Rice flour

Of course, in our life the leading place is occupied by such types of flour as wheat or rye. But now, healthy rice flour, which has long been used by the peoples of Asia, is gaining more and more popularity. Rice itself is a valuable product in a healthy diet, therefore, flour from it contains valuable components that give it positive and nutritional qualities. It is produced by grinding rice grains and differs from its popular counterparts in the complete absence of gluten and a high content of protein and starch.

Product history, types and grades of flour

Rice, as a cereal crop, has been cultivated for many centuries. For the most part, it is used for eating, and useful flour is also obtained from it. This is evidenced by fragments of dishes found during excavations containing the remains of rice grains.

The ancestor of this culture is hot sultry Asia. The first cereal crops began to be grown in the territories of modern Thailand and Vietnam. Then it spread to other countries, gradually filling the fields of India, China, Malaysia and Indochina.

In today’s world, rice is loved by many consumers and is often valued far more than other cereals. Some do not have a soul in it at all, and prefer to use products prepared on its basis. One of these is rice flour. It is obtained during the processing of rice grains, by grinding. There are two types of such a product: white rice flour and whole grain.

White flour is made from polished rice, has a pure white color and a light powdery texture. This product, like the rice from which it is made, does not have a special taste and smell. It has a high starch content and no gluten.

Whole-grain rice flour is made from rice grains that have been stripped of just the outer shell. It also includes bran, which is ground together with rice grains, thereby increasing the nutritional composition and value of this type of flour. Whole grain flour has a darker color and a pronounced nutty flavor.

To date, there are two types of rice flour production: using GOST and produced according to TU. Flour produced in accordance with GOST is used for the manufacture of baby food. For all other products, it is customary to use Extra flour, made according to specifications.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of rice flour

The energy value of white rice flour is 366 kcal. The content of proteins in such a product is about 6 grams, fats – 1,42 grams, highly digestible carbohydrates – about 80 grams.

The vitamin composition is represented by B vitamins, choline, vitamins E and PP.

Minerals include:

  • potassium – 76 mg;
  • calcium – 10 mg;
  • magnesium – 35 mg;
  • phosphorus – 98 mg;
  • iron – 0,35 mg
  • manganese – 1,2 mg;
  • copper – 130 mcg;
  • selenium – 15,1 mcg;
  • zinc – 0,8 mg.

It also includes amino acids necessary for protein synthesis, as well as omega fatty and saturated fatty acids, as well as fiber that is useful for the body. Thanks to this nutritious and healthy content, rice flour is used in the production of baby food.

The benefits of rice flour

The biggest advantage of this flour compared to others is the complete absence of gluten, or gluten, in its composition. Due to this, it is often used for the production of baby food and in the diet menu. It also contains all the amino acids necessary for the full development of the body, as well as a rich vitamin complex and mineral composition. Therefore, the benefits of rice flour can be summarized as follows:

  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • restores strength and energizes and vigor after prolonged exhaustion of the body or heavy physical exertion;
  • is a natural antidepressant, brings a calming effect and protects the body from stress and harmful environmental factors;
  • helps to lower blood sugar levels;
  • widely used for dietary purposes, among other things, helping the body build muscle mass in this process;
  • is an effective decongestant, helps to restore the water-salt balance in the body.
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body, improving metabolic abilities;
  • removes harmful and dangerous toxins and slags from the body.

This product is a godsend for people who are intolerant to gluten, which is found in other cereals.

The use of rice flour in cooking

As mentioned above, the most important use of rice flour is the production of baby food from it. On its basis, milk porridges and canned food are prepared for the smallest, it is also good for the first feeding of babies.

Rice paper is prepared from this product, which is the basis of many national dishes in Japan and China. Often it is used for making bakery products, as well as rice noodles. Rice flour can also be used for the manufacture of confectionery and various desserts. The crust is especially tasty and crispy when baking products based on this product.

This flour is also good for making various sauces, pates, sausages, ketchups, where it is used as a natural thickener due to its gelatinizing and water-retaining qualities.

It is also used for the production of dumplings and manti, which have a special spicy taste. It is also used as a means for breading cutlets, vegetables and various meat and fish products.

Making rice flour at home

At present, it is difficult to find this product even in a wide range presented on the shelves of modern supermarkets. But this healthy, hypoallergenic, gluten-free product is easy enough to make at home. To do this, you just need to have a blender, mixer or coffee grinder on hand. It is most preferable to use a coffee grinder, since with its use you can get a fine-grained product of high-quality grinding. If you are preparing flour in a blender, you must definitely pay attention to whether this machine can be used to grind cereals. To achieve a more effective result, it is recommended to fill the device no more than half.

Used in cosmetics

With the help of rice flour, you can make various whitening and cleansing masks, scrubs. Often it is used to remove freckles and age spots. Its successful application in the field of cosmetology is primarily due to the fact that rice is a natural antioxidant and is able to absorb and remove harmful and dangerous substances from the body. It is also able to maintain the water-salt balance and remove excess fluid. Such properties are simply irreplaceable in the cosmetic industry.

Rejuvenating face mask

The use of this product will tighten the skin, prevent wrinkles, improve tone. After such a mask, it will look smooth and elastic.

For the mask you will need:

  • rice flour – 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream – 1 dessert spoon;
  • a mixture of egg yolk with protein – 1 teaspoon.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass appears. Apply to pre-cleansed skin, hold for 20 minutes, after the procedure, rinse with warm water.

Rice flour body scrub

For preparation it will be required:

  • rice flour;
  • ground coffee.

Mix the components in equal proportions and dilute with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the product on the body from the bottom up, gently rubbing the skin with soft circular movements. In no case do not tear or comb the skin. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the remnants of the product under a warm shower.

After such a procedure, the skin will shine, become toned and more elastic.

Use in home medicine

Rice flour has found its application in folk medicine. In Asia, products based on this cereal have long been used, knowing its beneficial healing qualities. In Japan, it is believed that if you eat two tablespoons of raw rice cereal or flour from this cereal at breakfast, you can get rid of significant intestinal problems and forget about abdominal pain.

A compress of boiled rice flour and vinegar is used for bruises, sprains and insect bites. And rice water, boiled hard-boiled without salt, is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. To do this, you need to mix rice flour with goat fat and use it as food for chronic indigestion and intestines.

Rice flour for weight loss

This product is very useful in dietary nutrition due to its absorbent and antioxidant properties. Also, regular use of this product speeds up metabolism and improves metabolism. In addition, dietary fiber is an excellent cleanser of the body from the remnants of undigested food, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. It should also be noted that rice flour is a very nutritious product. It saturates the body and reduces the feeling of hunger. The decongestant effect is also effective in the dietary plan – the remarkable ability of rice flour to remove excess moisture from the body.

How to choose and store

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a product in a store is the integrity of the packaging. Deformation of it may be a sign of product deterioration due to improper storage. Also be sure to check the date of manufacture of the product. The shelf life of rice flour is no more than six months.

Store the finished product in a dry, dark and cool place. It is advisable to use glass containers with a tight-fitting lid for storage.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

The use of this product is contraindicated for people suffering from frequent constipation. Due to its high nutritional and energy value, it contributes to weight gain, so it is not recommended to eat it for overweight people. It is not advisable to use this product for men with sexual dysfunction, as well as during exacerbation of gastric colic.

It should be noted that all these contraindications are due to the frequent and indiscriminate use of the product. If you eat it in small doses and at the same time comply with the norms, rice flour will not bring any harm to the body.

It should also be mentioned that an expired or spoiled product is also unsafe. In the process of improper storage, oxidative reactions can occur, which lead to a significant deterioration in taste, rancidity of the product, as well as the appearance of various bugs. Eating such a product will not lead to anything good.


Rice flour is almost as popular today as wheat or rye flour. Its beneficial properties are valued in the medical industry, in the field of cosmetology and cooking. The nutritional value of the product and its ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances, remove excess moisture from it are in demand in diet programs. One of the main reasons for the popularity of rice flour is its hypoallergenicity, due to the fact that it does not contain a specific vegetable protein – gluten. Rice flour makes excellent desserts and is widely used in the confectionery industry. Rice bread, rice paper, and rice noodles are made from it, which are very popular not only in Asian cuisine, but also in Europe. However, there are some contraindications to the use of this product, such as frequent constipation or stomach cramps. Rice flour is also contraindicated for people prone to obesity. But if you use it in moderation, then it’s simply not necessary to talk about harm to the body.

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