Rice milk: how to cook at home? Video
Today, rice milk is most popular in the United States, where interest in veganism has increased. There, this healthy drink can be found in almost every supermarket. Rice milk is also held in high esteem in India. This low-calorie food is rich in vitamins A and D and is high in magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, folate and unsaturated fatty acids. With a certain tenacity, rice milk can be found in specialized stores. But it’s even better to cook it yourself at home.
Rice milk: how to cook at home
Rice milk: a simple recipe
To make rice milk at home, you will need: – brown rice – 1 glass; – water – 1 liter; – sugar or honey – to taste.
You will also need inventory: – blender; – a container for soaking rice; – a tablespoon; – sieve.
Soak the rice in water overnight. In the morning, add sweeteners – sugar or honey to the soaked rice to taste. Whisk the resulting mixture with a blender until smooth and pass the drink through a sieve. That’s it, rice milk is ready to drink!
In cooking, rice milk can be used to thicken egg mixtures and milk sauces, and to add fluffiness to puddings.
If you don’t want to soak the rice, you can prepare the drink in a different way. You will need: – 4 glasses of water; – 1 part brown (brown) rice.
Rinse the rice grains, cover with water and cook until softened. Place the contents of the saucepan in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. After passing the prepared rice milk through a sieve or several layers of cheesecloth, if desired, you can add boiled water, cocoa, vanilla or cinnamon. Your healthy drink is ready!
Rice milk with almonds and cardamom: a recipe
For 4 servings of rice milk with almonds and cardamom, take: – brown basmati rice – 0,75 cups; – raw peeled almonds – 1 handful; – boxes of cardamom – 6 pieces; – sugar – 0,25 cups; – bottled water – 6 glasses; – salt (preferably sea salt) – on the tip of a knife.
Place a saucepan with 2 cups of water on the stove, bring the water to a boil and add the almonds. After 4 minutes, discard the cooked nuts in a colander, rinse under cold water and peel them off. Place the kernels on a napkin or towel to dry the nuts, then chop the almonds into small crumbs. Use a blender, coffee grinder or home grinder to grind the rice into flour. Crush the cardamom pods with the flat side of the knife blade.
It is very convenient to peel almonds by squeezing each nucleolus between your index finger and thumb, squeezing as if you were shooting a cherry pit. Thanks to this little trick, the nuts will fly out of the skin on their own.
Next, combine the rice flour, cardamom, almonds and salt in a bowl. Add 4 cups of water and stir. Close the container with a lid and let it stand for about 8 hours. Then add sugar to the mixture and beat it in a blender, gradually adding the rest of the water to this mass.
Beat until the mixture is completely smooth. Strain the resulting mass through a sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. Let the drink stand in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes before serving. After that, you can enjoy the taste of rice milk.
This drink can be made from almost any kind of rice grains, but the most healthy and truly tasty milk comes from unpolished brown rice. In addition, the taste of rice milk can be diversified by adding various natural aromatic components to it: raspberries, kiwi slices, currants, strawberries, bananas or various juices.
Ice cream with nuts and raisins in rice milk: a recipe
During fasting or just in hot summer weather, you can treat yourself to ice cream made from a rice drink. To prepare milk from rice you will need: – rice – 100 ml; – water – 400 ml.
To make ice cream for 4 servings, you will also need: – sugar – 120 g; – water – 60 ml; – raisins – 100 g; – almonds or other nuts – 50 g; – extra virgin olive oil (optional) – 2 tsp.
It will take about 40 minutes to make lean rice milk ice cream
Start by making rice milk. To do this, pour 100 ml of rice with 400 ml of water. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook until rice is done. Let it cool slightly in water. Then grind this mixture with a blender, then rub the resulting homogeneous mass through a sieve. The rice drink is ready! You can drink it diluted with water, with your favorite spices or fruits. Or you can go ahead and make delicious ice cream based on it.
Make sugar syrup. To do this, in a saucepan or in a frying pan, boil 120 g of sugar with 30 ml of water over medium heat. Do not forget to stir constantly. When the syrup thickens and turns brown, add another 30 ml of water. Then, combine the sugar syrup with the rice milk. Olive oil can be added at this stage, although it is not required. If the mixture is too thick, you can dilute it with a little warm boiled water.
Next, mince the raisins and nuts 2 times. You can use a blender to get a homogeneous mass. Combine all the ingredients, then place the mixture in an ice cream maker for about 15-20 minutes. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, put the mixture in a deep bowl and put it in the freezer for one hour. After this time, take out the mixture and beat it with a mixer. Repeat this operation 3 more times every half hour. After that, the rice ice cream can be divided into portions, sprinkled with chocolate chips and served.