Rhubarb: benefits and harms to the body
Rhubarb is considered a medicinal plant. Let’s figure out what its benefits are and whether it can harm the human body

Despite its similarity to a weed, rhubarb has medicinal properties and is used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology. How useful it is and whether it does any harm to the body, as well as how to eat and store rhubarb at home, Healthy Food Near Me will tell you.

The history of rhubarb in nutrition

The first mention of a plant that was actively used in medicine is found in Chinese chronicles in 2700 BC. Initially, rhubarb grew in China, Mongolia, Siberia, Southeast Asia. Later, the main market was Turkey. Since 1640, rhubarb began to be supplied to England.

Rhubarb has been known in Our Country since ancient times. The most common use of this plant in those days was the creation of tinctures from it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, due to the pleasant taste of the cuttings, rhubarb is increasingly being used in cooking. The stems were used for food, and the roots were used to prepare medicines.

Composition and calorie content of rhubarb

For the most part, rhubarb is made up of water. Malic acid gives this plant a sour taste.

The composition contains rutin, pectin, dietary fiber, B vitamins, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements. Rhubarb has a low sugar content of about 2%.

Caloric content for 100 grams21 kcal
Proteins0,8 g
Fats0,2 g
Carbohydrates2,6 g

Rhubarb is a good source of vitamin K1, providing up to 37% of the Daily Value per 100-gram serving. Contains vitamin C, potassium, folic acid. Like other fruits and vegetables, it is rich in fiber. Although rhubarb contains a high amount of calcium (15% of the Daily Value), it predominates in the form of the antinutrient calcium oxalate. In this form, our body cannot effectively absorb it, – comments nutritionist Raisa Zhmareva.

The benefits of rhubarb

For its beneficial properties and pleasant taste, rhubarb is considered the most valuable vegetable plant for maintaining good health. It has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, fills the body with energy and strengthens it. It is a source of antioxidants (1).

Rhubarb can significantly improve food tolerance and relieve gastrointestinal dysfunction in patients. It also belongs to the group of natural foods whose phytochemicals almost prevent or slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, says Raisa Zhmareva.

Benefits of rhubarb for women

Rhubarb improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Supports tissue elasticity, fights dandruff and excess head fat. Helps reduce pain during the menstrual cycle. The content of a large amount of vitamins in rhubarb helps pregnant women during the period of growth and development of the fetus.

Benefits of rhubarb for men

Men are advised to consume rhubarb to prevent heart disease. In addition, it reduces the possibility of blood clots, cleans the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them. It is also advisable to use this product in diseases of the prostate (1).

Benefits of rhubarb for children

Rhubarb will bring no less benefit to children. It improves immunity, strengthens the growing bones of the child, has a positive effect on vision, and improves appetite.

Rhubarb is a good laxative for children, as it is gentle without upsetting digestion (2).

Harm of rhubarb

For all its merits, rhubarb is contraindicated in gout and kidney stones. Rhubarb should be used with caution in people suffering from hemorrhoids (2).

It is not recommended to eat rhubarb for hypertension, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer.

Rhubarb is one of the richest dietary sources of calcium oxalate, the most abundant form of oxalic acid in plants. Too much calcium oxalate can lead to a condition characterized by the accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals in various organs. These crystals can form kidney stones and lead to kidney failure, adds Raisa Zhmareva.

In order for the plant to be beneficial and not create a danger to the body, it is worth using it no more than 2-3 times a week.

The use of rhubarb in medicine

In folk medicine, rhubarb root is mainly used. Moreover, a plant that has reached the age of four is taken as raw material.

It is believed that rhubarb is an excellent helper for burns, wounds, sinusitis and colds, with increased heart rate. A tincture of rhubarb with vinegar is used externally for vitiligo (1).

Phytopreparations from rhizomes help with anemia and tuberculosis, gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, sclerosis and liver disease (2).

The use of rhubarb in cooking

Because of its sweet and sour taste, rhubarb is often used to make jams, pies, jelly, sauces, salads, and soups. If the young leaves are dried and crushed, they can be used as a spice for hot dishes.

rhubarb soup

Rhubarb500 g
Water1 l
Starch20 g
Salt1 pinch
Sugar100 g
Creamto taste

Cut the rhubarb stalk into medium-sized pieces. Add the chopped stalk to boiling water, boil until the pieces become soft (about 5-10 minutes). Add sugar and reduce heat. In a separate container, mix starch and 100 g of water. Gradually add the resulting mixture to the soup, stirring. Don’t bring the soup to a boil. As soon as it starts to thicken, remove from heat and add salt. Add sour cream to taste.

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Rhubarb fritters

Flour150 g
Milk150 ml
Rhubarb4 stem
Sugar2 Art. spoons
Eggs1 piece.
Salt1 pinch
Baking powder1 hours. Spoon
Sunflower oil1 Art. a spoon

Finely chop the stems, sprinkle with sugar. In a separate bowl, mix the egg, salt, milk, flour, baking powder. Whisk until smooth. In the resulting dough, add the rhubarb in sugar and sunflower oil. Mix and bake on both sides until golden brown.

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How to choose and store rhubarb

You should choose young shoots. Leaves should be fresh and not weathered.

It is not recommended to collect rhubarb shoots in July, during its flowering period. It does not give new leaves during this period, and old and hard shoots are harmful to the body due to the high content of oxalic acid.

For storage, rhubarb is pre-washed, dried and sent to the refrigerator. In this form, it is stored for about two days. It can also be cut and frozen. Frozen rhubarb stays fresh for up to a year.

Popular questions and answers

What is the right way to eat rhubarb?

They usually only eat the stem. The roots and leaves are used for medicinal tinctures. This vegetable is acidic enough to be eaten raw. More often it is eaten with sugar, or added to various dishes. Usually the cuttings are cut and boiled or stewed. Can be baked with sugar syrup.

Where does rhubarb grow?

Rhubarb can now be found in many parts of the world. It is widely distributed in England and the USA. The climate of Our Country also has a good effect on the rhubarb population. It can be easily found in the grandmother’s garden. It looks like a weed plant.

When does rhubarb season start?

Harvesting can begin in late April – early May. The stems during this period are already quite mature and until September the plant will produce new leaves, the petioles of which can be collected for food.

Sources of

  1. Karomatov I.D., Zokirova M.M., Khuzhakulova D.Ch. Medicinal properties of the medicinal plant rhubarb // Electronic scientific journal “Biology and Integrative Medicine”, 2017 No. 9 (October), https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/lechebnye-svoystva-lekarstvennogo-rasteniya-reven-obzor-literatury
  2. Nasybullina N.M. Anthracene derivatives in medicine // Nurse, 2013 No. 3, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/antratsenoproizvodnye-v-meditsine/viewer

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