Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Canadian rhododendron, frost-resistant and unpretentious shrub, with its characteristics is suitable for growing in the middle lane and more severe climates. The homeland of an ornamental plant is moist, swampy areas of coniferous and mixed forests of the northeast of the American continent. Flowers of the Canadian species are often compared to fluttering moths.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Description of the Canadian rhododendron

The bush of this type of deciduous rhododendron is low, it grows to a maximum of 1 m, on average it rises to 30-70 cm. Low growth is a sign of the northern origin of an ornamental culture that has to winter under the snow. The Canadian species tolerates frosts – 34 ° C. The compact and dense crown of rhododendron winding branches extends up to 70-100 cm in diameter. The plant is densely branched, young shoots are reddish, old ones are gray-brown. For a year, the growth of thin, but flexible and durable branches is 6-8 cm. The root system of the Canadian rhododendron usually occupies the perimeter of the near-trunk circle, deepens to 40 cm.

Elliptical narrow leaves are dark green with a bluish tint. Short, but densely pubescent leaf blades of Canadian rhododendron 5 cm long, 2 cm wide. The top of the leaf is pointed. In autumn, the color of the leaves of the decorative Canadian species changes to yellow-red.

Comment! Thanks to its compact crown and springy branches that do not break under the weight of snow, the frost-resistant rhododendron comes from Canadian forests and is grown in regions with harsh and snowy winters.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Two-lipped corolla of Canadian rhododendron with three petals 2-2,5 cm in diameter. It consists of strongly divided narrow parts, which gives the impression of an elegant and graceful airiness of the flower. Buds of 3-8 pieces, tightly collected in inflorescences 5-8 cm wide, do not smell. Petals are rose-lilac, hybrid forms with different shades of pink, white, cream. The fluffiness of the inflorescence of the Canadian species is given by numerous long stamens. The unpretentious Canadian rhododendron blooms in the second decade of April or early May, when the leaves have not yet blossomed. The rose bush in early spring attracts everyone’s attention. Flowering lasts up to two to three weeks.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Warning! For a full laying of flower buds for the next year, all wilted inflorescences are removed from the shrub.

Varieties of Canadian rhododendron

In addition to the usual pink color of the Canadian species, shrubs with white petals are spreading, in which the structure of the corolla is identical. Based on the hardy rhododendron, American breeders have created many varieties with different colors – from purple and pink to white, yellow or orange. Hybrids of the Canadian rhododendron from the USA Rosy Lights, Golden Lights, Mandarin Lights and others – with fragrant flowers, grow quickly and begin to bloom earlier than the mother species. In new varieties, the leaves are larger, the crown is more spreading. Flowering takes place in May-June. In domestic nurseries, these forms of the Canadian species are extremely rare.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Some online stores of garden plants offer the Canadian Violetta rhododendron as a product from Finland. The petals are a dull lilac color. The hybrid was bred in the Czech Republic on the basis of dense and reddening rhododendrons, belongs to evergreen species. The complex Czech hybrid Violetta, like some other varieties of the same origin, was tested by Moscow scientists and recommended for cultivation in the country.

Planting and caring for Canadian rhododendron

Like most shrubs, Canadian species seedlings are best moved in early fall or spring, as soon as the soil can be dug.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

A species of northern origin is sometimes placed in wetlands or with high groundwater. The plant is sun-loving, tolerates partial shade. To maintain the decorativeness of the bush, a calm area is chosen. The successful development of Canadian rhododendron involves careful preparation of the required substrate. The prepared pit is filled with soil with a slightly acidic reaction – pH 5-6,4:

  • 1 part of the land from a coniferous forest or soddy loamy soil;
  • 2 parts riding, sour peat;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 1 part leaf compost.
Attention! For Canadian rhododendron, soil is necessarily laid from under coniferous plants to preserve mycorrhiza – a symbiosis of shrubs and mycelium, which contributes to the development of the seedling.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Seedling preparation

Most often, young plants are purchased in nurseries, they are usually planted in containers. By placing a container with rhododendron in a large container of water, in order to easily take out the roots, the earthen ball is destroyed. The roots of the seedling are straightened and placed in water before planting.

Rules of landing

When planting a Canadian species, follow the recommendations:

  • a hole for a medium-sized bush is dug with a diameter of 50 cm to a depth of 30 cm;
  • the distance between the bushes is 30-40 cm, since in a group planting the Canadian look is more decorative;
  • a layer of drainage is laid on a low-lying area;
  • the seedling is placed on the substrate so that the root neck is above the surface;
  • the trunk circle is mulched with leafy forest humus, peat or needles.

Watering and top dressing

Northern rhododendron prefers moist soil, although it tolerates a short dry period. Under the conditions of the middle zone, the seedling is watered, the adult bush does without watering, with the exception of a long drought. For rhododendron they store water – rain or river. In wells and wells, the water is often alkaline, which will harm the acidophyte. Regularly, after 2-3 years, watered with acidified water mixed with:

  • sulfuric acid from batteries;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar.

Bushes are fed with special mineral complexes for coniferous plants only until the end of June. Humus and other organics are not recommended. A special compost is prepared from needles and leaves for mulching in spring and autumn. Mulch from plant forest residues plays a dual role for rhododendrons:

  • retains moisture in the upper layer of soil, where thin root processes are located;
  • is a natural fertilizer, enriching the soil with elements necessary for nutrition.

The trunk circle is not dug up to preserve mycorrhiza.


The compact and dense crown is not cut, only damaged and broken branches are removed. If desired, the rhododendron is lightly shaped. Such work is carried out in early spring. Sanitary pruning is possible in early autumn and spring.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, a layer of mulch is replenished: peat, compost from leaves and needles, pine sawdust. Shelter for Canadian rhododendron is not required. Kidneys do not burn out under the sun. The shrub can suffer only after early warming in February, March, after which frosts are possible. Flower buds will begin to develop, then freeze.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care


Wild plants are propagated by seeds, varieties by layering. Seeds are sown freshly harvested, in the snow, in November-December. For the substrate, they buy special soil for azaleas, which is mixed with sand, and snow is poured on top. Seedlings appear at the end of winter, they are provided with illumination. Plants are kept in containers for 2 years. Six months later, they dive into another common container, observing an interval of up to 2 cm. The second transplant is carried out next spring, placed at a distance of 4 cm. A year later, the seedlings are transferred to the nursery. Young plants bloom late – for 5-7 years of development.

For layering, the lower branch is added dropwise, the top is left above the ground. The bark from the recessed area of ​​​​the shoot is slightly torn off, the branch is fastened with a bracket. Make sure the soil is constantly moist. Sprouts are moved to a new place only after a year.

Cuttings are carried out in June, planted in a substrate of peat and sand. Rooting occurs in 45-50 days. Up to 85% of cuttings take root.

Rhododendron Canadian: photo, description, planting and care

Diseases and pests

Canadian rhododendron is rarely affected by fungal diseases. If the infection is determined, apply fungicides:

  • “Score”;
  • “Topaz” or others.

Leaves can be damaged by leaf-eating insects. With their high activity, insecticides are used.


Canadian rhododendron is planted as a tapeworm on lawns, while placing 3-4 miniature bushes for greater effect. The decorativeness of a low plant will be provided throughout the warm season by bluish-gray leaves, and in May – the flowering of graceful buds.

How to plant a rhododendron?

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