
Rice paper is thin translucent biscuits based on rice flour. The traditional recipe includes only 3 ingredients: salt, water and rice. But manufacturers can change the composition to increase the shelf life and palatability of the food product. Most often, sweeteners, preservatives and starchy tapioca flour are added to it.

What you need to know about the Asian biscuit and can the product be classified as a healthy food?

General characteristics

Rice paper is a very thinly rolled and dried dough. The food component is made in the form of a round/square sheet. According to the traditional recipe, 90% of the composition is grain flour, the remaining 10% is reserved for salt and filtered water.

Important: before buying a product, carefully study the packaging and composition. The maximum benefit will bring only that rice paper, which consists of rice, water and salt. If the composition contains chemical components unfamiliar to you, refuse to buy and look for a product from another manufacturer.

The rice mixture is thoroughly kneaded, rolled out and dried on special surfaces (on an industrial scale) or left at room temperature (for home production). The manufacturing process can be easily repeated at home. So you can be sure of the quality of the ingredients used and slightly change the composition to your own taste. For example, you can add your favorite spices to flour to diversify the neutral taste of an Asian biscuit.

Important: for decoupage and decor, not edible rice paper is used, but a special rice fibrous napkin. The Asian biscuit can only be used in cooking, and the napkin is forbidden to be eaten.

Features of traditional production

The traditional production of Asian dough takes an enormous amount of time and effort. The process may differ in different countries. For example, in Vietnam, women have always been involved in the preparation of biscuits. They soaked the grains in ice water for 12 or more hours, then drained the water several times, thoroughly washing each grain. After several drains of the liquid, salt was added to the mass. Sometimes, for a denser consistency, starchy cereals or sesame / greens / shrimp were added for a special taste.

After the spicy mass swells, the women knead the dough, roll it out and let it steam for several minutes. The finished biscuit was placed on large bamboo grids, dried in the open air and cut into convenient pieces.

Industrial production repeats all traditional manipulations, but the heavy work is done not by fragile women, but by massive automated machines.

Nutritional value and composition features

The main advantage of the composition of the biscuit is the absence of gluten. Patients with celiac disease, intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten can freely prepare spring rolls, a variety of snacks and desserts.

Important: the manufacturer must indicate the absence / presence of gluten in the composition. Initially, there is no gluten in rice, but it can get into the finished product during industrial production or improper cultivation of the crop. Check the back of the package carefully to make sure it’s gluten-free.

Rice flour is recognized by nutritionists as one of the healthiest, so Asian biscuits can be categorized as a healthy diet. 100 grams of the product contains 77 grams of simple carbohydrates, the average weight of one leaf reaches 10 grams. The product is perfect for a light snack or a late dinner. The combination of biscuits with healthy fats (avocado/vegetable oil) and fiber (fruits/vegetables) is especially successful. Such an appetizer will not only satisfy your hunger, but will saturate you with useful nutrients without overloading the internal organs.

Energy value of the Asian biscuit
NameContent based on 100 grams of raw product
Caloric value333 kCal
Proteins5,8 g
Fats0 g
Carbohydrates77,4 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Water0 g

How to make your own rice paper

We need:

  • rice flour – 400 grams (if you have a powerful blender, beat the grains into flour);
  • salt to taste;
  • chilled filtered water – 150 milliliters.

Pass the flour through a sieve, then mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl. Knead the dough, kneading it for about 10-15 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands, on the contrary, it is necessary to achieve a dense structure. If necessary, simply add the missing components. Send the finished dough to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll out the chilled dough, cut it into thin squares/circles of the desired size and leave to dry. As soon as the biscuit becomes dense, crispy and covered with a white crust, proceed to further cooking.

Use component in cooking

Rice paper is one of the most popular ingredients in the Asian culinary tradition. Most often, various fillings are wrapped in dough and served in the form of rolls (“spring rolls”).

In Vietnamese cuisine, there is a traditional dish – Nam. These are rice paper rolls that are different from traditional spring rolls. The composition of the Vietnamese nem may include: minced pork, durum wheat pasta, mushrooms, herbs and carrots. Nam is rolled up, fried in a pan and served at the table. Spring rolls are filled mainly with vegetables / fruits and served raw.

The texture of rice paper is hard and brittle. It is simply impossible to wrap the filling in a dry leaf – it breaks into pieces and crumbles. Before use, cooks soak the product in water. The process usually takes no more than 2 minutes. Place the biscuit in boiling water for 5-10 seconds, then put to dry and soften on a regular towel or parchment. The finished sheet becomes elastic and pliable, but does not lose its dense structure.

Interesting: most often, manufacturers apply a special pattern to rice sheets using a press. Usually these are traditional Asian motifs like flowers or bamboo leaves. The pattern is preserved even after soaking, giving the finished dish a special aesthetic texture.

The use of the Asian biscuit is not limited to spring rolls. If you like the neutral flavor of rice, eat it raw, fried, or soaked instead of bread. Edible paper can be added to salads, soups, side dishes, make Asian variations of tacos, cook rice and vegetable pillow for meat or fish. The product can even be added to desserts (for example, baklava or tubes with a sweet filling), since the translucent dough easily takes on the bright flavors of other ingredients. Rice paper can also be substituted for thin phyllo dough. The scope of application is limited only by your culinary skills and imagination, so experiment and come up with your own combinations of flavors.

Tip: You can make rice noodles from an Asian biscuit. Cut the layer into thin strips and start cooking a completely new dish.

Possible harm and contraindications

Rice paper is a universal food component, the only contraindication of which is individual intolerance. Patients with gluten intolerance should pay special attention to the composition of the product. Make sure the biscuit is really gluten-free to be on the safe side and not provoke an allergic reaction. Otherwise, the product has no clear contraindications. Rice paper is considered a light snack that is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, lifestyle and goals (weight loss / weight gain).

Important: do not forget about the shelf life of the biscuit. If the sheets can be stored in sealed packaging for several months, then after opening it is advisable to use all the dough in one preparation. Also make sure that the product is stored in a clean, dry compartment free from UV rays and foreign odors.

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