Rice wine: 4 recipes at home

Rice alcoholic beverages are traditionally made in Japan, Korea, India and other Asian countries. There are quite a few varieties of such alcohol: in each locality, cereal wine is made according to its own recipe.

The main components are rice and special fungi that cause fermentation. The strength of drinks varies between 18-25 ° C.

It is believed that rice wine is incredibly healthy. It has an antiseptic effect, prevents the development of cancer, has a beneficial effect on digestion, blood circulation, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Still make moonshine from rice

Tips before starting

  1. To prepare the simplest Japanese alcohol, it is enough to stock up on rice, clean water and yeast. If you want to get a more aromatic drink, you should try the recipe with the addition of spices or citrus fruits.

  2. Rice is suitable for any variety, but it is better to choose round, unpolished or sticky Asian.

  3. Yeast uses wine or Japanese “koji”, otherwise it will turn out not wine, but mash.

  4. The grains are thoroughly washed with running water before processing: this will eliminate the need to clarify the finished product.

  5. All utensils should be sterilized before use.

  6. If the wine is too strong, you can sweeten it with sugar and shake it.

  7. Drinks based on fungi are pasteurized using a water bath without heating them above 70 ° C.

  8. Refrigerate rice wine before drinking.

Recipe for classic rice wine

The volume of water is indicated without taking into account the liquid for soaking and boiling.

It is easiest to buy special Japanese fungi in home-brewing stores.

Keep an unpasteurized finished drink in the refrigerator or cellar for no more than 1 month. To increase the shelf life, you need to warm the wine at 60 ° C for 20-30 minutes.


  1. Rice – 1,5 kg

  2. Water (35 ° C) – 4,5 liters

  3. Yeast “koji” – 13 g

Method of preparation

  1. Washed rice and soak in water for half a day, boil over low heat or in a double boiler.

  2. Allow the mass to cool, transfer to a container for fermentation.

  3. Pour rice with 4 liters of warm water.

  4. Dissolve koji in the remaining water (½ l), mix well, let it brew for about a quarter of an hour, add to the rice liquid.

  5. Thoroughly mix the wort, put a water seal on the vessel, send it to heat.

  6. Wait for the end of fermentation (about 2-3 weeks), remove the drink from the sediment.

  7. Leave the container of wine in the cold until the liquid becomes clear.

  8. Carefully drain the drink, distribute into small bottles, keep in the cold and dark.

Rice wine with citrus aroma

The readiness of the wine is evidenced by its complete clarification and the appearance of a light golden hue. Alcohol with lime will have a slight bitterness in the taste.


  1. Rice – ½ kg

  2. Raisins – 0,1 kg

  3. Sugar – 1,3 kg

  4. Lime / lemon – 2 pcs.

  5. Water – 3 L

  6. Wine yeast – 1 tsp

Method of preparation

  1. Pour thoroughly washed rice into a fermentation container.

  2. Scald the raisins with boiling water, chop coarsely, add to the grains along with sugar, mix.

  3. Remove the zest from the lime, chop it, throw it into the rice mixture, squeeze the citrus juice there.

  4. Pour the mass with warm water, mix well, add yeast, cover the vessel with a cloth flap and press down with a lid.

  5. Let the must ferment for about 10-12 days, stirring intensively every day.

  6. Leave the wine to ripen for 2 days, pass through a gauze filter.

  7. Pour the drink into clean bottles, without filling the vessels to the top, seal tightly and transfer to the cold.

  8. Taste not earlier than in 2-3 weeks, but better after a couple of months.

Rice wine with spices

Spices and herbs can be replaced with others according to your taste. Basil and thyme are used in dry crushed form, it is better to take bottled water.


  1. Rice – 2 kg

  2. Water – 8,8 L

  3. Sugar – 2,8 kg

  4. Citric acid – 50 g

  5. Raisins – 0,2-0,5 kg

  6. Wine yeast – 1 tsp

  7. Top dressing for yeast – 5-7 g

  8. Carnation – 8-10 pcs.

  9. Vanilla sugar – 20–25 g

  10. Allspice peas – 8-10 pcs.

  11. Black peppercorns – 12-15 pcs.

  12. Ground nutmeg – 1 tsp

  13. Ground ginger – 1 tsp

  14. Basil – 8 g

  15. Thyme – 13 g

  16. Ground cinnamon – 1 tsp

  17. Turmeric – 2 tsp

Method of preparation

  1. Boil 7,5 liters of water, dissolve one and a half kilograms of sugar and “lemon” in it.

  2. Allow liquid to cool to room temperature.

  3. Put the washed rice in a fermentation container, pour warm syrup.

  4. Scald unwashed raisins with boiling water, cut into halves, add to the rice mass.

  5. Add yeast, fertilizing for them and spices to the mixture, mix the mass well.

  6. Install a shutter on the neck of the vessel, leave the container warm for fermentation.

  7. 4 days after the start of fermentation processes, brew a thick syrup from the remaining water and sugar, pour into the wort.

  8. After the end of fermentation (after 5–6 weeks), remove the drink from the sediment, pass through a gauze and cotton filter.

  9. Pour the liquid into a clean vessel, dilute with clean water if necessary, reattach the closure.

  10. Leave the drink in a dark cool place for fermentation.

  11. After 1,5 months, drain the wine from the sediment, taste it, sweeten it if necessary and let it brew for another couple of weeks.

  12. Filter the drink, distribute in small containers, keep in the cold from six months to a year.

Rice wine “Express”


  1. Rice – 1 kg

  2. Yeast “koji” – 9 g

  3. Lemon – ½ pc.

  4. Flour – 1 tsp.

  5. Water – for cooking

Method of preparation

  1. Pour rice with water and boil for about 1 hour.

  2. Drain excess liquid and steam the mass for 15-20 minutes.

  3. Rinse the raw materials, squeeze lemon juice into it, mix the mass with yeast and flour.

  4. Spread the rice mixture in the pan, shifting to the edges and making a notch in the center.

  5. Wrap the container with cling film, close the lid, wrap in a warm blanket.

  6. Place the pan near a hot battery or stove, let it stand for 7-10 days.

  7. Remove the lid, carefully pour the liquid formed in the recess into a glass vessel, squeeze the mass through a multilayer gauze fabric, add the resulting drink to the first one.

  8. Store wine in the cold for no more than 1 month, sweeten if necessary.

Relevance: 21.01.2019

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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