Rhinocort – Prescription Nasal Spray. When should it be used?

Rhinocort is a nasal spray that is available on prescription. The drug contains a corticosteroid and has a local antiallergic effect. The active substance of the preparation is budesonide, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates and alleviates allergic symptoms such as runny nose, runny nose, stuffy nose and sneezing. Rhinocort has little systemic effect when used for a short period of time and in the recommended proportions.

Rhinocort, Producer: Astra Zeneca

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
nasal spray; 32 µg / dose, 64 µg / dose; 120 doses prescription drug budesonide

RHINOCORT – the action of the preparation

The drug Rhinocort, thanks to the active substance budesonide, inhibits the inflammatory process and relieves allergic symptoms. The main mode of action of budesonide in a target cell is to block or stimulate the expression of genes whose protein products contribute to inflammation.

RHINOCORT – indications for taking and dosage of the drug

The use of Rhinocort nasal drops is recommended for people suffering from seasonal or all-year allergic (or not) irritation of the nasal mucosa, nasal polyps and for patients recovering from polypectomy.

Dosing of Rhinocort

To be effective in treatment, Rhinocort should be used on a regular basis according to the recommended daily dose. The effective action of the drug usually appears after a few days of taking it regularly. The duration of treatment will be agreed with your doctor. Before each use, shake the container and press the pump of the dispenser about 5-10 times, holding the container vertically and pointing at the air (until a uniform mist is obtained). These activities should also be repeated every time the preparation has not been used for more than 24 hours. Remember to wash the dispenser thoroughly after each use and put the cap on it.

Adults and children over 6 years of age:

  1. usually 4 doses of 32 µg or 2 doses of 64 µg in each nostril once a day in the morning (total daily dose 1 µg),
  2. alternative use: 2 doses of 32 µg or 1 dose of 64 µg in each nostril twice daily, morning and evening (total daily dose 2 µg).

After relieving the symptoms, the doctor will suggest using it as a prophylactic treatment the lowest dose control of symptoms (for some people 1 dose of 32 µg in each nostril once a day in the morning may be sufficient).

The full effect of the preparation usually appears within a few days (sometimes up to 2 weeks). After this time, aim for the lowest dose that provides effective symptom control.

Your doctor may recommend that you begin treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis before you are exposed to the allergens. Please note that children should only use Rhinocort under adult supervision. Do not give the drug to children under 6 years of age.

RHINOCORT – contraindications to the use of the drug

A contraindication to the use of Rhinocort is the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. It is important to consult a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

RHINOCORT – side effects

While taking Rhinocort, you may experience side effects such as:

  1. sneezing,
  2. dry nose
  3. burning sensation of the nasal mucosa,
  4. nosebleed,
  5. nasal ulceration
  6. allergy (rash, hives, itching),
  7. rarely anaphylactic reactions,
  8. swelling of the tongue, throat and larynx (may make breathing difficult, lower blood pressure),
  9. slowdown in growth in children and adolescents,
  10. lower bone density,
  11. glaucoma, cataracts,
  12. Cushing’s syndrome.

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