Rhododendron Grandiflorum: description, winter hardiness, planting and care

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum is one of the most beautifully flowering evergreen shrubs. The birthplace of the Katevbinsky rhododendron is North America. Based on the Katevbinsky rhododendron, many varieties were created, including the most common Grandiflorum. The species was one of the first introduced to European territory, as it is distinguished by good adaptation to climatic conditions and frost resistance.

Description of the Katevbinsky rhododendron Grandiflorum

Rhododendron hybrid Katevbinsky Grandiflorum belongs to the Heather family. One of the oldest varieties of rhododendron, obtained at the beginning of the 2th century. It forms a sprawling, strongly branched bush 4-8 m high. The shrub is a fast-growing shrub, annual growth is 12-2 cm. It forms a semicircular, dense crown. The size of the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron in diameter is 3-100 m. It can grow in one place for about XNUMX years.

Rhododendron Grandiflorum: description, winter hardiness, planting and care

The color of the bark is brown. The leaves are medium, elliptical, 7-8 cm long. From above they are dark green, shiny, smooth. From below they are pale, leathery, without pubescence. The inflorescences are compact, uniting 13-15 flowers each, 6-7 cm in size. In the photo of the Grandiflorum rhododendron, a lilac shade of flowers is visible with the presence of an orange spot interspersed on the upper petal. Stamens are long, curved. Flowers without fragrance. The buds open in early summer.

Winter hardiness of rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum

The winter hardiness of an evergreen shrub is high, up to -32 ° C, it does not shed its leaves for the winter. In winter, the moisture from the leaves continues to evaporate, so until the soil freezes, the plant continues to be moderately watered. Leaves react to lower temperatures by curling and drooping. Thus, the plant reduces the evaporation of moisture.

Growing Conditions for Rhododendron Purpureum Grandiflorum

Rhododendron hybrid Grandiflorum is grown in single or group plantings. It is undesirable to plant shrubs next to trees with the same superficial root system. Stronger plants will oppress the rhododendron.

Evergreen shrubs require protection from drying winds and drafts as well as from the hot midday sun. To do this, next to the Katevbinsky rhododendron, hedges are created or shrubs are planted in the penumbra of structures and coniferous trees.

For the successful cultivation of the evergreen rhododendron Grandiflorum, acidic soils are required. In the absence of such soil on the site, it is created anew in a large landing pit or by laying a whole area to create a heather corner. Pine litter gives an acidic reaction: cones, branches, needles. As well as moss and top peat, which has a reddish color. Such a substrate will be constantly needed during the cultivation of rhododendron.

Planting and caring for rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum

Katevbinsky rhododendrons will not develop in flooded, wetlands. Shrubs need loose, well-drained soils. The soil around should always be mulched and not dry out. Plant transplants are well received. It is carried out in early spring before the awakening of the kidneys or in the fall before the onset of frost. According to reviews of the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron, seedlings with a closed root system can be transplanted throughout the summer period.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The site for the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron is chosen taking into account the long growth of the shrub in one place and its further growth along the crown over 2,5 m. The rhododendron successfully adjoins its species, as well as coniferous and heather crops, similar in terms of requirements for acidic soil reaction.

In a group planting between the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron and other trees and shrubs, a distance of 0,7 to 2 m is observed, depending on their size.

Seedling preparation

When removing the seedling from the container, you can see that the roots that were in contact with the walls of the container have died off and formed a felt layer. When planting in the ground, young roots inside the earthy coma will not be able to break through the resulting barrier. The plant in this case will not develop and will die.

Rhododendron Grandiflorum: description, winter hardiness, planting and care

Therefore, before planting, several cuts are made or the dead layer is completely carefully removed, including from the bottom. Then the seedling is released into heated melt or rain water.

Advice! Tap water is not used when growing rhododendron because of its unsuitable composition for the plant.

An earth lump is kept in water until it is saturated with moisture and air bubbles stop appearing on the surface.

Rules of landing

The root system of the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron is fibrous, located closer to the soil surface and grows more in width than in depth. Therefore, on a site with clay soils, a shallow but wide planting hole is made. At the landing site with poorly permeable soils, drainage 10 cm high is poured into the bottom of the landing pit. Expanded clay, broken red brick, and pebbles are used for drainage. White brick or concrete remains are not used due to their calcium content.

Advice! To fill the planting hole, the acidic substrate is mixed with garden soil removed from the planting hole.

Coarse-grained sand is used for loosening. When planting, fertilizer for rhododendron or complex fertilizer is added to the soil mixture, but without calcium and chlorine.

When planting, the root neck is not deepened, but raised 2 cm above the general level of the soil. After planting, the soil around the seedling is compacted, an earthen roller is poured and watered abundantly, including along the crown. After the soil settles, it must be poured so that the upper roots are covered. After 2 weeks, the poured roller is leveled.

After planting, the soil is immediately mulched using pine bark. It is necessary to add mulch several times during the season. The protective layer is poured without affecting the root collar. The soil under the rhododendrons is not loosened or dug up.

For the first time after planting, the plants are shaded and often sprayed with water, especially in hot weather.

Watering and top dressing

The soil under the Katevbinsky rhododendron is always kept moderately moist, preventing drying out or stagnation of water in the root zone. If water accumulates after heavy rain, it must be drained. To maintain the acidity of the soil once a month, watering is carried out with the addition of citric acid or special formulations for rhododendrons. The plant is responsive to rainfall. Water is preferably used from reservoirs, rain or settled.

In the first years after planting, the plants are not fed. With poor growth of the shrub, first of all, you need to make sure that it is properly planted and that the level of soil acidity is sufficient.

Top dressing of the adult rhododendron of the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum is carried out several times per season:

  1. During the formation of buds, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used, intended for spring plant care. Universal formulations are used, for example, azofoska or specialized fertilizers for rhododendrons.
  2. During flowering, they are sprayed with flower growth stimulants, for example, the Bud preparation.
  3. From the middle to the end of summer, fertilizers suitable for the autumn period are used, which do not contain nitrogen. Top dressing at this time helps the plant to compact the tissues of the shoots and leaves, which will ensure their safety in the winter.

For top dressing, liquid and dry fertilizers are used. Liquid fertilizers are poured into the center of the bush. Dry scatter in diameter, retreating 20-30 cm from the center of the bush and sprinkle with soil.


Starting pruning is carried out at planting, shortening excessively long shoots and tops with inactive buds. Sanitary pruning is carried out according to the results of wintering. Remove frozen and broken shoots.

Rhododendron Grandiflorum: description, winter hardiness, planting and care

Formative pruning is not required, the shrub independently forms a compact, rounded crown.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, before the onset of frost, the bushes are sprayed with copper-containing preparations to prevent diseases. The shrub is spudded with high-moor peat to a height of at least 15 cm. The evergreen shrub Grandiflorum is able to winter without shelter. But in this case, it is exposed to winter sunburn and withering. In spring, a brown stripe forms along the middle vein on damaged leaves. Without shelter, the stems can be damaged by the snow mass.

Important! In severe frosts, the uncovered rhododendron dries out, the buds are damaged, the plant may die.

Therefore, to save the bush, a frame is built and covered with a non-woven covering material.

In the spring, it is advisable to shovel snow from the bush and divert accumulations of melt water. This is necessary so that the soil under the bushes warms up as early as possible. At the same time, the old mulch is removed by hand, without using garden tools, so as not to damage the root system located close to the soil surface.


The Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Cuttings are taken from semi-lignified shoots from the second half of June. For cuttings, a shoot 5-8 cm long is cut, the lower leaves are removed, leaving 2-3 pieces at the top. The cuttings are hard to root, so they are first kept for 12-16 hours in a growth stimulator.

Later germinate in a container with a wet sand-peat mixture. The evergreen species of rhododendron Grandiflorum takes root in about 3-4,5 months. In winter, the seedling is stored in bright, cool rooms; in the summer, it grows in the garden for about 2 years.

Diseases and pests

The description of the rhododendron Grandiflorum states that the shrub does not have specific diseases and pests. The culture is damaged by common diseases and garden pests, especially when grown in unsuitable conditions. For the prevention of fungal diseases, fungicides are used in spring, at air temperatures above + 5 ° C. The treatment is repeated after 2 weeks. When processing, the drug is applied to the outer and inner side of all leaves, and the soil around the shrub is also sprayed.

Important! Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum is susceptible to leaf chlorosis.

With metabolic disorders and a lack of iron, spots appear on the leaves. Prevention and treatment of chlorosis in different dosages is carried out with iron-containing preparations.

Leaf-eating and other insects are eliminated by treating bushes with broad-spectrum insecticides, as well as acaricides. From slugs and snails, the drug “Thunderstorm” is used.


Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum is one of the suitable varieties for growing crops in Our Country. For rhododendron, the initial choice of a suitable place and proper planting are important; in the future, caring for the culture is not difficult. Some gardeners grow the Katevbinsky Grandiflorum rhododendron without shelter for the winter, since the variety is winter-hardy.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings of rhododendrons Grandiflorum

Reviews about the hybrid rhododendron Purpureum Grandiflorum

Ekaterina Belozerskaya, 45 years old, Tver
In order to grow the Katevbinsky rhododendron Grandiflorum on their site, it was necessary to free up a whole corner. A shrub grows to a small tree. In addition, having planted one bush of rhododendron, in the future there is a desire to supplement it with other heathers. The place must be selected special, quiet, so that there are several hours of sun, but most of the time is a diffused shade and, of course, acidic soil. Katevbinsky rhododendron Grandiflorum is one of the most beautiful shrubs.
Kristina Pavlova, 47 years old, Alexandrov
Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum planted in the garden one of the first, because it is well suited for our climate, it does not freeze in winter. The very first spring flowers form an adult tree in the form of an excellent, purple cap. The orange blotch and blotches on the middle petal add a special charm, as do the playfully curved stamens. Unblown buds are collected in a cone, somewhat reminiscent of an artichoke.

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