Rich, a champagne to match

From the hand of Veuve Clicquot, comes a different champagne with its own personality.

The contents of the elite bottle of the new product of the Veuve Clicquot House is an exceptional, complex and exciting champagne called Rich.

A Cuve, which breaks with tradition, made from grapes Pinot Noir, Meunier and Chardonnay, which has had the participation of the winery masters and prestigious professional mixologists to bring to light this new concept of the exclusive cocktail bar of the modern XXI century.

An ideal drink to combine and that provides spectacular sweetness in the purest style of combinations with sugar that many wealthy people made with it. mythical champagne from the firm back in the Russia of the middle of the XIX century.

The fruit is its best ally and together with the traces and aromas provided by the grapes in its process, a powerful bubbly delicacy is created that in the mouth provides expressiveness with citrus and floral notes.

Captivating the younger audience

It is no longer simply served cold, its ability to mix and match allows its style to make it a perfect flotation container for ice cubes that, apart from cooling it, give it an exclusive eye-candy in the best style of ice cream. Gin & Tonics of the XNUMXst century, so fashionable today.

It will be the main component of this new trend of mixing alcohols with soft drinks and fruit juices to find the perfect combination.

The work of professional bartenders has been essential to achieve a magnificent base to develop spectacular cocktails served in a Chianti glass (balloon to help oxygenation) along with pineapple, grated grapefruit, celery, cucumber, pepper or tea.

Its exclusivity will also be transferred to the points of sale, these being very limited in our geography with a presence in Madrid, Barcelona and Ibiza.

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