil. Ricin is part of the waste in the formation of castor oil. This toxin can be extracted from the seeds, then purified and processed to form a powder that can be inhaled. However, no human cases of inhalation of ricin are known to date. Most of the ricin poisonings occurred when it was injected or after a person swallowed castin. Symptoms of ricin poisoning appear 4 to 12 hours after inhalation of ricin or its oral administration.

What is ricin?

Ricin is a protein derived from castor bean (Castor bean L.). Castor grains are used in the production of castor oil, brakes and hydraulic fluid components. Ricin accounts for 3 to 5 percent. the waste mash that is produced during this process. It is not difficult to separate this protein. It only requires knowledge in chromatography, a common chemistry skill in college.

Ricin is easily and cheaply produced, highly toxic and stable in the form of an aerosol. The use of this type of poison in terrorist attacks has been documented both in the United States and elsewhere.

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What are the symptoms of ricin poisoning?

Symptoms depend on the route of infection and the amount of the substance absorbed. Absorption routes are possible by inhalation (inhalation spray), gastrointestinal (ingestion) and injection (transdermal).

Inhalation of ricin – symptoms of poisoning

If ricin is inhaled, symptoms should usually appear within 8 hours of inhalation. People exposed to ricin may experience fever, nausea and vomiting, increasing cough and nasal and throat congestion. Other symptoms associated with inhaling ricin include difficulty breathing and chest tightness. With significant exposure to the poison, breathing difficulties arise within 12-24 hours. A chest X-ray can reveal excess fluid in the lungs.

Eating ricin – symptoms of poisoning

When exposed to castor through the consumption of contaminated food or drink, symptoms may initially resemble food poisoning, usually within 6 hours of ingestion. People who have consumed castin may experience abdominal pain, often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. For this reason, they can also become dehydrated. While ricin is usually less toxic than inhaled exposure, large amounts can cause more serious symptoms and even death. Dehydration is common. If the dose was sufficient and the disease progresses, bloody vomiting or bloody diarrhea or dark tarry stools may occur.

Injecting ricin – symptoms of poisoning

People injected with ricin as granules or dissolved in liquid may experience pain and swelling at the injection site. They may also experience other flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and body aches. More serious symptoms will occur later when he develops a life-threatening critical condition. The skin at the injection site is examined for swelling and redness. The affected area may be painful. The skin is also examined for the possibility of foreign body retention. Physical changes to the skin may occur before or during the onset of other flu-like symptoms.

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Ricin – diagnostics

The diagnosis of castor exposure is mainly based on the symptoms and likelihood of exposure.

In cases where exposure was likely to result from an injection of ricin, diagnosis is extremely difficult. Moreover, diagnostic tests are of limited value. There are several advanced diagnostic tests that can identify ricin in the body up to 24 hours after exposure. However, these tests are not widely available, and there are generally no tests currently in use that can finally confirm exposure. Most likely, the patient will undergo a complete physical examination.

Treatment of ricin poisoning

Regardless of how ricin poisoning occurs, treatment will focus on symptoms as there is no antidote or vaccine for ricin.

In case of inhalation of ricin, the patient will need breathing assistance. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to use an endotracheal tube so that a mechanical respirator can assist with breathing.

If ricin is poisoned by ingestion, gastric suction may be necessary. The patient may also be given activated charcoal to help absorb the poison and intravenous fluids to treat dehydration.

Treatment of ricin poisoning – drugs

When ricin poisoning, drugs are used to treat attacks of low blood pressure. In the event that ricin has been injected, the patient may be given antibiotics to treat the infection, as well as an anti-tetanus injection as a precaution.

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Treatment of ricin poisoning – surgical procedures

Surgery is only expected in the event of ricin poisoning if injected. In these situations, the injection site will be assessed by your doctor for foreign matter. If so, the object will need to be surgically removed.

What to do if we have been exposed to ricin?

It is recommended that you seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect you may be exposed to ricin.

If we have descended in an area where the air has been contaminated with ricin, we should leave that area immediately and move to an area with fresh air. In the event of an aerosol attack, use protective masks that effectively prevent the toxic effects of various substances. It is essential that the instructions given by the emergency personnel are followed in such cases.

To avoid possible contamination, remove and discard clothing and wash skin thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If eyes become irritated, flush them with water.

Contaminated clothing should be placed in a plastic bag. It is very important not to touch contaminated areas of clothing when doing so. If this is not possible or it is not known which parts of the garment have been contaminated, put the garment in the bag using tongs (or other objects) or using rubber gloves. The bag should be tightly closed and placed in another bag. Thanks to this, we will protect ourselves and other people against any chemicals that may be on our clothes.

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Ricin – prophylaxis

Unfortunately, there is no antidote or vaccine for ricin poisoning. Research is currently underway on possible vaccines and ricin inhibitors. Protective masks have been shown to be effective in preventing toxicity during an aerosol attack.

Although ricin is not an ideal biological warfare agent, it remains a threat, primarily as a food and water contaminant. Ricin is widely available and easily produced. With the growing number of biological hazards and information sources available on the Internet, the threat of ricin contamination is very real.

Ricin – frequently asked questions

How much ricin can be fatal to humans?

Ricin is stronger than cyanide and a small amount can kill you. To illustrate this better, it can be said that to kill an adult you need an amount of ricin contained in a grain of table salt. The principle of ricin is to prevent cells from producing proteins; if the cells of the body cannot make protein, they eventually die. A person dies when the cells that make up vital organs stop functioning.

How long does it take for a person to die from ricin poisoning?

A person can die from ricin poisoning by injection approximately 36 to 72 hours after exposure. The type of exposure also determines the speed, severity and type of symptoms that will occur.

Can you catch ricin from other people?

Not. Ricin is a type of poison. It is not caused by a living organism and cannot be passed from person to person.

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