Rice noodles

Rice flour noodles are marketed under the name “glass”. The name is associated with the color and structure of the product – it is fragile and almost transparent or white. Thin strips of rice flour do not even need to be boiled. It is enough to pour boiling water or dip in a boiling pan for a few minutes.

Often, a food ingredient is sold as a finished chopped portion. Noodles are collected in skeins of vermicelli of different sizes. 1 skein corresponds to 1 serving for an adult.

What you need to know about the Asian version of the paste, what is interesting for noodles and is it safe to eat?

General product characteristics

Important: in the modern market there is confusion with rice and glass noodles. These are 2 different dishes with a specific set of ingredients and method of preparation. But among the varieties of rice vermicelli there is a translucent life. It used to be called glass, despite belonging to the category of rice products.

Rice noodles have a few common names. Among them: starch, Chinese, glass and funchose. The word “funchose” does not mean vermicelli itself, but a dish that is made from it. But locals and lovers of Asian cuisine often use the term to refer to thin rice stripes. This is a traditional dish of Chinese, Japanese and Korean culinary traditions. Funchoza is prepared from starch noodles, pickled peppers, branched onions, carrots, radishes and other vegetables. The cook independently determines the set of components and can add meat, mushrooms or other filling to taste. The dish is served as a regular soup, mainly in hot form.

Interesting: funchose can be prepared in stages, like any multi-component dish, or you can buy instant noodles. The manufacturer puts 1 serving of rice product and a bag of dried vegetable seasonings inside the package. The quality of instant noodles is a controversial issue, which depends on the cost of the product, the composition and policy of the manufacturer.

Asian funchose paste is made from mung bean starch. Mung bean (mash) is an annual herbaceous plant from the legume family. It is believed that the birthplace of culture is India. Small green seeds, which look very similar to peas, filled the whole world. The level of their consumption is not inferior to chickpeas and other legumes.

Mung is not the only source of starch. On an industrial scale, potato starch, canna (an annual fodder plant), cassava (an edible tropical plant), or yam (a bean fruit that looks like a giant potato) are often used. To reduce the cost of production, bean starch is also replaced with corn starch.

The traditional sectional rice vermicelli has a circular cross section. The diameter of each strip may vary due to production characteristics. Dried noodles are added to salads, soups, deep-fried snacks and other dishes.

Interesting: dry rice vermicelli is painted white, but after heat treatment it becomes translucent.

Rice noodles are prepared in a special technique – an extruder. Layers of dough are passed through the unit, and thin strips are obtained at the output, which must be further processed and wrapped in packaging. Less commonly, a sheet of dough is simply evaporated from a flour solution and cut into strips on its own. The second option is more laborious and takes more time. Salt is not added to traditional vermicelli, but modern manufacturers most often introduce it into the composition.

Varieties of the food component:

  1. Gotiao. Rice flour flat strips that look very similar to Italian fettuccini.
  2. Shahefen. Wide flat strips of noodles. An analogue of Italian pasta pappardelle.
  3. Lifefeng. Thick round translucent vermicelli. It is prepared on the basis of glutinous rice. The shape is identical to the spaghetti familiar to us.
  4. Messian. Longest as thin white strips that are similar to spaghetti.

The chemical composition of the finished and dry funchose

Nutritional value per 100 grams of noodles
CharacterizationReady-madeDry (instant noodles)
Caloric value109 kCal364 kCal
Proteins0,91 g3,44 g
Fats0,2 g0,56 g
Carbohydrates23,9 g81,64 g
Water73,82 g11,91 g
Alimentary fiber1 g1,6 g
Cholesterol0 g0 g
Ash0,18 g0,85 g
Alcohol0 g0 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams per 100 grams)
VitaminReady-madeIn dry form
Thiamine (V1)0,020,03
Riboflavin (V2)00,02
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,010,05
Pyridoxine (V6)0,010,02
Folic acid (B9)0,0030,003
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,260,89
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams)
NutrientReady-madeIn dry form
Potassium (K)430
Calcium (Ca)418
Magnesium (Mg)312
Sodium (Na)19182
Phosphorus (P)20153
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)0,140,7
Manganese (Mn)0,110,5
Copper (Cu)0,040,08
Selenium (Se)0,00450,0151
Zinc (Zn)0,250,74

The benefits and possible harm of the product

The main component of rice noodles is rice grain flour. It belongs to the category of health benefits, and nutritionists advise diluting ordinary wheat flour with rice.

Rice flour is a leader in the gastronomic market. It is also often bought as oatmeal or, for example, whole wheat. It has many useful vitamins / nutrients, but a high glycemic index and a controversial composition. There is also no gluten in the product, but this must be additionally verified based on the information on the package.

Representatives of the University of California at Berkeley claim to have discovered toxic arsenic in rice flour. It is believed that it is in this product that arsenic is at its highest. What is this fraught with? Diabetes, the development of bladder and kidney cancer.

But do not rush to abandon the usual diet. Not all products can bring absolute benefits to the human body. Products made from rice flour saturate for a long time, regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the balance of nutrients. If you do not eat several servings of funchose, rice buns and several plates of rice every day, then you will not be at risk of diabetes or bladder cancer. The main thing is to follow the diet, make it as balanced and nutritious as possible.

Make your choice in favor of Chinese noodles, which require additional heat treatment. The nutritional value and benefits of the fast food dish is questionable. Most often, manufacturers add flavor enhancers, preservatives and other achievements of the gastronomic industry. They are needed in order to preserve the taste / appearance of the product and qualitatively affect your taste buds. If you still decide on instant noodles, then buy a product from a higher price segment. Be sure to read the composition – all its components should be simple and understandable.

Tip: Always combine Asian pasta with plenty of vegetables and easily digestible protein (like fish). This will help to quickly and efficiently assimilate the dish, having received all the possible benefits of the meal.

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