Rhinitis: treatment of the common cold with folk remedies. Video
Rhinitis is a runny nose that occurs when bacteria, viruses, or allergens enter the nasal mucosa. Fungal rhinitis is extremely rare in people with immunodeficiency. A runny nose can be treated with both traditional and folk methods.
Alternative treatment of the common cold
With a prolonged runny nose, a visit to the doctor is required!
Before starting treatment for rhinitis, you need to visit your doctor to assess your health. Often, sinusitis is hidden under a banal rhinitis, which is unlikely to get rid of with folk remedies. If the nasal congestion persists for 8 days or more, it is advisable to take a picture.
If no serious abnormalities are identified, and the rhinitis is caused by viruses or bacteria, you can start treatment with non-traditional methods.
When a runny nose is allergic or is caused by the appearance of a fungus in the nasopharynx, it is better to trust the medications that the attending physician advised.
Alternative treatment of the common cold
With a prolonged runny nose, inhalations help a lot. Boil potatoes and breathe over the steam. Together with the vegetable broth, you can use heated mineral water or boiling water with soda. It is necessary to carry out inhalations several times a day, only under this condition it is possible to achieve a positive result.
Flushing the nasal passages can also help fight rhinitis. Take a glass of boiled water cooled to 35 ° C, add 1 drop of iodine, 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt without any additives. Mix thoroughly. Cover one nostril and draw in the solution with the other. You can also resort to using a syringe.
If you have no idea how to rinse your nose, it is better not to experiment so as not to get complications on your ears. Take a syringe without a needle and simply pour 1-2 ml of solution into each nostril. The effect will be the same as after rinsing
Aloe juice is effective against lingering rhinitis and even sinusitis. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant, mix in equal proportions with boiled cold water. Instill a few drops in your nose three times a day. When it enters the throat, a feeling of bitterness will be felt, which quickly passes. You can also mix aloe juice with oil. In this case, the mucous membrane will also be moistened.
Instead of aloe, you can use the Kalanchoe sock, but a very strong sneeze is observed from it. In addition, any plants can cause allergic reactions and increased nasal swelling.
Heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a shawl or put it in a sock, cool to 60 degrees and apply to the nose. Dry heat relieves swelling well, helps to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and helps to cope with rhinitis in the shortest possible time.
If it is not possible to cure a runny nose with folk and medication methods, it is necessary to do sowing in order to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs. Visit your doctor and explain the situation in detail.