Rice flour pancakes

How to cook the dish ” Pancakes on rice flour»

Cottage cheese 400g, 1 egg, rice flour 3-5 tbsp. l, sweetener Fit Parad

Recipe ingredients “Pancakes with rice flour»:
  • 1 egg
  • 400g cottage cheese 0.6%
  • 5 tablespoons rice flour

Nutritional value of the dish “Pancakes on rice flour” (per 100 grams):

Calories: 145.8 kcal.

Squirrels: 15.6 gr.

Fats: 1.6 gr.

Carbohydrates: 16.1 gr.

Number of servings: 3Ingredients and calories of the recipe ” Pancakes on rice flour»

ProductMeasureWeight, grWhite, grFat, gAngle, grKal, kcal
chicken egg1 piece556.9960.3986.35
cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)400 g400722.47.2352
dietary rice flour5 tbsp.1007.40.682371
Total 55586.4989.6809.4
1 serving 18528.8329.9269.8
100 grams 10015.61.616.1145.8

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