Rice fungus (or Indian sea rice) is a colony of microorganisms that exist with each other in an inseparable symbiosis of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. They are covered with a mucous membrane, due to which they absorb substances necessary for their vital activity from the water.
The basis of the colony is yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. When they enter the sugar solution, they are activated. As a result of fermentation, the infusion is enriched with vitamins, enzymes and organic acids.
Rice mushroom is a natural product, the history of which is calculated for centuries. It has been known since the time of the Roman and Chinese empires. The homeland of this unique organism is the Eastern countries: India, Japan and China. It is from them that it spread throughout the world.
Among the people, rice mushroom has received many names: sea, Japanese, Chinese, Indian and even live rice. All of them are connected with the history of its origin. However, the mushroom is called rice only because of the outward resemblance of this type of zooglea to the popular grain product.
Not only oral, but also written evidence of how in ancient times people used rice fungus to improve health has come down to our times. In ancient Chinese manuscripts, there are records that he is able to cure many diseases, normalize digestion and quench thirst. These records are dated to the XNUMXth century.
This healing product came to Europe only at the beginning of the 90th century, and in the second half of the XNUMXth century it became widespread in Russia. They were treated for toothache, purulent wounds, used in the fight against various infections. More than XNUMX diseases fall into the spectrum of its influence.
Externally, the rice fungus is represented by translucent grains of irregular shape, which resemble grains of boiled rice. Young fungi reach a diameter of about 5 mm, but as they grow older they can grow up to 5 cm.
There are two types of rice fungus – small and large. The small one is distinguished by increased activity, the infusion based on it turns out to be carbonated, with a bright taste reminiscent of kvass. A large rice fungus starts to work more slowly, the infusion with it is prepared for at least 3 days. It is softer in taste, gives off milky-fruity notes.
The benefits of rice mushroom
Rice mushroom has numerous beneficial properties, including:
Removal of inflammation from the internal organs, which allows you to reduce the amount of medication taken.
Treatment of the respiratory system in viral and bacterial infections.
Cleansing of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity with rhinitis.
Strengthening the immune system.
Help in shedding excess weight.
Improving the condition of the skin and hair.
Increasing vitality, fighting fatigue.
Rejuvenation of the body, assistance in the regeneration of damaged tissues and in the removal of dead cells.
Increased performance.
Normalization of metabolic processes.
Decreased blood sugar levels.
Normalization of the production of gastric juice.
Reduced blood pressure.
Prevention of atherosclerosis.
Recovery of the nervous system.
Getting rid of insomnia.
Increased libido in both men and women.
Cleansing the organs of the urinary system from sand due to the provision of a diuretic effect.
Removal of salts from the joints.
Help in the treatment of diseases of the biliary system.
Providing an antioxidant effect, which allows the use of rice fungus as a means for the prevention of cancerous tumors.
Composition of rice mushroom
The composition of rice mushroom is diverse:
It includes vitamin C, Q10, tannins, folic acid, polysaccharides and glycosides.
Choline helps lower blood pressure by acting on the parasympathetic nerve.
Wound healing and antimicrobial properties have fatty and resinous substances.
Rice mushroom alkaloids have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.
Yeast fungi in combination with acetic acid bacteria heal the intestinal flora.
The enzymes contained in the infusion break down uric acid salts, preventing their accumulation in the joints, and also contribute to the gradual removal of sand and stones from the kidneys.
Rice fungus infusion is rich in enzymes, including: lipase, amylase and protease. These enzymes are actively involved in all digestive processes.
Rice mushroom – a drink for immunity
Rice fungus acts on the body in a special way. It fights diseases and ailments not directly, but by increasing immunity, removing toxins and healing the intestines.
The use of infusion allows you to get rid of toxins, as well as suppress the activity of pathogenic flora. In place of “harmful” bacteria, “beneficial” microbes quickly come, which has a positive effect on a person’s well-being.
Rice mushroom belongs to natural antibiotics. It acts selectively, without affecting the microorganisms necessary for a person to maintain health. The infusion is recommended for colds, as it acts as a source of vitamin C.
Rice mushroom helps to lose weight
The use of infusion of rice fungus stabilizes metabolic processes. It contains the enzymes necessary to maintain normal metabolism. For example, rice mushroom is a source of lipase, which is necessary for the high-quality breakdown of fats. Its deficiency leads to the fact that a person begins to gain weight.
With age, the level of lipase in the body decreases, which contributes to the development of obesity. As a result, fats from food are not broken down, but are deposited in unnecessary places. You can cope with this problem if you regularly take an infusion of rice fungus.
Rice mushroom infusion is a powerful antioxidant
The composition of the infusion includes coenzyme Q (vitamin Q), which, according to the latest scientific data, is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Its entry into the body prevents the aging process, and also stops age-related changes that can lead to the development of various diseases.
Coenzyme Q is useful for people suffering from arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and heart defects. It has a pronounced anti-allergic effect, it is used in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. Rice mushroom infusion is recommended for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, to improve brain nutrition.
Harm and contraindications
Despite all the benefits of rice fungus, a drink based on it can not always be consumed.
Contraindications for admission:
Diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin dependent). The composition of the infusion contains polysaccharides, so it can be taken only at an early stage of the development of the disease.
Diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage. Infusion can be taken only after the removal of an acute inflammatory reaction.
Individual intolerance to the product.
Pregnancy. This contraindication is not absolute, but before you start taking rice mushroom, you should consult a specialist. This recommendation is due to the pronounced effect of infusion on the body.
People prone to allergic skin reactions should use rice mushroom for cosmetic purposes with caution. It should not be applied to the dermis, in the presence of wounds and cracks.
Rice mushroom in the treatment of diseases
A drink made on the basis of rice fungus is used in the treatment of various diseases:
The defeat of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis and hypertension. To provide a therapeutic effect, the infusion is recommended to be prepared with the addition of apples and prunes. It is consumed 3 times a day in an amount of 150 ml. Regular use of infusion can reduce the symptoms of heart failure, lower blood cholesterol levels.
Headache (migraine). The infusion of rice fungus is not only consumed internally, but also used as lotions, applying cotton swabs soaked in it to the temples.
Obesity. To normalize body weight, it is recommended to use 200 ml of infusion 3 times a day, 10 minutes before meals. The breakdown of subcutaneous adipose tissue will occur due to the enzymes that make up the drink.
Diabetes. Infusion can be taken only if a person has an insulin-independent form of the disease. Drink drink 250 ml, 3 times a day before meals.
Gastric ulcer, gastritis with high and low acidity without exacerbation. The drink is taken 500 ml 3 times a day before meals. Regular use of infusion based on rice fungus contributes to scarring of ulcerative defects and normalization of the acidity of gastric juice.
Urolithiasis disease. In this disease, the infusion is first taken in small doses (50 ml 2 times a day), gradually increasing their volume (up to 150 ml 3 times a day).
Viral and microbial diseases. With angina, the drink is used to gargle. To relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract, it is taken orally in an amount of 300 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Arthritis, osteochondrosis, sciatica. With these diseases, the tincture is taken not only inside, but also used externally. The drink is slightly warmed up and rubbed into the affected joints 3 times a day. If necessary, compresses are left overnight.
Phlebeurysm. The rice mushroom drink is applied to the limbs in the morning and evening, carefully rubbing it into the skin. Inside it is shown to take 1,5 cups of infusion during the day. This method of treatment is widely practiced in Germany and Scotland.
Shingles. Rice fungus can reduce the symptoms of the disease, for which the affected areas are lubricated with infusion during periods of severe itching and burning of the skin. The procedure can be carried out at night and during the day.
How to grow rice mushroom at home?
Growing rice mushroom at home is not difficult, but first you need to get the basis. You can ask your friends for it, as the mushroom divides very quickly.

Method of preparation:
Pour 800 ml of unboiled settled or filtered water into a clean liter jar.
Add 3 tablespoons of sugar to it, bring to complete dissolution.
4 tablespoons of rice mushroom are placed in the solution, 10 grains of raisins are added.
Cover the jar with gauze, leave for 3 days at room temperature.
Strain the solution through a sieve, discard the raisins.
Drink the drink inside.
Strained rice fungus is reused. To do this, it must be washed with clean running water. Then, 4 tablespoons of the mushroom are again separated from the resulting mass, which is placed in a new sugar solution prepared according to the scheme described above.
[Video] How to cook rice mushroom at home?