Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

Rhododendron yellow is a spectacular flower that will become a real decoration of the garden. Planting and caring for a plant have a number of nuances. Subject to agricultural technology, the culture develops well, does not get sick and produces lush inflorescences.

Description of yellow rhododendron

Yellow rhododendron, or pontic azalea, is a deciduous shrub of the Heather family. In nature, it is found on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus, the southern regions of Our Country, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Culture prefers forest edges, undergrowth, clearings, wetlands. Most often grows at an altitude of no more than 2000 m above sea level.

Shrub up to 4 m high branches well and grows rapidly. In girth, the plant is up to 6 m. Its leaves, located on petioles up to 5 mm, are oblong, elliptical in shape, up to 12 cm long and up to 8 cm wide. The leaf plate is pointed at the tip and narrowed near the base. It is ciliate along the edges, with small notches. Leaves are green in summer, turning yellow, red or orange in autumn.

The flowers of the plant are located on a pedicel 2 cm long and are collected in umbellate corymbs of 7-12 pieces. The corolla is yellow, sometimes with an orange undertone, and contains a narrow cylindrical tube. The flowers appear before or during the opening of the leaves. Closer to August, the fruits ripen. They look like a cylindrical box up to 3 cm long, filled with seeds.

The first flowers appear in plants older than 5 years. In the middle lane, the buds bloom in late May or early June. The flowering period is extended in time, as it proceeds in several stages. The flowers have a strong fragrance. The leaves of the plant bloom in mid-June. Already in July, they change color, and fall off in October. The minimum growth of a shrub per year is 8 cm, the maximum is 25 cm.

Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

What is yellow rhododendron good for?

Rhododendron yellow has not found application in traditional medicine. All parts of the plant are poisonous. They contain andromedotoxin, a toxic organic compound that is dangerous to humans and animals.

When ingested, the substance disrupts the functioning of cell receptors. First, the work of the central nervous system is stimulated, after which sweating increases, vomiting, weakness, dizziness occur. After the toxin enters the body, negative symptoms appear within a period of several minutes to 3 hours.

Advice! In case of poisoning with rhododendron, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe adsorbent and laxative drugs.

Most often, yellow rhododendron causes poisoning in pets that eat plants. This nuance is taken into account when planting a shrub. The honey obtained from the flowers is also poisonous to bees and mammals.

Varieties of yellow rhododendron

Based on the yellow rhododendron, many hybrids and garden forms have been bred. They are distinguished by decorative properties that are superior to the original appearance. In culture, the plant has been known since the end of the XNUMXth century.

Popular varieties of yellow rhododendron:

  • Sante Nectarine. Hybrid up to 18 m high and up to 1,2 m wide. Its vertical shoots are densely arranged. Inflorescences appear at the ends of the shoots. Each of them contains 6 – 12 buds. The flowers of the variety are golden yellow, the petals are red on the outside. Winter hardiness of the variety – up to -25 ° C;

    Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

  • Rhododendron yellow Silphides. Shrub with a height of 1 to 3 m. The crown of the plant is round, the leaves are shiny, green. Inflorescences consist of 8 – 14 flowers, the petals of which are white-pink with a yellow spot, up to 9 cm in size; Important! The Silfides variety is one of the most frost-resistant, it can withstand temperatures down to -32 °C.

    Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

  • Glowing Ambers. A plant up to 1,5 m high. Its flowers are orange in color, collected in spherical inflorescences. The first buds appear at the end of May. Their scent is soft and pleasant. The foliage of the culture is bright green, turning red in autumn. The shrub does not freeze when the temperature drops to -30 ° C in winter;

    Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

  • Oxidol. Shrub up to 1,2 m high. The variety has star-shaped flowers, consisting of 5 petals of snow-white color. They are collected in inflorescences of 6 – 10 pieces. The upper petal has a light yellow spot. The size of the flowers is up to 9 cm. The aroma is light, pleasant. Foliage turns dark red in autumn. Withstands cold down to -24 °C;

    Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

  • Rhododendron Yellow Homebush. Dense shrub 1,5 – 2 m high with straight shoots. It has terry carmine-pink flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences. The young leaves of the plant are bronze, turning dark green in summer. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson and orange. The frost resistance of the bush is up to – 25 ° С.

    Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

Growing conditions for yellow rhododendron

Yellow rhododendron is suitable for growing in the middle lane, in the North-West, the Urals, Western Siberia, and the Far East. The shrub tolerates winters well under cover. For planting choose frost-resistant varieties that can withstand even a difficult climate.

Ideal conditions for growing yellow rhododendron:

  • sunny place or partial shade;
  • regular supply of moisture to the soil;
  • high soil fertility;
  • air humidity;
  • shelter for the winter.

Deciduous yellow rhododendron is used in single and group plantings. The plant becomes the central part of the composition. It looks especially impressive next to other deciduous rhododendrons, against the backdrop of lawns and evergreen trees.

The culture is sensitive to lack of moisture. Therefore, during the growing season, watering is necessarily organized, while avoiding stagnation of water. The fertility of the soil affects the duration of flowering. Before planting, the composition of the soil is improved by introducing humus and peat.

Planting and caring for yellow rhododendron

Successful rhododendron cultivation depends on choosing a good location. After planting, the shrub is provided with care: watering, fertilizing, pruning. In most regions, the plant needs shelter for the winter.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Under the yellow rhododendron flower, a sunny place is chosen. Landing in lowlands where moisture and cold air accumulate is not allowed. The site must be protected from the wind. Before planting, it is taken into account that as the yellow rhododendron grows, it occupies all the free space. The ideal option is places near ponds, rivers, pools, fountains.

The selected area is dug up and cleared of weeds. Then prepare the landing pit. If the soil is clayey and dense, coarse river sand will be required. In order for sandy soil to better retain moisture, clay and peat are added.

Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for

Seedling preparation

Rhododendron seedlings are best purchased from nurseries. Before buying, it is important to evaluate their appearance. The plant should not be damaged, mold or other defects. Bushes tolerate transplanting well. Their root system is located in the upper layer of the soil.

Shrubs grown in containers do best. Before planting, the plant is watered and removed from the container. Its roots are freed from the earthy clod.

Rules of landing

The best time to plant yellow rhododendron is spring. Planting pits are dug in advance, at least 3-4 weeks before the work is carried out: during this time, the soil will shrink.

The order of planting azalea, or yellow rhododendron:

  1. A hole is dug at the site 60 cm deep and 70 cm wide.
  2. Gravel or crushed stone is covered at the bottom with a layer of 10 – 15 cm.
  3. To fill the pit, a substrate is prepared: soddy land, peat and coniferous litter in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. Waiting for soil shrinkage.
  4. A mound is formed from the fertile land, where the plant is planted. The root neck is not deepened.
  5. The roots of the seedling are covered with soil.
  6. The rhododendron is well watered.
  7. Pour a layer of mulch from peat and needles.

Watering and top dressing

Rhododendron yellow requires abundant watering, especially in drought. Every 2 – 3 weeks, 19 liters of water are poured under an adult bush. If the air is dry, it is useful to spray the plants. With a lack of moisture, the shrub droops, the leaves become dull and lifeless.

Important! Hard water is not suitable for irrigation. A day before use, a little oxalic acid or bedding peat is added to the liquid.

Rhododendrons are fed 3-4 times per season. In the spring, a diluted infusion of chicken manure is added to the soil. Top dressing is repeated before flowering by adding superphosphate and potassium salt to the soil. For 10 liters of fertilizer, add 20 g of each substance. Phosphorus and potassium top dressing is also repeated after flowering.

Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for


According to the photo and description, yellow rhododendron forms dense impenetrable thickets. Annual pruning gives the shrub a more compact appearance. Performing it, be sure to remove dry, broken and frozen shoots.

Advice! In the spring, it is better to cut off the first inflorescences so that the shrub directs its forces to rooting. The following year, the flowering of rhododendron will be more abundant.

Preparation for winter

Competent preparation for the winter will help the rhododendron to endure the winter. In late autumn, until frosts begin, the soil is watered abundantly. Wet soil freezes worse and provides protection from the cold. A layer of dry leaves or peat is poured into the trunk circle. A frame is installed over young plants and a non-woven fabric is attached to it.


Hybrid yellow rhododendron is propagated vegetatively. So the varietal characteristics of the shrub are preserved. In summer, cuttings are cut, which are rooted in a substrate of peat and sand. The process takes up to 1,5 months. To improve rooting, the cuttings are kept in a growth stimulator solution. They are planted in a permanent place after 1 – 2 years.

Yellow rhododendron is also propagated using root shoots. She is separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place. In addition, they practice growing crops from seeds. They are distributed over the surface of the soil without stratification. Seedlings are kept in greenhouse conditions.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests appear in rhododendron in violation of agricultural technology. The first signs of disease are dark spots on the leaves, drying out of the shoots. The affected parts of the bush are cut and burned. To combat them, copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid is used.

Yellow rhododendron attracts weevil, ticks, false shields, thrips and other pests. Insecticides Spark, Karbofos, Aktellik help get rid of them. Plantings are sprayed with a solution of the selected drug. If necessary, after 7-10 days, the treatment is repeated.

Rhododendron yellow: photo, planting and care, what is useful for


Rhododendron yellow is a spectacular ornamental shrub. Before choosing this plant, the weather conditions in the region are evaluated and a suitable place is chosen. When growing rhododendron, they observe agricultural technology: water and feed, form a bush, organize a shelter for it for the winter.

One of the most beautiful flowers (bushes), Rhododendron, Cornell Botanic Gardens, Ithaca NY, USA

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