(from ancient Greek ῥίς, genus ῥινός – nose; in everyday life – sinusitis) – syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Infectious rhinitis is caused by various microbes and viruses; The development of rhinitis is promoted by hypothermia, heavy dust and gas pollution. Rhinitis is a common symptom of other diseases (for example, influenza, diphtheria, measles).
Types of rhinitis
- Infectious rhinitis
- Acute rhinitis
- Chronic rhinitis
- Chronic catarrhal rhinitis
- Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
- Atrophic rhinitis
- Ozena (fetid atrophic runny nose)
- Non-infectious – vasomotor rhinitis
- Neurovegetative rhinitis
- nasal allergy
Causes of rhinitis
Acute rhinitis occurs as a result of exposure to the nasal mucosa of a viral or bacterial infection. It can accompany acute infectious diseases (influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, gonorrhea).
Chronic rhinitis may be the result of acute rhinitis or prolonged exposure to adverse environmental factors and poor working conditions, as well as local circulatory disorders.
Vasomotor rhinitis is caused by a violation of the neuro-reflex mechanisms of reaction to reflex irritations (cold air, pungent odor), which leads to a violent reaction from the nasal mucosa.
nasal allergy associated with increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various exogenous allergens, as well as sensitization to bacterial and viral agents (infectious-allergic form).
Pathogenesis of rhinitis
In acute rhinitis, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane develops, manifested by tissue swelling, most pronounced in the area of the nasal turbinates. The lesion extends to both halves of the nose.
In chronic catarrhal rhinitis, metaplasia and proliferation of the mucous membrane in the area of the anterior ends of the nasal turbinates predominate. In the future, proliferation of connective tissue elements, hypertrophy of vessel walls and expansion of the lumen may be observed, involving the periosteum and bone in the process.
With vasomotor rhinitis, attacks develop for no apparent reason; it is characterized by thickening of the mucous membrane, metaplasia of the epithelium into stratified squamous, an abundance of goblet cells with the accumulation of mucus in them, and swelling of the stroma.
Manifestations of rhinitis
Acute rhinitis begins with frequent sneezing, lacrimation, and general malaise. Then profuse serous-mucous discharge appears. Later the secretion becomes mucopurulent in nature.
Chronic rhinitis is manifested by nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, the mucous membrane is hyperemic, thickened, and thick mucous discharge. Patients with chronic atrophic rhinitis have complaints of dryness and nasal congestion, crusts in the nose. There is a weakening of the sense of smell, the nasal cavity is dilated, the mucous membrane is dry and shiny. Mucopurulent discharge or dry crusts are detected in the nasal passages.
Vasomotor rhinitis occurs in the form of attacks for no apparent reason. More often in the morning, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, copious watery-mucous discharge from the nose, and sometimes lacrimation appear. During an attack, the mucous membrane is pale or bluish, especially in the area of the inferior turbinates.
Allergic rhinitis is characterized by hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa. The clinic depends on the type of allergen. In the seasonal form, patients complain of nasal congestion, copious discharge of a seasonal nature, and itching in the nose.
At the Prima Medica medical center you can make an appointment with an experienced otolaryngologist by calling +7 (495) 120-01-07. Prices for services can be viewed here.