Rhubarb – properties, nutritional values. Recipe for a cake with rhubarb [EXPLAINED]

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Rhubarb, also called rearing, is a vegetable belonging to the knotweed family. It has characteristic large leaves and long and thick petioles. It is a source of many vitamins and mineral salts. In addition, some varieties of it have healing properties, for example, medicinal broth with antioxidant, laxative and even anti-cancer properties.

  1. Rhubarb has many nutritional values. It is a source of vitamins C, E, A and a large amount of phosphorus and potassium
  2. It has anti-inflammatory and laxative effects, helps with flatulence, and a large amount of fiber supports digestion
  3. Unfortunately, rhubarb also contains large amounts of oxalic acid, which can cause oxalate crystals to form in the kidneys
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The plant grows wild in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia, China and eastern Tibet. In Poland, rhubarb appeared only in the nineteenth century, and has been known since the eighteenth century. The plant first appeared in Europe in the 60th century, when it was brought to the British Isles. Rhubarb includes about XNUMX different species. The most commonly cultivated rhubarb is common in gardens, as well as curly rhubarb, medicinal rhubarb and palm rhubarb.

When resolving this question, attention should be paid to the taste of rhubarb. It is the taste qualities that sometimes raise doubts as to whether it is vegetable or fruit. In Poland it is considered a vegetable, while in the USA it is already a fruit.

Interestingly, sweet rhubarb cakes are a traditional dessert in Great Britain and North America, which is why rhubarb is referred to as the “cake plant” there.

Red, pink or green in color, the petioles, the commonly known edible part of the plant, have a sour and tart taste. The more mature and redder the stem, the sweeter the taste. In addition to its taste, rhubarb has many nutritional values. It is a source of vitamins C, E, A and a large amount of phosphorus and potassium.

Table with the nutritional values ​​of 100 grams of rhubarb:

Energy value 21 kcal Vitamin A 102 IU
Protein 0,9 g Vitamin E 0,27 mg
Fat 0,2 g Vitamin K 29.3 g
Carbohydrates 4,54 g Calcium 86 mg
roughage 1,8 g Iron 0,22 mg
Vitamin C 8 mg Magnesium 12 mg
Thiamine 0,02 mg Phosphorus 14 mg
Riboflavin 0,03 mg Potassium 288 mg
Niacin 0,3 mg Sodium 4 mg
Vitamin B6 0,024 mg Zinc 0,10 mg
Folic acid 6 g Manganese 0,20 mg

Properties of rhubarb

As mentioned above, rhubarb includes many species with different properties. Some are more appreciated for culinary reasons, such as garden rhubarb, while others are more appreciated for medicinal reasons, such as medicinal rhubarb. The vitamins and other valuable ingredients contained in rhubarb give the plant many properties, such as anti-inflammatory or laxative. It helps with flatulence, and a large amount of fiber supports the digestive process.

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The plant also stimulates the appetite and has a choleretic effect. Raponticin, present in rhubarb, gives the plant estrogenic properties. It is especially important in the case of women in the period of menopause and a problem with acne skin and men with an enlarged prostate. In addition, rhubarb contains a substance that prevents the development of cancer cells. By heat treatment of rhubarb, it produces polyphenol-rapontigin, which limits the rate of cancer cell division. As a result, the substance inhibits the development of the disease and metastasis to other organs. According to research, the best anti-cancer properties have rhubarb baked for 20 minutes. At this time, the concentration of polyphenols is the highest. Rhubarb can be consumed without fear by people on a diet who want to lose unnecessary kilograms. 100 grams of vegetables contains only 21 calories and supports the digestive system, which is also important when losing weight.

Trace amounts of copper and iron found in rhubarb are necessary for the production of new ones red blood cells. Their appropriate amount is necessary to oxygenate the body, thus ensuring its optimal functioning.

Rhubarb contains a small amount of carbohydrates and can be used in preparations that are friendly to people with diabetes. Research indicates that using an extract of rhubarb essential oils as an additional treatment has a positive effect on fasting blood glucosewhile rhubarb extracts can exert a hypoglycemic effect as well as improve the intestinal microflora.

Research indicates that eating rhubarb, and more specifically rhubarb stalks, can affect levels cholesterol in the blood. An independent analysis showed that after consuming rhubarb daily for a month, some group of men had significantly lower total and LDL cholesterol levels.

Rhubarb is also a rich source antioxidants. Research suggests that the total polyphenol content may be even higher than that of kale. The antioxidants in rhubarb include anthocyanins, which are responsible for its red color. They also show pro-health properties, including:

  1. prevent liver diseases,
  2. protect the circulatory system,
  3. protect against diabetes and obesity,
  4. affect the organ of vision.

Rhubarb is also rich in proanthocyanidins known as condensed tannins. They increase the level of HDL cholesterol and work anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-arthritic. Rhubarb contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and lutein, compounds that are good for eyesight and protect the retina. Most studies also suggest that taking rhubarb extract with captopril improves kidney function in people with renal insufficiency. Applying rhubarb and sage to cold sores improves treatment.

  1. Read what exactly they are Red bloodcells

Harmfulness of oxalic acid in rhubarb

Keep in mind that even the most healthy plants should be eaten in moderation. Rhubarb contains large amounts oxalic acidwhich may cause the formation of oxalate crystals in the kidney. Large amounts of oxalic acid can cause a loss of calcium, magnesium and iron. People struggling with kidney diseases should especially reduce the consumption of rhubarb. Pregnant women and people with hemorrhoids should be careful about overdosing on rhubarb-based preparations, as they may cause hyperemia of the pelvic organs. Men with low testosterone levels should be careful with higher consumption of rhubarb, as the plant may contribute to lowering it.

Rhubarb is probably the most acidic vegetableof all vegetables. Its acidity is mainly due to its high level malic and oxalic acid.

Malic acid is one of the most common acids found in plants and contributes to the sour taste of many fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, rhubarb growing in the dark is less acidic and more delicate. This variety is known as forced rhubarb, which is grown in spring or late winter.

Rhubarb in pregnancy

Generally, there are no contraindications for consumption of rhubarb by pregnant women. Of course, we are talking about its stems. However, pregnant women should not consume rhubarb leaves due to the presence of oxalic acid. Of course, you can find information that pregnant women should not eat rhubarb at all, but it would be true if pregnant women only eat rhubarb for breakfast, lunch and dinner for several months. Consuming a cake or bun with rhubarb, or even its stalk with sugar, will not harm the future mother or baby.

Rhubarb pie recipe

The only edible part of rhubarb is the petiole, which is a thick stem with a red or green color. Its preparation is not complicated. Cut off the stem at the root and get rid of the leaves. The leaf petioles prepared in this way can be eaten directly. You can eat them raw, after cooking or baking. Most often, rhubarb is used in the preparation of dough or compote. Some people eat rhubarb raw with added sugar.


  1. 500 g of rhubarb;
  2. 4 eggs;
  3. 1 cup of powdered sugar;
  4. 1 vanilla sugar;
  5. 1/2 cup of melted butter;
  6. 1 and 1/2 cups of wheat flour;
  7. 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  8. 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda;
  9. 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.

A method of preparing:

Cut the previously prepared and washed rhubarb stalks into 2 cm slices. Then we start preparing a springform pan with a minimum diameter of 26 cm, which we grease with butter and lined with baking paper. Put the eggs into a bowl and mix together with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and gradually pour in the melted butter. Pour the flour, baking powder and baking soda into a separate bowl and mix it. Then gradually sift the whole into a bowl with the mass and mix. Pour the prepared mass into a springform pan, cover with rhubarb and sprinkle with cinnamon. Put everything in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes.

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