The rice diet is a rigid diet that can be used to get rid of extra pounds, as well as to treat various diseases. The rice weight loss program was created back in 1939. Its goals were the elimination of obesity and kidney disease, the normalization of high blood pressure, and the fight against diabetes. The rice diet menu involves limiting salt and sugar, due to which the process of losing weight is further accelerated.
Reviews of people who have experienced the rice diet indicate that it is very effective and allows you to lose up to 30 kg in 14 days.
What are the benefits of this diet?
With the help of a rice diet, not only women, but also men, of all ages, get rid of excess weight. Rice is equally useful for both sexes, people have known about this since ancient times. Grains are 80% complex carbohydrates and only 8% protein. Rice does not contain gluten, which very often provokes allergic reactions in the body. There is little fiber in cereals (no more than 3%), so it is ideal for weight loss.
Thanks to the rice diet, the functioning of the nervous system can be normalized, since rice is rich in B vitamins. Due to lecithin from rice, brain function can be stimulated. Rice is an excellent absorbent that absorbs all harmful substances, removes excess fluid from the body, speeds up metabolism and thus starts the process of active weight loss.
The undoubted benefits of a rice diet come down to the following points:
Rice has a relatively low calorie content. Eating it allows you to stay full for a long time, despite the restrictions on the menu.
Rice is able to absorb not only excess water, but also harmful substances, gently bringing them out. As a result, the intestines will be cleansed without the use of an enema.
There are many useful micro and macro elements in rice, including phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron and calcium. Therefore, the rice diet will saturate the body with the necessary components.
Rice contains a substance that allows it to envelop the gastric wall, creating a protective film on its inner surface. This property of rice is necessary for those people who suffer from increased acidity of gastric juice and gastritis.
Rice contains the following set of B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (B3), vitamin B6. In addition, cereals contain amino acids that are necessary for body cells to divide. There is protein in rice, but it is not much – no more than 7-8%. Groats do not contain gluten, which is present in almost all other cereals.
Useful qualities of rice are also determined by the following components of its chemical composition:
Lecithin. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.
Oligosaccharides to improve bowel function.
Potassium, which removes excess fluid and salt from cells.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid. It allows you to normalize high blood pressure.
The calorie content of rice per 100 g is 323 kcal.
Rice Diet Rules
The rice diet involves the following rules:
Morning should definitely start with rice. It is prepared according to the recipe indicated in the diet.
Before you start the next meal, you need to drink a glass of water half an hour before this process. The next time you can take the liquid one hour after eating. This rule must be observed in order not to adversely affect the ability of rice to absorb toxins.
You need to drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day, since rice tends to strengthen the stool.
It is better to refuse the use of salt at all or reduce its amount in the diet to a minimum.
To improve the taste of dishes, you can not supplement them with mayonnaise and various sauces. For this purpose, only vegetable oil can be used.
To prevent potassium from being excreted from the body along with harmful substances, you need to eat foods in which it is present during the diet. It can be apples, pumpkin, raisins.
Before you start a diet, it is better to prepare in advance. To do this, for two days before the start of the diet, you should eat 3-4 tablespoons of boiled rice. This should be done on an empty stomach.
Rigid rice mono-diet for 3 days
If you stick to a strict rice diet, then in 3 days you will be able to lose 2-4 kg of excess weight. However, you should not get involved in such a weight loss program. You can repeat it no earlier than 30 days later. Otherwise, such a sharp restriction in the menu threatens to deplete the body with the loss of not fat, but muscle tissue.
Mono-diet for 3 days involves the following recommendations:
Rice for cooking should be taken brown. For 1 day, about 400 g of raw cereals will be required.
Rice is boiled in water until completely softened.
The resulting volume of porridge should be divided into five servings.
Rice during cooking and before eating is not salted, spices and seasonings are not added to it.
If the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, then it is allowed to eat two apples. Preference should be given to green fruits.
Drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day. You can also drink green tea, but sugar should not be added to it.
If a person goes in for sports, then during the diet, training should not be too intense.
Menu on 3 of the day
First day:
Breakfast: a portion of rice without salt with the addition of lemon zest + green apple.
Lunch: 150 g of fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing, but without oil + a bowl of vegetable broth without salt + a serving of boiled rice with herbs and a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: a portion of rice + boiled carrots + vegetable broth.
Second day:
Breakfast: rice with a teaspoon of fat-free sour cream and herbs + orange.
Lunch: a portion of rice + boiled vegetables.
Dinner: rice + steamed vegetables.
The third day:
Breakfast: rice with cinnamon + grapefruit.
Lunch: rice + 150 g stewed mushrooms + salad with fresh vegetables with olive oil dressing (teaspoon) + vegetable broth (200 ml).
Dinner: boiled rice + steamed broccoli (150 g) + vegetable broth.
Gentle rice diet for 7 days
If you want to stay on a rice diet for more than 3 days, then you should choose a gentle option for getting rid of excess weight. The program is designed for a week and, in addition to rice, involves eating other foods. This will make the diet more balanced and easier to transfer food restrictions.
Rice needs to be boiled, its eating can be combined with such a set of dishes as:
Vegetable salads with herbs;
Lean fish and meat;
Fresh juices;
Fresh fruits.
It is important to adhere to the following recommendations during the seven-day weight loss program:
All dishes should only be steamed or boiled.
During the day you need to eat at least 5-6 times. In this case, portions should be small.
Proportion of rice and fruits: 0,5 kg to 0,2 kg. If hunger torments, then the amount of fruit can be brought up to 0,5 kg.
Salt or other seasonings should not be added to rice.
Be sure to eat a product containing acid once a day. It can be an orange, apple, lemon, berries.
We must not forget about the sufficient intake of clean water in the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is also allowed to drink green tea, but you can not sweeten it.
Menu on 7 days
First day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, boil 60 g of rice. You can add lemon juice for taste. For dessert, one apple and green tea or herbal infusion.
Dinner. For lunch, broth and vegetable salad up to 150 g. And 60 g. of boiled rice. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little greenery.
Dinner. For dinner, cook yourself a vegetable broth and boil 60 g of rice. Add vegetables to rice, such as steamed carrots or zucchini.
Second day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, 60 g of boiled rice with low-fat sour cream. And one grapefruit.
Dinner. For lunch, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice. Boiled vegetables. Make a double batch, as the same will be true for the evening.
Dinner. Dinner is the same as lunch
The third day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, one pear and 60 g of boiled rice. Sprinkle the rice with cinnamon for flavor.
Dinner. For lunch, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice. As well as fried mushrooms, no more than 150 g. Mushrooms should be fried in olive oil.
Dinner. For dinner, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice and a portion of steamed broccoli.
Fourth day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, fruit salad and 60 g of boiled rice with milk.
Dinner. For the first vegetable broth, for the second 60 g of boiled rice. Also radishes and steamed carrots.
Dinner. For dinner, a vegetable salad and 60 g of boiled rice and some sunflower seeds.
Fifth day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, 60 g of boiled rice with raisins. And half a glass of yogurt.
Dinner. For lunch, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice with herbs. And some steamed vegetables.
Dinner. For dinner, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice with chopped walnuts and a little steamed spinach.
Sixth day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, 60 g of boiled rice with a few walnuts and figs. And one apple or pear.
Dinner. For lunch, vegetable broth and some raw vegetables and, of course, 60 g of boiled rice.
Dinner. For dinner, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to rice, as well as a couple of apples or pears.
Seventh day:
Breakfast. For breakfast, 60 g of boiled rice and one apple or pear. For taste, you can add a little lemon juice or honey to the rice.
Dinner. For the first vegetable broth and 100 g of green salad. For the second 60 g of boiled rice. For dessert, beans and steamed tomatoes.
Dinner. For dinner, vegetable broth and 60 g of boiled rice with one teaspoon of olive oil. You can add a few olives and basil to the rice. For dessert, some steamed zucchini.
Easy rice diet for 9 days
The proposed diet option is one of the easiest and most effective. Those kilograms that you can get rid of in 9 days of the rice weight loss program will not return. The nine-day diet is tolerated quite easily, since it cannot be called hungry.
The following foods are allowed during the weight loss process:
Low-fat fish.
Meat (beef and poultry).
Fresh fruits. You can not include only avocados, grapes and bananas in the menu.
Crispbread and bread made from whole grain flour.
Dried fruits.
In order for the diet to achieve the desired results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
You need to eat about half a kilo of rice per day.
Groats are not salted and seasoned with nothing.
The total mass of additional products should not exceed half a kilo, 200 g of which are meat dishes.
We must not forget about water.
A one-day rice diet menu for 9 days may look like this:
Breakfast: boiled rice with an apple.
Lunch: rice and mushroom soup, cucumber and tomato salad with bell pepper.
Dinner: boiled rice with beans and corn.
You can eat fruit throughout the day.
Menu on 9 days
Day 1:
For breakfast: boiled rice + apple.
For lunch: boiled rice + rye flour bread + vegetable salad + boiled turkey (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + stewed vegetables.
Day 2:
For breakfast: boiled rice + grapefruit.
For lunch: boiled rice + rye flour bread + vegetable salad + boiled fish (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + vegetables.
Day 3:
For breakfast: boiled rice + dried apricots.
For lunch: boiled rice + vegetable fat + boiled beef (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + vegetable broth + stewed vegetables.
Day 4:
For breakfast: boiled rice + banana.
For lunch: vegetable rice + rye flour bread + vegetable salad.
For dinner: boiled rice + yogurt.
Day 5:
For breakfast: boiled rice + prunes.
For lunch: boiled rice + rye flour bread + vegetable salad without oil + boiled chicken meat (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + grapefruit + banana.
Day 6:
For breakfast: boiled rice + raisins.
For lunch: boiled rice + vegetable broth + boiled beef (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + stewed vegetables + vegetable broth.
Day 7:
For breakfast: boiled rice with cinnamon + walnuts + dates.
For lunch: boiled rice + vegetable broth + boiled fish (150 g) + vegetable salad.
For dinner: boiled rice + yogurt.
Day 8:
For breakfast: boiled rice + dried fruits.
For lunch: boiled rice + vegetable salad + vegetable broth + boiled fish (150 g) + rye flour bread.
- For dinner: boiled rice + vegetable broth.
Day 9:
For breakfast: boiled rice + orange.
For lunch: boiled rice + vegetable broth + vegetable salad + boiled chicken meat (150 g).
For dinner: boiled rice + boiled vegetables.
Rice diet options for weight loss and body cleansing
To lose weight, it is not necessary to follow a long rice diet. An excellent result can be obtained by practicing rice fasting days. It is enough to choose a rice-based menu once a week to keep your figure in shape and cleanse the body of toxins. Nutritionists recommend eating boiled rice, supplementing it with kefir, buckwheat, apples. Of course, we must not forget about the use of pure water in sufficient volumes.
Kefir-rice diet
The kefir-rice diet involves the use of cereals and a sour-milk drink as the main food. You can supplement the menu with vegetables, fruits, lean fish or meat. Under the absolute ban falls salt, sugar, coffee. A hard kefir-rice diet is not recommended to be followed for more than five days, but a soft diet can be stretched for two weeks.
If we consider a strict kefir-rice menu, then it involves the use of kefir with rice for breakfast, boiled rice with vegetable salad for lunch and kefir with rice for dinner.
If the choice was made on a sparing kefir-rice diet, then an approximate menu would look like this:
Breakfast: kefir + fruit or berries (optional: strawberry, apple, pear, grapefruit).
Lunch: 100 g of boiled rice + 100 g of meat (low-fat fish or seafood can be used) + rye flour bread.
Dinner: 100 rice porridge + lettuce.
An hour before a night’s rest, you can drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.
Rice-Apple Diet
The weight loss program based on rice and apples was created by nutritionist D. Kempner (England). It involves eating only green apples and rice. You need to eat these foods for 3-5 days. Under an absolute ban salt and spices. However, cereals can be boiled in milk.
The menu for 1 day involves the use of a glass of boiled rice. The entire volume should be divided into several servings and eaten throughout the day.
Also, the daily diet includes 250 g of green apples, which can be eaten raw, or cooked from them compote with the addition of dried fruits.
Buckwheat-rice diet
A diet based on rice and buckwheat can last for 3-5 days. Experts advise sticking to a menu based on cereals either at the very beginning of the period of getting rid of extra pounds, or at the end of the weight loss process. This will give the body a “shake-up” and speed up the metabolism.
A balanced diet of buckwheat-rice diet is as follows:
Breakfast: green apple (2 pcs.).
Snack: boiled buckwheat (4 tablespoons) + vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).
Lunch: 5 tablespoons of boiled rice + nuts + lemon juice.
Lunch: vegetable salad.
Dinner: 3 tablespoons of boiled rice + 100 g of steamed meat (chicken or low-fat fish fillet) + 100 cottage cheese with nuts.
Rice-honey diet
Rice with honey is good for the human body. All the medicinal qualities of rice are enhanced by this sweet addition to the menu. Honey allows you to enrich the body with minerals and vitamins, and also acts as a natural antidepressant. If rice strengthens the stool, then honey, on the contrary, gently regulates the work of the intestines.
It is important during the diet to eat only a natural product that does not contain harmful preservatives and has not been pasteurized. Be sure to include lemon juice in the daily menu, which, in combination with honey, will make it possible to speed up the fat burning process.
The menu involves the use of the following products:
A pound of rice should be boiled, which is divided into 5 servings and eaten throughout the day.
Every day you need to drink a honey-lemon drink (250 ml). To prepare it in a glass of warm water, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey.
Rice diet with chicken and vegetables for 9 days
One of the most correct and balanced diets is considered to be the weight loss program, in the menu of which there is rice, chicken and vegetables. During all 9 days, the body receives a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins to maintain normal life-supporting functions. You need to eat in small portions, the break between approaches to the table should be at least 2,5 hours. Dinner must take place no later than 19:00. If you adhere to such a weight loss program, you will not only be able to lose weight, but also cleanse the body without harm to health.
The ratio looks like this.
From the first to the third day, only boiled rice is eaten. A glass of cereal is eaten per day.
From the third to the sixth day, you can only eat chicken, removing the skin from it. You can eat up to 1 kg of chicken meat per day.
From the sixth to the ninth day you can only eat vegetables. It is allowed to eat up to 800 g of different vegetables per day. They cannot be pickled or salted.
Geisha diet on brown rice and green tea
Geisha figures have always been distinguished by their slenderness and stateliness. Therefore, it is not surprising that women around the world seek to know the secret of their perfection. Moreover, geisha manage to maintain magnificent forms until the end of their lives. This is possible thanks to a diet that is built on a menu of brown rice and green tea. It is worth considering that the geisha diet is not suitable for women with a weak body, or with insufficient willpower.
You can only use brown cereals and green tea. All other products are prohibited. The diet can last from 3 days to a week. The specific period largely depends on the endurance of a losing weight woman and on the state of her body.
The menu is built as follows:
In the morning you need to drink 0,5 liters of green tea, to which you can add a little milk with a low percentage of fat content.
At lunch, they eat 250 mg of brown rice and again drink 0,5 liters of green tea.
For dinner, the lunch menu is repeated.
Rules for exiting the rice diet
The rice diet will allow you not to gain extra pounds after its completion only if you exit it correctly.
For this, the following recommendations should be observed:
New products should be introduced to the menu gradually and one at a time. Portions should be small.
The menu should not contain a lot of salt or sugar. Later, the rest need to introduce meat dishes and milk.
Do not lean on fatty, fried or starchy foods. It is better to refuse such dishes altogether.
You need to drink plenty of water, even after the rice diet is completed. This will keep your metabolism up to par.
Sticking to a rice diet is not for everyone.
Such a weight loss program is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:
Diseases of the digestive system.
Renal failure.
Heart failure.
Metabolic disorders.
Tendency to constipation.
You can not practice the rice diet for pregnant and lactating women, as well as during the recovery period after suffering colds.
Cons of the rice diet
The rice diet has certain disadvantages. Most often, it causes constipation, which occurs in almost every person who loses weight on this croup. To avoid this problem, nutritionists recommend drinking laxative teas. However, they also have some contraindications and do not always cope with the task assigned to them.
If you stick to the rice diet for too long, then a jump in insulin in the blood is possible, which is also a negative point.
In addition to the fact that rice absorbs toxic substances, it simultaneously removes calcium from the body.
Salting rice is not allowed, so the taste of the main dish will be dim. Due to the fact that salt does not enter the body, fluid will leave it. Therefore, salt should not be completely abandoned. Otherwise, problems with the heart and blood vessels may occur.
Nutritionist recommendations
Nutritionists are unequivocally convinced that the rice diet is a great way to cleanse the body of harmful substances and lose weight. However, in order for the departed kilograms not to return back, you need to move as much as possible. Well, if there is an opportunity to go in for sports, fitness, dancing, go to the pool. This will keep the muscles in good shape and energize the body.
Studies have established that a rigid rice mono-diet, which continues for 2 or more days, leads to various health problems. In particular, the body increases the level of cortisol (stress hormone), which negatively affects endurance. Moreover, almost all those who lose weight note a deterioration in general well-being, the occurrence of headaches and fainting.
To support your body, it is recommended to consume 2 mg of fish oil every day. This will make up for the deficiency of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. You can also take additional vitamin-mineral complexes during the diet, which will replenish the reserves of nutrients and allow you to maintain the normal salt balance of body cells.