The Pontic Rhododendron is a deciduous subshrub that belongs to the Heather family. To date, this type of family has more than 1000 subspecies, including indoor rhododendrons. If we consider this name in translation from Greek, then it is translated as “rose tree”, “tree with roses”. As practice shows, the flowers of this culture in appearance resemble a rose. Rhododendron buds can differ not only in shape and size, but also in color.

Rhododendron Pontic: photo, description, cultivation

Description of Rhododendron Pontius

The Pontic rhododendron (roseum) is often referred to as the “yellow dope”. This name was given because the flowers exude a fairly strong aroma. A distinctive feature of the culture is the rapid growth process, in addition, the Pontic rhododendron has a high level of resistance to many types of diseases and pests.

The leaf plate of the Pontic rhododendron is elongated, painted in a dark green shade, the edge of the leaf is ciliated. In the process of the appearance of young leaves, you can notice that they are slightly pubescent, but over time the fluff completely disappears.

During the flowering period, rather large flowers of a rich yellow hue appear, in some cases there may be pink or purple buds. At the very bottom, the petals are fused, slightly bent, while they are collected in inflorescences of about 10-12 pieces.

The root system of the Pontic rhododendron is on the surface. After the flowering process is completed, fruits appear that in appearance resemble cylindrical boxes. These boxes contain seeds.

Important! The Pontic rhododendron does not tolerate dry air quite well.

Pontic rhododendron variety

When choosing a Pontic rhododendron for planting, it is worth understanding that its distinctive feature is a bright color and a fairly strong aroma. In addition, do not forget that the leaf plate may change color over time from rich green to orange or red.

Rhododendron Pontic includes a large number of hybrid varieties. If we consider the most popular varieties, then you should pay attention to 3 types.

Rhododendron Pontic: photo, description, cultivation

Cecil – a sprawling bush, on which flowers of a pink hue appear, the crown is shaped like a semicircle.

Rhododendron Pontic: photo, description, cultivation

Coccinea speciosa – quite a lush bush with bright orange buds.

Rhododendron Pontic: photo, description, cultivation

Nancy Waterer – a rather large plant with yellow large flowers of an unusual shape (wavy petals with corrugated edges).

Each gardener has the opportunity to choose exactly the option that is most suitable for the design of the site.

Planting and caring for the Pontic rhododendron

In order for the Pontic rhododendron to please with its appearance and abundant flowering, it will be necessary to pay due attention to the planting process and further care of the culture. In the process of growth, plants need irrigation, fertilizing, preparation for wintering. It is important to understand that with improper care, there is a high probability that pests and diseases will appear.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

When choosing a place for planting the Pontic rhododendron, it is worth taking into account the fact that it is a light-loving plant, but does not like it when direct sunlight hits it. That is why it is recommended to choose a site that has a slight shading and diffused light.

The ideal option would be to choose a site that is in close proximity to a body of water, such as a pool, pond or river. If there are no reservoirs, then the Pontic rhododendron will need to be periodically sprayed with warm water until the flowering period begins.

Seedling preparation

Before planting the Pontic rhododendron to a permanent place of growth, it is necessary not only to choose the right site and prepare it, but also to prepare the seedlings themselves. In stores you can find special rooters that pre-treat the root system. This approach will contribute to the fact that the planting material will quickly take root in a new place and grow.

Rules of landing

It is necessary to plant the Pontic rhododendron in a hole, the depth of which is 40 cm, and the diameter is 60 cm. In order to prepare the soil, it is worth taking:

  • peat – 8 buckets;
  • loam – 3,5 buckets;
  • clay – 2 buckets.

These components are mixed and poured into the bottom of the well. After the Pontic rhododendron is planted in a permanent place of growth, the soil is irrigated and mulched using peat, oak leaves, needles or moss for this purpose. The layer of mulch should be about 6 cm.

Important! If during the period of planting the Pontic rhododendron there are buds on the bushes, then it is recommended to remove them, which will contribute to the rapid rooting process.

Watering and top dressing

Rhododendron loves moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air. Especially carefully it is recommended to approach the irrigation system during the formation of buds and during the flowering period. For irrigation, it is worth using soft water – rainwater or one that has been previously defended for several days. Adult bushes, as a rule, are watered every 2-3 weeks, up to 1,5 buckets of water should go to each bush. If necessary, you can make mineral and complex fertilizers, which will allow you to get abundant flowering.

Advice! If necessary, you can soften the water yourself by adding a few handfuls of peat to it.

Rhododendron Pontic: photo, description, cultivation


Pruning of the Pontic rhododendron should be kept to a minimum. This is due primarily to the fact that the bushes independently form a fairly beautiful crown. Pruning is resorted to only in those cases when it becomes necessary to remove shoots that are dry or frozen during the winter period. Pruning is best done in the spring before the movement of juices begins. After the shoots have been removed, the cut points are treated with a garden pitch. A month later, the formation of dormant buds can be observed. Old bushes must be removed to a height of up to 40 cm.

Preparation for winter

Equally important is the preparation of the Pontic rhododendron for wintering. It is important to understand that in winter, during severe frosts, there is a high probability that the culture will die. That is why the bushes are recommended to cover. Burlap is perfect for hiding. Between the shoots it is worth putting spruce or pine branches, and the bushes are pulled together with a rope. It is necessary to remove these shelters only after the snow has melted.


If necessary, the Pontic rhododendron can be propagated. At the moment, there are several ways: cuttings and seeds.

The method of propagation by cuttings is as follows:

  1. After the culture has faded, it is necessary to cut the cuttings up to 8 cm long.
  2. After that, the planting material is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate and immersed in the ground.
  3. After 60 days, the appearance of the first roots can be observed – during this period of time the plant can be planted in open ground.

If you plan to use seeds for planting, then adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. In spring, the seeds are planted in a nutrient soil consisting of sand and peat.
  2. From above, the soil is irrigated and covered with a small layer of sand.
  3. After 4 weeks, the first shoots appear.

It is recommended to pick seedlings several times – in June and March.

Attention! If you plan to use the propagation method by cuttings, then all the qualities of the mother bush will be preserved.

Diseases and pests

As practice shows, most often the Pontic rhododendron is prone to the appearance of root rot, rust and leaf spot. In this case, it is recommended to take appropriate measures to eliminate the problem in a timely manner. For processing the culture, “Fundazol”, Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride are excellent.

Of the pests of this variety, the spider mite and rhododendron bug are terrible. As a preventive measure, many gardeners recommend treating with warm water. Pests appear only if the air is very dry.


Rhododendron Pontic – a variety that has an attractive appearance. A distinctive feature of this variety is the rich bright color of the buds and a strong aroma, which can rightfully be called intoxicating. If you provide the plants with proper care, they will decorate any site and will delight with their appearance.

Azalea Pontius

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