Ribs – anatomy, functions, diseases. The causes of rib pain

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Ribs are an extremely important part of the human skeletal system. They protect internal organs against injuries and bruises and support breathing. Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to injury. What should we know about ribs? And when should pain in the ribs bother us?

Ribs – Anatomy

The ribs are part of the human skeleton. They consist of twelve curved semicircles of the thorax. The ribs connect to the sternum on one side and the thoracic vertebrae on the other.

The ribs are divided into:

  1. real ribs (real ribs)
  2. the first 7 of the top (connect to the sternum with costal cartilage),
  3. pseudo-ribs (spurious ribs) – 7 to 12 ribs,
  4. ribs free (floating ribs) – others, and their name refers to the lack of connection to
  5. bridge.
  6. shank (the body of the rib),
  7. neck (neck rib),
  8. rib heads (the head of the rib) – connects the rib with the spine.

Ribs – functions

The most important function of the ribs in the human body is to protect extremely important internal organs – the lungs and the heart. They also play an extremely important role in the breathing process – they are the place of attachment of the respiratory muscles. Thanks to the cartilage between the ribs and the sternum, it is possible to reduce or increase the volume of the chest. In this way, a pressure change is created and a person can inhale and exhale. .

Ribs – pain in the ribs

Pain under the ribs or around the ribs is quite common. It can signal, among others problems with the functioning of internal organs. Pain under the ribs is divided into: pain under the breastbone – located in the epigastric region, is often associated with gastric diseases, e.g. ulcers, reflux or gastroenteritis, pain under the right rib – it can often be related to problems with the liver, bowel function or gall bladder, pain under the left rib – most often means problems with the digestive system, especially the stomach, pancreas, colon or spleen.

Do you feel disturbing pain in the area of ​​the ribs? Do not hesitate and contact your doctor as soon as possible. You can use the online advice option and talk to your doctor at any time of the day or night.

Find out more about specific rib pains

Similar symptoms can occur in the event of a fracture, so the most important thing is to consult a doctor. Broken ribs very often show pain when taking a deeper inhale and exhale. For a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor for pain.

A specialist performs an examination using an x-ray. Thanks to the X-ray examination, it can accurately determine the condition and extent of the damage to the ribs. Doctors most often prescribe painkillers as well as breathing exercises for broken or cracked ribs. The elderly are the most susceptible to injuries and damage to the ribs.

  1. shortness of breath
  2. visible bruises at the site of contusion,
  3. pain when moving,
  4. pain and hypersensitivity at the site of contusion.

The ribs are bruised as a result of mechanical injuries. The impact causes damage to the tissues within the chest, leading to changes in the structure of the ribs. The size of the damage depends on the strength of the impact. Bruising of the ribs can happen even if you fall to the floor, but the pain should usually subside within a few days.

The symptom of a rib contusion is pain when breathing. Usually, it is most intense when you breathe in. Then the intercostal muscles and lungs relax, and the ribs and chest relax. When the ribs are bruised, the chest can still move to its full extent. However, a bruised rib, as well as a broken rib, hurts to be touched.

Due to the similar symptoms accompanying fractures and contusions, the doctor may recommend computed tomography. However, it too may turn out to be insufficient. This is because the ribs are hard to see at first glance. To determine whether the ribs are bruised or broken, a palpation test is also recommended.

Protruding ribs are a postural defect that sometimes occurs in adolescents. When a change is visible in an infant up to 2 months of age, an orthopedist should be consulted as it may be a symptom of rickets. Rickets, also known as the English disease, is a condition that affects children under 2 years of age.

Symptoms of the disease are distorted bones and the occurrence of disturbances in their growth. Children suffering from rickets, in addition to protruding ribs, may also have frontal tumors and incorrectly developed teeth. The bones of the legs of children suffering from rickets have a characteristic arched shape, and the knees are sometimes too set inwards or outwards.

Protruding ribs can cause vitamin D deficiency. Children with rickets tend to spend too little time outdoors and are inadequately exposed to the sun, being the source of the said vitamin. This causes the body’s work of calcium and phosphorus to be disturbed.

Find out more about the risks of vitamin D deficiency

Home remedies for bruised ribs

Any chest injury causes breathing problems. Therefore, a sick person should not lie down as it will be painful for them. If we do not know whether we are dealing with a contusion of the ribs or a fracture, we can cover the chest with a dressing, e.g. an elastic bandage. Remember, however, that this is only a temporary solution until we know the doctor’s diagnosis. We should also remember that too much pressure will cause pain.

Rib contusion is treated by administering painkillers to the patient. Adequate recuperation is equally important. At home, it is also recommended to administer anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of pain-relieving and warming creams and ointments is also helpful. We recommend eg poplar lining for overload. Occasionally, your doctor may prescribe a gel that contains ketoprofen. During the entire recovery stage, the patient should limit physical exertion and should not make quick movements.

When we start to feel pain in the ribs, it can be a harbinger of, inter alia, one of the diseases of the thoracic musculoskeletal system. It could also be a sign of a fracture, bruise or fracture of the ribs. Pain radiating from the spine to the sternum often means injuries, including chest nerves or muscles.

Interestingly, pain in the ribs can also be a sign of diseases of the digestive system, e.g. liver, gallbladder and pancreas. However, in this case, it appears under the skeletal system in question. Therefore, if you experience rib pain, but at the same time suspect that it may be related to the liver, it is worth doing the diagnostic tests that are available on Medonet Market.

Aching ribs also cause neuralgia, or intercostal neuralgia. They can also herald lung cancer and other cancers.

If the pain in the ribs occurs on both sides of the chest, it may be a symptom of an abdominal disease. Such pain also occurs in the area of ​​the sternum and the spine and is a warning signal sent by diseased organs, e.g. the abdominal cavity. These types of ailments appear when we are dealing, among others, with with lung diseases or shingles. Nevertheless, it may also be a sign of general body fatigue, e.g. after training.

Pain in the ribs and the risks associated with it

Any type of rib pain should light a red light in our head, but there are special cases that should be consulted with a specialist as soon as possible. One such sign is the feeling of being creased. When we feel tightness in the chest, e.g. after exercise, stressful situations or other stimuli, it may be a sign of heart disease, e.g. myocardial ischemia.

If you feel pain in the chest for about 15 minutes, accompanied by numbness in the jaw, neck and left upper limb, it is a sign of a heart attack. Both these and the above-mentioned symptoms should never be underestimated. If rib pain worsens when coughing, it may suggest that the bone element is broken - these symptoms should also be consulted with your doctor as soon as possible.

Find out more about the symptoms of a heart attack

Cracked Ribs First Aid

A rib rupture is an injury that is often accompanied by injuries to other organs. Anyone suspected of having a fracture should report to the Emergency Department immediately. However, immediately after the injury, the first thing to do is to immobilize the affected limb. It is worth taking a pain reliever if possible. Immediately after the injury, it is allowed to bandage the chest or to stiffen it with another dressing.

A person with a broken rib should be seated in a semi-sitting position. When the dressing is put on, the patient should breathe out – then we can put the band on in a circular manner. It should be placed where there is a fracture. This will allow the patient to breathe freely. It is equally important to fix the hand on the side of a broken rib.

It is comforting that rib fractures can, in most cases, be healed without surgery. However, for a correct diagnosis, a radiological examination is needed, thanks to which it is possible to determine what kind of rib fracture we are dealing with. In some cases, it is advisable to repeat the test after a few days.

However, the type of medical activity the doctor takes depends on the patient’s health. If the rupture of the ribs is accompanied by severe pain, then it is possible to carry out, inter alia, intercostal nerve block and anesthesia, e.g. intrapleural and epidural. In some cases, cryoanalgesia and thermolesion are also performed.

Learn more about first aid for fractures

The length of the process depends on the type of fracture. Unless the rib rupture is accompanied by additional complications, such as dislocation, the ribs typically heal within a few weeks. However, this time may be shorter if a physiotherapist works with the patient.

What the patient does at any given time also plays a significant role in the process. The less you move and minimize physical exertion, the better.

A ruptured rib causes the most pain in the beginning. Even breathing is uncomfortable at this stage. It is especially unpleasant to draw in air, which is accompanied by stinging. The ailments may worsen if the patient, for example, plays sports. In some cases, the pain is so severe that it is necessary to take painkillers.

Fusing of the ribs is a process by which a person can even get pneumonia. The reason is that during regeneration, the patient’s breathing becomes shallower. If the doctor were to apply a pressure compress, the bandage could contribute to the development of the condition. It is equally important that during convalescence the patient should remember to stabilize the diseased area, e.g. when coughing.

It usually occurs at the end of the second trimester. In many cases, it continues until it is resolved. The cause of rib pain in pregnancy is the baby that is developing in the womb.

Then the organ expands and enlarges, thus causing pressure - at some point the bottom of the uterus reaches the costal arches. In addition, the internal organs begin to be compressed more and more.

Pain in the ribs during pregnancy is also caused by the baby’s position. Within 24 hours, the toddler can change it, which causes pain in the right hypochondrium. Ailments may also appear in the left hypochondrium, as it depends on the position the child is taking at a given moment.

Another factor that causes rib pain in pregnancy is stress. Women at this point in life are more sensitive to any stimulus, so even minor complications can cause anxiety, which also results in pain in the ribs. However, when there is a stinging and burning pain in the left hypochondrium, it may be a sign of heartburn.

First of all, you should rest. If the symptoms are not caused by serious causes, it is advisable to simply avoid greater physical exertion. Equally important is maintaining proper body posture. In an advanced stage of pregnancy, it is harmful to sit still in the same position.

To avoid rib pain, it is worth having special furniture for pregnant women. These are, for example, special pillows that relieve the spine.

Rib pain can also be avoided by learning to breathe properly. Many birthing schools teach the technique of diaphragm breathing. Mastering this method will also be beneficial during childbirth. Its effectiveness is based on the ability to take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. As a result, the pain in the ribs is reduced.

Human ribs are a delicate organ. A pregnant woman will certainly be relieved by massages. If the action is performed slowly, knowing which areas are particularly painful, then after a few such sessions the woman will be calmer and more relaxed. Regular massages will not prevent the pain from occurring, but may reduce its intensity.

Find out more about massages

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  1. ကျိန်ပ်မှာ ဘေးစောင်း လက်မောင်းခေါင်းအိုမ်း အိပ်ရင်း ဒုတိယ နံရိုး ထပ်သွားတယ် ဘယ်လိုလုပ်ရမလဲကို ကျေးဇူးပြုပြီး ဖြေကြားပေးပါ
    နောက်ပြီး ဆိုင် ကယ်မောက်ပြီး ဘယ်ဘက်လက်မောင်းအောက်ကျသွားတယ် ဘယ်ဘယ်ခြမ်း အကြောတွေ ထုံကျင်ပြီး ကိုက်နေတယ် ခြေလက်တွေ လုပ်ရှားမှုအားနည်းနေတယ်ဆရာ ကျေးဇူးပြုပြီး ဘယ်လိုလုပ်ရမယ်ဆိုတာ ဖြေကြားပေးပါ ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ်

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