Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Rhododendron Kamchatka is an unusual representative of deciduous shrubs. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and decorative appearance. For the successful cultivation of this type of rhododendron, it is enough to fulfill a number of conditions. First choose a suitable place, then provide the plant with good care.

Description of the Kamchatka rhododendron

Kamchatka rhododendron is a deciduous branched shrub that belongs to the Heather family and the genus Rhododendron. In Our Country, the plant grows in the Far East: in the Khabarovsk Territory, in Sikhote-Alin, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Chukotka. It is also found in Japan, the northwestern states of America, the Aleutian Islands.

Kamchatka rhododendron grows in the tundra, cedar forests, on the rocks of the sea coast, looks like a dwarf plant up to 35 cm high. The main branches are red-brown, densely spaced, prostrate. The remaining shoots are straight, greenish or reddish in color.

The plant has large, oval-shaped, slightly elongated leaves. In the upper part of the leaf plate is rounded, strongly tapering towards the base. The leaves are dark green and shiny above, lighter below, bristly. Their length is from 2 to 5 cm, width – no more than 2,5 cm.

At the ends of the shoots of the Kamchatka rhododendron, 1-2 flowers bloom. They are large, 3-4 cm long, with a purple, brown-speckled corolla. The color of the petals varies from pinkish and white to purple and bright red. Flowering begins in June-July.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Winter hardiness of Kamchatka rhododendron

Rhododendron Kamchatka is characterized by high winter hardiness. The plant does not freeze over in winter, sometimes the tops of the shoots die after cold weather. Without problems, it tolerates a decrease in temperature to -32 ° C. To protect the shrub from frost, it is important to properly prepare it for winter.

Growing conditions for Kamchatka rhododendron

Kamchatka rhododendron develops best on rocky areas. It is chosen for group and single compositions, borders, alpine slides. The shrub is of value in the design of gardens and parks, especially in the northern regions.

When choosing a place for a shrub, two factors are taken into account: protection from the wind and the absence of direct exposure to the sun. In nature, the plant prefers forest thickets, into which the sun’s rays rarely penetrate. It is best to provide soft diffused light to the rhododendron. The intensity of flowering depends on exposure to the sun.

Advice! With the help of Kamchatka rhododendron, you can fill empty shady areas in the garden: next to fences, under ornamental trees and shrubs.

Next, assess the quality of the soil. Lowlands where rain and melt water accumulate are not suitable for growing Kamchatka rhododendron. The plant develops slowly in heavy clay soil. The best option is leafy soil with the addition of peat and coniferous litter. The permissible acidity of the soil is from 4,5 to 5 pH.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Planting and caring for Kamchatka rhododendron

Before planting Kamchatka rhododendron, it is important to choose a suitable place and improve the quality of the soil. Then proceed to the preparation of the seedling. During the growing season, the plant is provided with good care. To protect it from winter frosts, preparatory work is carried out in the fall.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Rhododendron Kamchatka is planted along paths and alleys, next to ponds or streams. Solitary plantings are broken up on the lawn. Bright pink flowers look spectacular against the background of evergreen trees and shrubs: pine, spruce, arborvitae, cypress.

To design a rock garden, saxifrage, cinquefoil, thyme, juniper are placed next to the rhododendron. It is better to place taller plants in the center of the composition, and plant Kamchatka rhododendron along the edges. Particular attention is paid to the compatibility of colors. The flower bed can be decorated in pink. Such shades are best combined with white, purple, magenta.

After choosing a place for planting, the plants begin to cultivate the soil. The bed is dug up, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. Be sure to remove plant debris and other debris. Such work is carried out in the fall at the end of the summer season.

If the soil is clayey and does not pass moisture well, then coarse river sand is introduced. At the bottom of the landing pit, a drainage layer is equipped. Peat and any complex mineral fertilizer will help to increase soil fertility for plants.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Seedling preparation

Kamchatka rhododendron seedlings are purchased from trusted suppliers. Before buying, the material is inspected to identify rotten areas, mold and other defects. Before planting, the roots of the cuttings are dipped in warm water, where a growth stimulator is added.

It is best to buy seedlings in the spring and immediately plant them in a flower bed. If this is not possible, then you can purchase cuttings in the fall. For the winter, they are buried in the ground, sawdust is poured on top and covered with spruce branches.

Rules of landing

Although planting work is carried out in the spring, a hole for the Kamchatka rhododendron is dug in the fall. This is necessary for the shrinkage of the soil, which seriously damages the plants. In the spring, they wait for the snow to melt and the ground to warm up. Depending on the region, cuttings are planted in May-June.

The order of planting Kamchatka rhododendron:

  1. At the chosen place, they dig a landing hole 60 cm deep and 30 cm wide.
  2. A mixture of broken bricks and sand is poured at the bottom. Layer thickness – 15 cm.
  3. A substrate is prepared, consisting of soddy soil, peat and spruce litter in a ratio of 3:2:1.
  4. The soil mixture is poured into a hole, then a bucket of water is poured.
  5. When the soil settles, a plant is placed in the hole. Its root system is not deepened.
  6. The roots are covered with earth.
  7. A hole with a diameter of 30 cm is made around the bush.
  8. The soil is watered abundantly.
  9. The trunk circle is mulched with peat or needles. The thickness of the boy layer is up to 8 cm.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Watering and top dressing

The main care for the Kamchatka rhododendron comes down to watering and top dressing. The plant is provided with regular and plentiful watering. Moisture is especially important in drought. For irrigation use warm settled water. It is applied in the evening or in the morning, when there is no direct sunlight.

Advice! It is useful to spray the Kamchatka rhododendron from a spray bottle.

It is important to prevent a lack of moisture in the soil. The first signs that the shrub needs watering are drooping shoots, a matte leaf plate, and the appearance of dark spots. It is best to use soft water: melt or rain. Rhododendron Kamchatka does not tolerate hard tap water. To soften it, acetic, citric or oxalic acid is added before watering.

After watering, the soil is carefully loosened. The roots of plants are on the surface of the earth, so they are easy to damage. In addition, the bed is regularly weeded from weeds.

The intake of nutrients has a positive effect on the development of Kamchatka rhododendron. Bushes are fed according to the scheme:

  • in early spring, rotted manure is introduced into the trunk circle;
  • before flowering, they are treated with a solution of Nitrophoska or other complex fertilizer;
  • after flowering, the plants are watered with superphosphate and potassium salt (40 g of each substance per 10 liters of water).

Young bushes are fed with liquid fertilizers. Choose the lowest concentration. Substances must not contain chlorine or lime.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care


In rhododendrons, old and dried shoots are annually removed. They are cut with a knife or secateurs. In the first year after planting, all buds are cut off. This will allow the shrub to maintain strength and grow stronger. You can leave 1 – 2 inflorescences to determine the color of the petals in plants. After flowering, the required number of seed boxes are collected.

Preparation for winter

In order for the Kamchatka rhododendron to successfully endure the winter, preparatory measures are carried out. In late autumn, until the soil is frozen, the plants are watered abundantly. Wet soil freezes more slowly and preserves the viability of the bushes. Then dry oak leaves are poured onto the bed. Additionally, spruce branches are thrown onto the bushes. In the spring, the shelter is removed when the snow begins to melt and the soil warms up.


For propagation of Kamchatka rhododendron, seeds or cuttings are used. In the first case, seedlings are obtained at home. A mixture of sand and peat is poured into the container, watered and the seeds are distributed over the surface. Seeds germinate in 3-4 weeks at room temperature. Seedlings are regularly watered, kept in a warm and bright room. In summer, containers are transferred to the street. On the 3rd – 4th year, the plants are planted in a permanent place.

With vegetative propagation, the varietal properties of rhododendron are preserved. At the end of June, 8 cm long shoots are cut. An oblique cut is made from below and the leaves are removed. The cuttings are placed in a growth stimulator solution for 16 hours, then in a substrate of peat and sand. On average, rooting occurs after 1,5 – 2 months. In this way, 80 – 85% of the cuttings take root.

The resulting plants are watered, fed with mineral fertilizer. The Kamchatka rhododendron is transferred to the flower bed after 2-3 years.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care

Diseases and pests

Kamchatka rhododendron can be seriously affected by diseases and pests. Plant immunity depends on growing conditions. With proper agricultural technology, bushes rarely suffer from insect attacks and fungal infections.

The most dangerous diseases of Kamchatka rhododendron:

  1. Root rot. The fungus damages the base of the stem and roots. As a result, the shoots of plants wither, and the leaves dry up. The disease spreads when growing bushes on slightly acidic and moist soils.
  2. Rust. It has the appearance of red or brown swellings that appear on the underside of the leaves.
  3. Gray rot. Signs of the disease are brown spots that dry out quickly. At high humidity, a fluffy gray coating appears on the plants.

If signs of disease are found, the affected parts of the Kamchatka rhododendron are cut and burned. Plantings are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or a solution of the drug Fundazol. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 10-14 days.

Rhododendron attracts weevil, spider mite, whitefly, thrips. Insects feed on plant sap and inhibit their development. For pest control, an emulsion of phosphamide at a concentration of 0,2% is used.

Rhododendron Kamchatka: photo, description, planting and care


Rhododendron Kamchatka is a beautiful shrub that can decorate any garden. With proper planting, the plant quickly takes root. This variety of culture is unpretentious, resistant to frost, grows without problems in the shade. During the growing season, rhododendrons are cared for by watering and fertilizing.


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